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Messages - ereino

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General Questions / Re: micro greens
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:03:09 PM »
okay, here is the website.  have fun!

General Questions / Re: micro greens
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:00:41 PM »
okay, so I checked out the internet and there is a place that grows micro greens - I can pass info on if anyone is interested.  they named a few more:  beets, chard, chia, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower.  FUN FUN FUN

General Questions / Re: micro greens
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:56:45 AM »
me, too.  but I also hoping that there are loads of people out there and if they just come up with one suggestion, I would be happy!

General Questions / micro greens
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:35:49 PM »
I saw a show on a lady somewhere in the LA, CAlif area growing micro greens.  A very big production, in fact.  She sold them to the local  high end restaurants - the chefs love her.  I plan on doing this on a smaller scale just for myself.  What would 'you' use for micro greens.  Here are some of my thoughts...radishes, cilantro, watercress... please add - I am trying to make a list for myself and can't think of what else to use. 

Another question is when you are growing these micro greens, say for example the radishes,  once you have cut off the top, do they keep on growing?  I tend to think that for vegetables they quit growing more micro green tops.  I think with young herbs they would quit growing, too, as I thought herbs had to get more established prior to cutting.  So, it's a one time cut and that's it?

General Questions / Re: Flax Seed
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:20:04 PM »
This sounds really good.  I am going to have to try in near future.  Today I just popped one of the pizza crusts into the toaster over to let it get crispier and then cut into four pieces, one small can of tuna and added seeds and avocado pressed into it along with a dab of olive oil.  blend it with a fork and then top on to the crust.  This crust is very versatile in its usage because it is so flavorful.

General Questions / Re: Flax Seed
« on: March 24, 2014, 08:53:48 AM »
That gives me an idea for lunch - I brought in chicken so that will be my topping along with some cheese. GREAT idea!  How do you make the chicken alfredo pizza!!!!! 

General Discussion / Re: SUGAR EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!!
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:09:07 PM »
I can't go through a supermarket anymore without getting crazed in the carb lanes.  Too crazy.  And someone said something about ADD - Very true - I never thought about that until you said it - the sugar is what is causing the deficit disorder.  Amazing - Think of all of the money, once again, the pharmaceuticals are making on riddilen (sp) and other products that they give the kids and I wonder what major affects it has on them once they have grown up and what drugs are out their to help them get through the fact that they are now off the drugs but feel they need something else.  It is a vicious circle.  .  It gets me sick to my stomach to think that if they would just adjust their diets.....

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Savory Muffin Omelet To Go
« on: March 20, 2014, 08:41:59 AM »
Hi Susie - thank you especially!  Have a really good day!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Bean Sprouts
« on: March 20, 2014, 08:40:48 AM »
hey, great idea to 'search the web...'  duh -  Really, I am so sorry I didn't even think of that.   I am on the web all day at work, so probably burnt out in even thinking about it - but, in general, it is nice to make conversation on fts.  thanks all.  have a wonderful day!

General Questions / Re: Flax Seed
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:44:24 AM »
I gave it a try and really love it.  this past Sunday I made six crusts and froze them and brought them to work.  i'll defrost in microwave then add the toppings and then place in the toaster oven.  everyone at work loves how it smells and are jealous lol!   I sometimes have a salad with it or just by itself.  Thanks so much for the recipe.  I am hooked!  Have a nice day Susie!

General Discussion / Re: First month
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:39:30 AM »
The thermos is a great idea! 

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Bean Sprouts
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:36:59 AM »
okay, but where do you find the mung beans?????

Hello all the newbies!  Best wishes in your FTS journey.  Praise God for giving Doug the love for what he is doing.  And Praise God for Umpa for being right beside Doug.  Love you both!

and yet another good recipe to try out.  thanks Doug.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Bean Sprouts
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:24:17 AM »
I think mung or something like that. 

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