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Messages - TabyTaby

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Sure will! HA!

Thanks we have Krogers...I live at our Signature Kroger :) I'm just mad I wasted my money on the one I have. I thought it said 1 carb per 2Tbspn, but it actually says 1 carb per ONE tablespoon! Even worse :\

Thanks everyone...I'm not getting that wonderful fact, I'm having a bad day. Everytime I stand up I feel like I'm going to pass out, I'm dizzy, and my eyes keep seeing black blotches everywhere...I feel wiped out...then to make matters worse, I gained a pound going from 241 to 242. I DO NOT know why. I even took a water pill yesterday due to feeling swollen and I even went way short yesterday at 7carbs for the total day :\ kind of upset...don't get it. It's very irritating...trying to keep a positive mind focus, but yeah...feeling down today :\ blah.

This is what it said...and I don't really believe it, but would appreciate a good strong rebuttal for it when people say these things to me:

"Well, after a while of having very little carbohydrates available for exercise or daily activities the body begins producing ‘ketones’. These ketones are the leftovers from fats broken down in the body. With enough production of ketones the body starts to ‘store’ fat (a process called ketosis). In other words, that wonderful chemical reaction that gave you that great feeling of, “Oh wow, look how much weight I lost!” turns into, “Why am I gaining weight?!”."

Any help clarifying why this is an incorrect statement? I'm not very good with explaining the ketosis and keytones process...

I just can't figure out why my heavy cream shows that many carbs. UGH baffling. I may write them. I can't afford right now to buy another! BLAH

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:15:25 PM »
Thank you friend!!!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 18, 2013, 02:55:10 PM »
Okay...I don't have the cookbook. When we get financially better I want to buy more books in the series. Right now we're a family of four on about 30K...I lost my job due to illness and now with the newborn and health issues, I just can't work so my hubby works his butt off. We both have student loans more than most folks houses...and yeah, I'll spare you the details LOL but as soon as I can I'll be getting it!!! Sounds like I need it :) as bad as I need to lose weight :P

Well, I read the ingredients, mono and diglycerides and carnegeenan (which is seaweed I know from being vegan :) very low carb usually) and that was pretty much it, but it has 1 carb per 1Tbsp :\ and it's heavy whipping weird. They must have added something that they aren't listing maybe?

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: French "bread" pizza
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:10:59 PM »
Thanks TOOSweet...I was a pretty good guestimator since I lost so much weight the first time but I'd like to know for sure you know? It's easy to be loose and go back to old habits and eat too much!

That's weird...mine has the same ingredients as those and it's Land 'O Lakes this an issue of hidden carbs friends? Can someone investigate? I typed it in on the government food website and it showed carbs too!

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 17, 2013, 08:08:56 PM »
No sir...I had my thyroid checked about 6 years ago but all was okay. Hasn't been checked since. I think I'm going to have to go to ER this weekend to get it checked out since my sorry doctor won't help me. I hate that.

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:52:16 PM »
It wasn't just a colonoscopy :) it was an EGD too...a dual was my 7th one :) that's how they found it and the gastritis...I was roto-rootered through both ends  :D :o LOL thanks Tony I appreciate it. I'll probably have to visit the ER to find out what's up with the swelling...because you remember how I said last night I was swollen? Well guess what? Took a pill, and this morning I was 4 pounds lighter...again. So now I"m down to 241...that's the good thing :D

Thanks Tony... I don't know why mine does!

General Questions / Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:19:54 PM »
Hey NewMe!!! We can relate more than you think! I have a 4 1/2 year old at home and an 8 week old baby myself. I've had my ups and downs too...I started this program in 2011, lost 90 pounds in about 6 months or so...but then I donated a kidney and six months later I got pregnant...needless, you can see my ticker! LOL I gained it all back...or all but 20 pounds. So...I'm doing this again. I'd agree with Tony...try switching to using water as your only drink for two days and see if anything may need to be flushed out persay. Obviously I'd say read every ingredient in your coffee just to be sure whatever you are using doesn't have anything hidden...although chances are probably slim, I recently found my "pure" vanilla flavoring had sugar added to it and it was stunting me. But I'd agree with the thyroid check...won't hurt anything and those boogers can really mess us up. Your body can be holding onto pregnancy fluid still too...I've had some fluid issues and had to take a water pill and found out my body was holding onto 20 pounds of fluid! It finally excreted it with the water pill. But hang in there...the program works because it's science, unless you are having a thyroid or other biological issue. You are doing GREAT don't you DARE give up now girly...let's exhaust everything we can because the inside changes are worth what you may not see on the outside just yet!

Does ya'lls heavy cream not have any carbs? If so where do you get it because mine has 1 per 2 Tbsp!  :o

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