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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: 4th of July BBQ and I need help...
« on: July 03, 2013, 02:30:37 PM »
Thanks Everyone for the recipes!! I have a few ideas now. I think I'll bring two dishes...the hostess and I agreed on baked beans with bacon on for a low carb dish I can enjoy will be the which version yet, I'm not sure, food play time! LOL

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 03, 2013, 02:27:38 PM »
Thanks Doug! Yeah, it definitely time to get checked out by one of the best hospitals in the nation...because no matter how many times they tell me everything looks okay, I know it's not normal for someone to gain 20 pounds in one week of fluid. Not at all. I just can't take that for an answer. Thanks again everyone!!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:52:46 PM »
LOL you're not old...I just have never seen it, we don't have cable ;) we only have netflix because we can't afford cable LOL thanks for explaining! Now I can steal that catch phrase and pretend I watched LOL

General Discussion / Re: 4th of July BBQ and I need help...
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:49:38 PM »
Thanks TooSweet! I saw your recipe on here when I searched "coleslaw" I just didn't know if I could leave it out...sounds good...soooo do you whip it with an electric mixer? I've never actually used heavy whipping cream before other than cooking on stove and boiling...

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:46:40 PM »
I don't get it  ??? so I think I settled on two cheese quesadillas instead! I'm hungry today  :P

General Discussion / 4th of July BBQ and I need help...
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:01:42 PM »
Okay, so for the 4th of July we are going to a friend's house for the evening, and everyone is supposed to bring a dish. Well, the hostess asked me if I could make coleslaw or potato salad...problem is, I don't eat either of them because I don't eat mayo, mustard, or sour cream...I'm considering making the coleslaw, but I can't find a recipe without sour cream or mayo...I've never eaten coleslaw because those ingredients are always in there...but I was thinking, do you think Walden Farms Ranch dressing would work as a sub for the mayo?? OR does anyone else have any suggestions?

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:47:55 PM »
Thanks ladies :) that's the hope. Houston will be the biggest challenge because my FAVE restaurants are there...and there is one in particular that is my weakness! So...I think I'm going to plan to save the money I would have spent on a meal and spend it on a pair of shoes or top instead...reward myself with clothes instead of food! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do  ;D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:14:09 PM »
Hello friends!!! Back on track today  ;D I ALMOST caved last night thanks to LaTortilla Factory tortillas being right beside Buddy Cake Boss's cake >:O but I kept on the straight and narrow  :P So, an update on my health issues...I'm feeling much better. The lady I donated my kidney for, I call her Mama D, she was very concerned about the swelling, so she called Methodist and Baylor hospital in Houston and even though I don't have insurance, they set me up an appointment for this coming Monday! They got all my medical records and will be looking to see what has happened. This is a huge blessing because they are SO much better in Houston than our little rinky dink hospital and docs here in my town of 30K people. Now, my food plan for today:

Today so far I had some sliced up cucumber (no peel), chopped roma tomato, and some sliced up cubes of pepperjack cheese with pepper and red wine vinegar and some unsweet tea with ez-sweetz drops (7 carbs)
For dinner the plan is a quesadilla with cheese (7 carbs) and maybe a snack...depending on what I'm hankering for...maybe my yogurt dish or a small green salad...I'm not sure yet :) but that's the plan for today!

General Discussion / Re: Tyler and I or starting over!
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:41:34 PM »
Way to go! I'm inspired :) let's see that ticker run!

General Discussion / Re: I need a friend...
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:26:56 PM »
Okay Kim...I'm adding you again now :) look for a fat baby face with a pink ruffle onsie LOL

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 29, 2013, 02:07:25 PM »
I did try to tell the doc...but they were swamped and he wasn't into listening. He pretty much says my primary doc needs to handle this the rest of way. My protein is usually fine with asparagus, nuts, and boca patties...and actually protein is hard on your's best for me that I'm vegetarian, when I donated my kidney that's a plus I had going for me :) I'm not sure what is wrong, but it would have to be a massive imbalance to cause that type of swelling from nutrition...but they looked in blood work for pretty much any imbalance...all the vitamin counts etc...only thing off was anemia level, which is pretty typical for me and any vegetarian...we struggle sometimes with iron and B12...I've gotten a little lax in my dark green leafys in low carb because I usually sub iron with brown rice and black beans :) but anemia wouldn't cause swelling. The guess is from the nurse practitioner that it's a lymph disorder...but my general pract doctor will have to rule that out or in. So maybe in a month I can get some answers.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:51:11 AM »
No ma'am Morgan...that's what's even more baffling. I'm a vegetarian...and I hardly ever, EVER eat pre processed foods. I keep a really clean diet. They accused me of "not setting down the potato chips" I told them, I'm a low-carber, it's not from potato chips or salt. Almost all the veggies I eat are very low sodium and I'm not adding salt...minus the olives, they are higher sodium but I'm not eating a handful, or even eating them everyday :(

General Discussion / Re: I need a friend...
« on: June 29, 2013, 03:59:18 AM »
Hey thanks Ladies! I need some accountability! I added you Kim, found you right off...Morgan, I tried to find you, think I found you, but couldn't find a friend request button only a follow I messaged you or who I think is you, and it said the message would go to your "other" inbox, so check that! If it's not you, let me know...maybe you can see me on TooSweet's friend list? I have a profile pic of my daughter's face in a pink ruffled's just her big head LOL...I am very hard to find, I have high privacy settings because of a friend printing out my statuses a year ago and sending them to my boss and corporate company because she decided she didn't like me now I'm paranoid. Thanks for the friending ladies!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 29, 2013, 03:52:51 AM »
Thank you all for your prayers...Morgan, it's complicated. My family physician doesn't take Superior Medicaid (my insurance) I had to get that type because I was a high risk pregnancy and the only high risk physician in town took only Superior, my family physician takes Amerigroup. It takes 30 days to change it, when you're pregnant you only have it through your pregnancy and 2 months post partum...So, I only have it until the 30th, then I'm without until my husband's insurance picks me up which is August 1. Now, my physician that takes Superior won't see me, she claims they are changing offices and can't see patients until August 1...our urgent care clinic in town doesn't see Medicaid patients at all, and the community health clinic couldn't get me in for 3 weeks because I'd be a new patient and never been there before. So, the ER was my only option. Here's what I found out, great news and no news...Great news is kidney and liver look great, blood work is perfect (almost), all organs doing well...praise God! No news is basically that I am very anemic and my blood pressure was very high when I got there and he was pretty concerned about that. He put me on some meds that will flush out the water more safely than lasix, but also lower the BP. He thought the BP was due to the fluid retention, but he did not know why I am swelling...that is the mystery. I am going to do the best I can with staying very low carb and see if that helps...but I would appreciate prayers that when I get my other health insurance, my doc can figure out why I'm swelling, because 20 pounds in a week is NOT normal. So praises and requests. That's all I know. Story of my life...lots of mystery illness with no explanation. They even did a CT scan of my internal organs. The best guess was lymphedema. Maybe in Aug my family physician can think of a different test they didn't run. Until then, I'm hitting the FTS hard and fast...I feel like my life is on the line now and I believe my chomping on carbs here and there is killing me. Time. To. Get. Serious. Period. And thankfully I have a new FB and FTS buddy to keep me in line ;)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:09:13 PM »
Just wanted to let you all know I am going to have to go back to ER. I only have Medicaid for 2 more days and then I won't have insurance for a month. None of my docs are in town or able to see me, they all said go to ER. The reason why is exactly one week ago today I was 20 pounds lighter. That's right, I've gained 20 pounds in ONE week and I'm pretty sure it's fluid. I may refuse to leave until I have an answer. I am so swollen :( and very fatigued and keep getting headaches. I'll let you know what I find out, if I find out anything. Other than a weekly weight, I'm staying away from the scale because I'm swelling so much I'm not getting an accurate weight anyways. Thanks for your prayers/thoughts.

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