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Messages - TabyTaby

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Yeah, they're not all the time...and I don't take them everyday...just when needed, otherwise I'd be a strung out addict :) I was a drug counselor at a methadone clinic in December when I lost my job being so ill, so I'm pretty well versed on my drugs...I have my master's degree in social work and worked as a psychotropic medication auditor as well :) it's been better the last two days, I think I got dehydrated and depleted my sodium. Doing much better today with the exception of feeling absolutely defeated over the two pounds I seemed to magically gain overnight last night  :'(

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:30:51 PM »
I love single servings too :) yes ma'am Toosweet I have. Last time around they ordered a whole case and I had to buy the whole case, that was at our Morning Glory store, this time around I couldn't afford a whole case, but even if I could neither our Morning Glory Store nor our Granary St. stores could order them...they said the product line was coming back discontinued :\ but I checked the website and it's clearly there. Both stores tried twice to order them. No go.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:28:12 PM »
Oh Doug, I LOVE the Dixie Diner products, I just haven't been able to buy any this time around yet...friends you won't believe it. I just cried my eyes out this morning... :'( :'( :'( I GAINED TWO pounds since yesterday!!! Off of what I posted below...I don't even know how that is humanly possible. I hate my body. I'm so angry. I don't understand. It's worse than being stalled. I've now gained 3 pounds this week going from 241 to 244 :\ and I don't have a clue why. No sugar alcohols, no hidden carbs, I've gone over it and over and over it. So upset. I just don't know what else to do or say. I'm not giving up, but I'm totally upset.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 20, 2013, 03:21:03 AM »
I don't really have any interest in making my own'd require more ingredients, time, and tools that I don't have...and I'm pretty satisfied with the one I've found that I love. It'd probably cost me more to make it organic than just buy the organic :) I don't cook FTS for my family. My 4 year old is the most pick eater I've ever met...he gives me a run for my money. My husband is a pretty decent eater and a very athletic and muscular guy, part of why I want to get healthier...I look like I could eat him for lunch! Not to mention I'm 3 inches taller than him, fatter than him by almost 100 pounds, and I'm white and he's black...let's just say if we were cookies we'd have to be a Milano one than Oreo because there's way more white between us than black  ;D :D It's not really hard for me to eat's just hard dodging cravings. I am at a slight disadvantage because I hate eggs and I don't eat any meat...but I'm also at a greater advantage because I LOVE vegetables already and am already familiar with many veggie a former vegan I've tried all kinds of crazy food, so that gives me a little more advantage. I try to eat as organic as possible and as clean as possible...what's killing me right now is getting my hands on some GG Bran...can't get it here anymore and I can't afford to order off the website because it's in bulk. Going to ahve to save for that. I actually miss the stuff. Need that fiber for my diverticulitis. I love the yogurt dish, it's worth every carb for me :) and the live cultures are good for my health issues. I don't get them anywhere else in food :D

General Discussion / Re: Need encouragement to start over again
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:09:46 AM »
Hey there Faith! Welcome back! You are NOT alone...I too rejoined and am having to do my second round of FTS. I lost about 100 pounds in 2011 and gained all but 20 back!!! So I have to relose a MESS of FAT  :o I didn't do so well the first couple weeks back on, but the last week and a half I've done the program with no overeating or carb binging :D it's easiest if you just stick through those two weeks then having to start over again and again and again! You can do it...and there are so many more recipes on here now! I'm so proud of you for coming back...I personally know how hard it is! Hang in there, we can do this!

Weight Loss Stalled! WHY? / Re: 10 Week Stall
« on: June 20, 2013, 12:46:44 AM »
You have the right mindset honey!!! You are locked and loaded and cannot be deterred! Blast that darn scale, maybe it's stuck? If your clothes are fitting looser and you're look better...forget the scale, maybe it's time for a new one? You keep it up, your body can't fight you for long...that fat MUST give in sooner or later!!! Maybe you've built muscle you didn't know you were building like Tony was saying! Wouldn't that be a pleasant surprise :) But heck yeah way to go on the weight you've lost so far!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:09:00 PM »
I have awesome blood pressure thank God and always have :D my spears show 1 carb for 3/4 of a I rounded up LOL. I'm so glad you are off your blood pressure meds!  That is awesome! Some days I do get hungry and could eat a lot if I don't watch it, but it's few and far between.

For whatever reason, our Kroger doesn't carry CarbMaster yogurt anymore...neither of them do, but that's okay because I think it has gelatin in it anyhow and gelatin's not vegetarian, so I can do that same trick with my yogurt...THANKS TONY! I have some chia seeds I haven't dipped into yet :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:37:50 PM »
Yes ma'am :D thank you friend for the encouragement!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:29:50 PM »
I also posted the yogurt option because it's incredibly difficult to find vegetarian heavy whipping cream, or any cream for that usually has mono and diglycerides in it from animal sources so generally, it's not vegetarian.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:27:05 PM »
Thanks TOOSweet...I've never actually been a very hungry person, honestly. I have to force myself to eat a lot of times because well...I just don't get very hungry. I've always eaten off of cravings, not hunger. Plus I have a 4 year old and an 8 week old and my husband cannot cook at all (he actually burned down a house at 18 trying to cook) so I have to cook all his food and I guess I stay so busy eating just isn't that big of thing for me. I've had the black out, dizzy issues most of my life...they come and go. Doctor's have never found a cause. It got so bad in pregnancy they hospitalized and ran a bunch of crazy tests but nothing came back. I don't take many meds a day and yes they too make me terribly sick and burn my stomach...I have two prescriptions for that too, metropomaclomide (Reglan) and promethezane (phenergan) and Nexium, that's part of my stomach care...that and famotidine. I've been hospitalized with nausea and vomiting issues since I was 12 and I'm 28 real causes other then a few things they've found here and there. SIGH. Maybe I'll eat two patties tonight since they are 0...but yeah, I just don't get hungry that much...however I CRAVE a lot. I made a decision today when I almost gave up that there is no sense in giving up, because that craving will ALWAYS be there, so there's never going to be a "last time" I eat all that crap...I just have to get over the fact that there will always be people who can eat what they want and not gain to obesity...and I can eat sensibly and be thin or I can eat myself to's up to me. Well, personally I want to get into those pants of mine instead of getting into some cake ;)

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:18:20 PM »
I enjoy my yogurt because it's full of protein and live cultures that I need for my digestive issues and the protein helps because being a vegetarian you have to get it where you can! It fills me up and satisfies and since I don't really eat that much, I almost always have carbs left over at the end of the day anyhow ;)

General Discussion / What I ate today :D
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:02:04 PM »
Okay...soooo Doug asked me post what I eat daily, your guess is right that I probably don't eat like I should, I don't eat very  much at all, but I just don't get hungry, and I keep weird hours so...I end up not eating too much. Today I have having a bad day, so what did I do? I ate 4 pickle spears for lunch (5 carbs) and then I had a 1/2 a cup of strawberries (3.5 carb) with 2 Tbspn Reddiwhip (1 carb) total so far 9.5 carbs. Dinner planned...depends on if I get hungry, but if I do it will be a Boca patty with cheese on top (0) carbs, the new ones are 0. I only drink water or almond milk unsweetened or metromint water :) now the pickles are unusual....I think I depleted my sodium levels on all the water pills and I was CRAVING pickles and pickle juice like an addict! I think that may be why I've been dizzy and feel like I'm blacking out...not to mention I also am on Norco, Soma, Amitryptaline (stomach issues) Nexium, and Robaxin.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:54:28 PM »
Hey Doug...that's pretty darn awesome (big face smile) :D :D :D Thanks a million! I'm very excited! I took a long nap...and slept almost three hours, apparently I needed that nap! LOL Thanks a million!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:51:17 PM »
Hey that's AWESOME! :D Thanks!

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