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Messages - TabyTaby

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Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:49:11 PM »
Oh worries on the almonds, I buy the 100 calorie 2 carb pack vanilla roasted no sugar so I can know exactly how much because I would go CRAZY on them LOL. Thank you so much for some spice ideas! I've mainly used spice packets but those have sugar and other nasty stuff :\ do you just sprinkle it on by eye sight? Or do you use teaspoons?

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: French "bread" pizza
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
Thanks everyone! Doug, I did check the notify settings, it asked me if I wanted to disable it's enabled already...strange. I get the others to my inbox so I don't know why some would go to spam...but I'll just click the new replies thing :) yes I am friends with Rena :D we are FB friends...she actually went to high school with my mom! I try to over guess on my carbs because I think better safe than sorry ;) Thanks TooSweet! I'll have to look into that when I get some money in a couple weeks! Is there a website you use that transfers weight into carb-counts?

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 17, 2013, 03:26:36 AM »
Thanks Tony :) they sure do seem to brush me off. They didn't want to do a colonoscopy on me because of my age...and I prayed my heart out and God came through again and they did one and found gastritis, a hiatal hernia, diverticulosis/itis, and a polyp that came back as precancerous. Had they not referred me, it would have been cancer in a few years and probably wouldn't have been caught in time because I'm only 28 and they don't usually do them until you're 50. They did an EGD 7th one. SMH don't know where to start...but usually on Saturdays there's a doctor I used to work with that knows me and I'm hoping he can help...he's a low-carber for the most part too...and clean and organic eater like me. I'm on Medicaid since I lost my job due to illness in Dec. and it's done at the end of this month...I'm hoping to get this cleared soon before I got back on private insurance because I can't afford the bills :(. Anyways, done ranting, this is way OT...but thank you much Tony.

General Discussion / Re: Step Away From the Russell Stovers.....
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:11:31 AM »
When I"ve lost most my weight I'll have to look into that :) I wouldn't have self control now with any sort of chocolate :\ I did find a chocolate bar that has 15 grams of fiber and 16 it's a net carb of 1!!! But they're 3.19 a bar...very expensive. They help my digestive system though since I have diverticulosis/itis. Geez, at 28 I sound like a 70 year old :\ they're European Chocolate Perfection and I have to get them at the Granary Health food store in town. A special treat :)

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:08:51 AM »
My sodium is very VERY minimal, so it's not that. It's not carbs...and tonight, I'm swollen AGAIN. This Saturday I'll be visiting ER. I've never had stones but have been hospitalized with severe, severe dehydration and malnutrition 9 times that I can count. I've had 21 hospitalizations in my life total :\ I have a tendency to vomit and 100 times an hour, sometimes unexplained. When I'm lowcarbing, I have a LOT less I enjoy that, but still have them. I threw up so much in pregnancy to the point I got chemical hepatitis and was depleted of magnesium, potassium, sodium and numerous other things. I've had a rough last year. The worst pain I had in my life was hyperemesis gravidarum that lasted the WHOLE pregnancy and labor with my first...37 hours of sheer torture. Anyways, I drink a good amount of water about 8-10 glasses a day...what my transplant team recommended. We even have a water cooler we rent that has water done by reverse had less than 4 contaminents, and tap had over 40! Anyhow...I'll let you know if go and what I find out! The swelling causes a tremendous amount of pain :( I didn't get notifications that anyone had commented on this one either :\ grrr if you notice that I don't respond, it's just I didn't get a notice! Some of my posts I'm not finding I'm just having to browse and click on "new replies" button. Anyhow...hope you two don't ever get stones again...I've worked in healthcare for 2 years before I lost my job and I learned kidney stones can be made of multiple materials and it's not always because of drinking too little water, though the majority is! Anyhow...will update when I know more. If you pray, remember me, if you don't...send positive thoughts my way :)

General Discussion / Re: Sneaky sneaky carbs, and hateful people
« on: June 16, 2013, 10:14:05 PM »
That's right...I can't wait to see the gap between my chunky legs again LOL  :D right now I look like I'm walking on upside down squashes  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 16, 2013, 10:07:11 PM »
Exactly body has had a lot of changes...lost a kidney and had a baby! Plus, this time around I have dairy and egg product I can utilize! Before I couldn' the weight came off even faster...but not as healthy. I can't wait for the day I can post my "after" photo in my skinny pants! YIPPEE!!!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 16, 2013, 10:04:07 PM »
Yes sir! I'd love to put some black soy beans in there that would be tasty! What seasonings do you recommend? I usually buy preseaoned packets, but as we know, they're chalked full of hidden carbs! I only eat two when I eat them :) they fill me up well just at two for lunch. I usually on get around to eating twice a day...usually both meals will hit around 7-10 carbs. Sometimes if I'm having a grazing day then I'll snack on almonds or something like that, but I just don't get hungry that often. Until your book, I realized I only ate because of the "clock" I keep weird hours now that I'm at home with a newborn and a preschooler, I'm up until 4am so daddy can sleep and then I get up around 1pm or so...and I don't get hungry until 4pm and then I eat something around then, usually small but sometimes a full meal, and then dinner at 7 or 8 sometimes if I'm hungry at 10pm or so I'll have a few almonds or almond or light snack. Weird schedule I know but I only eat when I'm hungry and I have weird hours right now in my life and I'm fine with that :) it works for us LOL

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: French "bread" pizza
« on: June 16, 2013, 09:58:39 PM »
Doug! I'm in love :D :D :D all of those dishes look awesome! Two questions I have for you...okay I live in Texas, and I've never found zucchinis that big! Ours are TINY TINY TINY like 1/3 that size...where do you get those? Second question (okay it might have two parts) how do you do carb counts for those when I chop veggies, I have a very hard time guestimating if you will, how many carbs it actually comes to. For instance, when you make a veggie tray and chop veggies, or like the dishes you made (except for the spaghetti squash, I know how to calculate carbs on that one) but like the grilled zucchini, or the zucchini soup or veggie trays (even though that's not on there) how do you figure it? That's an area I'm a little lost in. BTW I never got a notification on responses to my posts in here, I just happened to be rummaging through the vegetarian board and saw a response :\

General Discussion / Re: Sneaky sneaky carbs, and hateful people
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:15:13 PM »
Thanks Tony! I was TOO excited! And the people at church who haven't seen me in a month due to sick kiddos noticed I had dropped too! YAY! Big win for low-carb low-sugar! Thanks Happy2bthin! Last time around I got discouraged A LOT and often got angry...sometimes the responses on here really upset me, even if they were right, but last time was much more difficult due to being a vegan instead of vegetarian! I didn't do it right at all and did it very unhealthily. I've gotten better about reaching out for help and encouragement because one thing we know here is...we are all in it TOGETHER. We have all gone through the similar, if not the same things as each other on this one topic. It's one topic that can bind us. We are all tired of being "special" for the wrong reasons, and we all want to make that that person in the magazine that lost 80 pounds or 100 pounds or even more, and we want to do it the right way, without surgery or pills or "special pills"....we are all here for you anytime. If you need to vent, vent, I promise to only encourage and not criticize because I've been criticized my whole life and all that does is gain negative attention. Last time around I went from 286 to 186 :) I was a size 11/12, I'm a tall girl and have a bigger built structure persay. My final goal was 165, but it was never reached. This time the goal is 155 :) but if that's too thin for me I'll be thrilled with 165. I just want to get under 200 again! HA! We can do it!

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:05:11 PM »
Oh gosh! I posted a long post back to this and it accidentally deleted >:O bah humbug. I'm too lazy to type it out again...Happy2bthin, no I don't have a scale like that unfortunately, I wish I did...mine does record weight and show weight loss, but not specific break downs...I check by weighing everyday, and then when I feel swollen and tight, I can take a lasix and weigh after that and last time it showed a 6 pound weight loss and the other day it showed a 3 pound weight loss. So, that's how I keep up with it. Tony you are right, and also accurate with what you said, it's valleys and peaks, but usually when following the program, I can see the same weight loss over a month's time...I keep myself motivated with my skinny pants :P a pair of Victoria's Secret size XS pants that I squeezed into when I lost most of my weight in 2011...and I really look forward into finding "new" clothes in my closet like today that I used to be able to wear...nothing is better than that!

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:06:48 PM »
Haha...yes you both are right! I started the low carb in 2011...and reversed for a while. Anyhow, I do tend to weigh everyday...not always due to check my fat weight, but to check for water weight since ever since I donated my kidney I've had a few issues with that...I have to keep a CLOSE eye on it. But usually the scale encourages me because I generally will lose a pound a day until that last 15 pounds...those don't like to come off :\ and no, I don't exercise at all at this time....sometimes we will walk with the family, but regular exercise? No. I did have a personal trainer a year ago and did that for a while, until I got pregnant in August :). When I lose a little bit more weight, I'll probably get a little more active again like I did last time around...I'm still battling some health issues currently...also back problems. I'll be starting up yoga on fridays once a week this coming week to try and help the back I look forward to that! Hope you all enjoy your father's day!

General Discussion / Re: Sneaky sneaky carbs, and hateful people
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:00:24 PM »
Thanks everyone! No I don't have it TooSweet...I'll have to look into that! Thanks everyone! I mean, if I had a personal chef I'd be as fit as a horse too LOL I have to become my own personal chef :) today I was down another pound...245. Slow but steady. When I started back again last Monday, I was 254 :) I haven't gone backwards in almost a week :D and the frustration and cravings are less! Yay! I was able to wear a shirt again I haven't worn since January 2012! That was a great motivator!

General Discussion / Sneaky sneaky carbs, and hateful people
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:04:51 AM »
So, after reviewing my progress, and lack there-of at times, I was very discouraged again I reread the 1rst Fat to Skinny Fast and Easy book...boy did that fuel me up! I began searching for hidden carbs that I might be missing because I really don't think sugar alcohols are totally to blame, they never hurt me last time around...and guess what I found? TWO culprits! One I think I posted on a couple years ago when I did this the first time...lemon juice. Guess what I forgot? Lemon juice has about 2.6grams of carbs per 2 Tbsp!!! Guess what I drench my water in? That's right...lemon juice! UGH how sneaky. The second one really shocked me. So I bought a very expensive, imported PURE vanilla extract and I've used it to flavor a few things there and I read the ingredient since it's something I use often...guess what I saw? FRUCTOSE syrup!!! What in the world? How is that "pure"??? SMH they don't provide nutritional information on the box so I had to read the ingredients...a habit I'm just getting used to doing, and BAM...there it was :'(. So I went to the store and got a different brand that had NO sugar or sugar derivatives in it. Darn that vanilla!!! So at least there's still hope for me yet :P on another note...when I reread the book tonight I got so inspired, I felt more empowered than ever! So I posted a Facebook status and quoted Doug out of the part of the book that talked about cows being fattened up with grains and corn and no wonder we are fat...I talked about how I was inspired and I wouldn't give up and this would be so much healthier for my inside of body and guarantee that I never have to even face Diabetes...well guess what someone had to say? After all that, talking about being inspired and ready to make a lifetime commitment to change, not like last time, she responds, "Horses are fed grains and corn and they aren't fat." What is the point of that? So I told her, horses are also fed vegetables, they are ridden and they run, they get a lot of exercise, they are also portion fed by a farmer who probably doesn't want to waste money overfeeding them...cows and us, are overfed...we have as much as we want at our fingertips...cows aren't ridden, they don't run around a fence or pasture, and they are intentionally overfed (much like we do ourselves) to get fat. Unless you have a personal chef, you have to measure your portions yourself. She didn't respond ;) why are people so vile against being healthy? It's not like it's a bad thing. Sheesh.

Vegetarian Recipes / French "bread" pizza
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:45:38 AM »
So I LOVE french bread pizza...but I don't like the sugar in the bread and it doesn't like as a substitute you can take a zucchini, chop off the ends, cut it in half length wise, take a small tomato and cut off a couple slices, cut those slices in half, then take your favorite cheese (I love Mozzarella) and you put the slices of tomato on the zucchini and then top with the cheese, a little bit of Italian seasoning (basil, thyme, oregano, or rosemary) and a little extra virgin olive oil and bake in the oven at 350 degrees until the cheese is browning and melted! The carbs depend on the size of your zucchini, our zucchinis are tiny tiny here, so it's about a cup's worth, so it's about 4-5 carbs with the tomato included. I usually slice the tomato and then slice that slice in it's usually closer to 4 carbs than 5, but it depends on the size of your veggies. It's a tasty treat and I don't miss the bread at all! You can also use a low-carb pasta sauce instead of tomato if you'd like :) it tastes just as good!

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