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Messages - ereino

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Lunch Recipes / Re: Vegetable layers with chicken concoction.
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:22:45 AM »

Dinner Recipes / Re: Owensmaths Chicken Pot Pie! YUMMY
« on: March 13, 2014, 02:05:47 PM »
Yes, I'll be brave - but I think the crust will be a different consistency than I would like, but like everything in life, you have to acquire a taste AND we know it is healthy for us, so .......  Okay, I still haven't tried this.  I think I will make a smaller portion and then bring it to work for lunches.  I know my husband will push it aside, as he makes his own bread (he is not an FTS guy) and he will make the comparison.  Maybe this weekend...  I like the idea of cooking the chicken in the oven first and giving it a nice herbal topping.  That will enhance the flavor in the pot pie.  I don't care for cooked beans or mushrooms, so I am going to have to improvise to my taste buds.  I'll keep you all posted.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Bean Sprouts
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:36:16 PM »
Sorry, 1/2 Cup olive oil

Vegetarian Recipes / Bean Sprouts
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:34:28 PM »
I am having for lunch romaine lettuce, bean sprouts, a few almonds and sunflower seeds along with a sprinkle of feta cheese.  made my own dressing with olive oil; apple cider vinegar; water; Italian seasoning; red hot pepper flakes.  If you buy the Good Seasons Cruet (or container with tight fitting lid, then add 1/4 c vinegar; 3 tbsp. water; 1/2 olive oil and then add your own seasonings.  I don't trust the Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing mix cause you never know what you are really getting - sugar and things you can't pronounce). 

My girlfriend at work brought in loads of bean sprouts. 

Does anyone know how to make bean sprouts?  I used to make them many many moons ago, but don't know how to start up.

I am hoping that bean sprouts are a good thing to eat on the FTS plan....

General Discussion / Re: First month
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:26:45 PM »
my husband works retail and has the same problem.  he will take an apple, but he isn't on fts.  if it were me, I would take celery and peanut butter as someone has mentioned earlier.  let's see, what else can you do - as you know, if in the car some things will freeze,  but, if you are taking the snacks inside and placing behind the counter:  you can place a few ice packs in your lunch container:  then you could bring the 1/2 cup of berries; Philadelphia cream cheese with the celery; cucumbers with cream cheese; lettuce (romaine) and wrap some cold cuts; lettuce wrap some cheese; the list can be endless if you do the ice pack in a nice lunch container. 

Good luck to you.

Breakfast Recipes / Re: One Minute Muffins as Pancakes
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:52:25 AM »
Thanks everyone - I'll try the unsweetened almond milk - Thanks for the inflammation tip -

General Discussion / Re: Coconut Butter (not oil)
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:50:28 PM »
I am using extra virgin coconut oil, but it is probably the wrong one to use.  I will try looking for the sterile coconut oil.  is it still hard or does it come as a liquid.  I saw a liquid coconut oil at a shop, but didn't read the label.  too much in a hurry to get out of the store.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut Butter (not oil)
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:55:11 AM »
My girlfriend just went back home to Tailand for a visit.  She said that no one there washes with soap on their face.  They use coconut oil.  Put it on - wait five minutes - wipe it off.  I have been doing this ever for about two weeks now.  It sure helps.  Umpa, you also said you rubbed on your feet at night and you wear socks to bed.  Great idea.  I haven't heard of coconut butter, though!

Breads and Crackers / Re: Amazing bread
« on: February 26, 2014, 06:51:05 PM »
I made a psyllium like wrap and I couldn't take the taste of the psyllium until I toasted the wrap.  So, maybe the same with the bread. 

I am sort of late in reading this recipe.  I am trying to navigate the website each day to try and read earlier posts.  Will give this recipe a try this weekend.  It sounds good.  I have been making the one minute muffin and the pizza crust just recently found on the forum, and am in heaven that I can finally have toast with eggs in the morning and also at lunch time have a small pizza.  This forum absolutely rocks.  Thank you all for your creativity.  It's a constant joy reading your input.

Elizabeth779:  I would dump the endo and find one that doesn't think like him/her.  Gives me the creeps!

Dinner Recipes / Re: Owensmaths Chicken Pot Pie! YUMMY
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:48:40 AM »
I may have to give this a try.

Lunch Recipes / Re: What a GREAT Low Carb won't believe it!
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:45:06 AM »
The folks at work are always amazed at what I bring in to each for lunch.  They say, there goes Ellie again...  Thanks for FTS, I can live a great lifestyle and not worry about putting on weight.  Also, the foods sustain me throughout the day - I am never hungry.  I guess we all know the reason we have all read Doug's book(s)... Thanks Doug and thanks Umpa for being such a great support in his life.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Savory Muffin Omelet To Go
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:42:08 AM »
I'll have to try to Almond Breeze Coconut Milk Blend.  It 'does' sound good!  Thanks everyone.  You all have made living on FTS so much easier.  Initially, I had no bread to eat with my eggs but now I have the one minute muffin which I cut down into four pieces and then toast and then I also have the egg concoction ----- also, the other day I made the pizza crust with almond flour and it turned out beautifully.  Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone, especially Doug and his beautiful umpa!  You have a difference in what I eat.  Such an impact on my life!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Savory Muffin Omelet To Go
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:15:47 PM »
umpa, are you saying that there is an almond/coconut milk blend out there?  Or, were you saying that you use either almond or coconut milk?  I tried this receipt out this weekend and brought the results to work for breakfast.  I actually added spaghetti squash to the egg mixture.  also used lite coconut milk.  Fantastic breakfast idea.  Thanks!

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