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Messages - ereino

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okay, sounds good.  I sure can sure use this.  I downloaded the recipe and somewhere in the near future I will concoct!.... thanks!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:09:01 AM »
Kim, you are too funny!!! :D

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 22, 2014, 02:02:45 PM »
Hey guys, you have to think.....paradigm your cooking.  Chicken feet - just a little matter to get over.  :D ;D Great picture Doug!   The soup stock is much heartier and such a lovely end product color! 

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:35:13 PM »
Yes, a nice vegetable stock would work really well.  Great idea!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:33:05 PM »
I have to admit, the feet thing creaped me out, too.  The long nails were still on them!!!!!!!!! :o

And, when I started to dip my strainer into the stock to get the feet out, they were a little greasy and kept sliding around and some fell on the floor and I was making funny screeching sounds, like yikes and eeps, etc.!  It was funny.  Had to wash the floor in that area once I was done. 

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:54:48 PM »
Well goodness sakes, I never thought about that.......I guess using chicken feet probably would draw it away from being vegetarian.  Okay, so then just use plain old water...that should do it.  Ooooooops!

Hi - this sounds like a wonderful end product.  Umpa, please explain what you mean by infusing the cayenne into the olive oil over a double burner....what goes where???  I know what a double boiler you add the cayenne and olive oil together???

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:23:09 PM »
okay, poopcake mushrooms is ridiculous - I said sh.... I.....   ta  k  eeeee

Vegetarian Recipes / A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:18:20 PM »
Okay, so by now I figure I really like to make my own soups and once cooked I take my submerging blender and blend away.  This past weekend went to an Asian Market and bought the following:

Bok Choy (the smaller ones - I heard they were sweeter than the larger ones)
poopake mushrooms
Ubo (sweet veggy)
Kabucha (Squash)
Fresh Ginger Root
Chicken Feet (I like making my own chicken stock and I hear the tendons in the feet make for a richer chicken stock)

So, I add the chicken feet to water and let it cook for about forever.
Once done, I throw away the feet (although my Asian friend says she has a certain way to cook them and loves next time I may just keep the feet and ask her for the recipe which I will share with you guys).
Once the chicken stock is done add the ingredients listed above - cube the veggies, slice the ginger and just throw in the poopakes.

Also add the following right now:
celery diced
garlic - about 3 or four cloves
red peppers diced, red hot pepper flakes,
salt/pepper to taste
lime juice, as much as you like.

Let these cook until the veggies are soft
Turn off the heat and let cool
Once cooled, submerge your blender and blend away

Serve with garnish of avocado, or heavy cream or whatever your little heart desires.

I often, and this is where it turns away from being vegetarian, cook in water some chicken breasts and then cut cubes into the soup.

I may also sprinkle ground golden flaxseed over the soup.

I hope this sounds appetizing - It sure is good! - I'm eating some right now for lunch.   

General Questions / Re: Day Two of FTS and have gained!?
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:55:52 PM »
Best wishes to you Heidi.  Doug is right, take it slow and easy and just keep doing the right things.  Read the breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner menus.  I have been on the forum for a little while longer than you and have just discovered in the bread section, something called the minute muffin.  It is delish.  Take your time and try some of these recipes out.  Find the ones you love, create your own after a while, and just enjoy this new life style.  It's good having you on the forum!

Breads and Crackers / Re: One Minute Muffin - OMG, Ya' Gotta Try!!
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:39:51 PM »
My friend at work understands what it means to have too much sugar in her system...she breaks out all over her face.  We haven't been able to eat bread in a long time until this one minute muffin recipe.  We make the muffins at work.  I actually turn it on its side to cook down and then, while still on its side, cut in into six slices.  We'll then toast and put butter on it and also some Canadian bacon or other meats.  It is so yummy and we are so happy now that we have a 'bread' that we can eat.  We have shared with other folks in our office and they like it too, not to mention how wonderful it smells after being toasted. 

General Discussion / Re: SUGAR EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!!
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:32:02 PM »
Hi Umpa - I never have any luck downloading books plus we cancelled our internet at home.  I am on it 10 hours a day at work, get home late and don't have much time to spend on the internet anyways.  Thanks anyways. 

Great article.  I'm glad I read it.  It is essential to this information out to folks.

General Discussion / Re: Eat Fats, Cut Carbs to Reclaim Your Skinny Self
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:56:43 PM »
Welcome Pamsway:  The Lord hears your prayer - He is so good to us - Much success in the days ahead of you.  Give your thanks to HIM always! 

General Discussion / Re: My meal for today
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:52:53 PM »
Good luck Pam.  The meals sounded well balanced.  Good luck to you.

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