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Messages - TabyTaby

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Vegetarian Recipes / Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:39:52 AM »
So, another dish I like to make is vegetarian fajitas! I use the LaTortilla Factory tortillas, if you get the large you can cut them in half for 3 carbs I believe, if you get small they are 4carbs, or the ones I have, the only ones I found at our Kroger were Garlic and herb. Take your choice of low-carb veggies...I use squash, zucchini, and bell pepper...I sautee it in butter in a non-stick pan until it's slightly firm but softening, and then top with cheese and a little low-carb salsa, usually 1Tbsp is more than enough for one fajita...or you can use hot sauce...and it's AWESOME! The carb count of course will depend on what veggies you use, but you don't use much. I usually save the rest of the sliced veggies for a veggie tray as Doug suggested, or for another dish. Usually 2 fajitas are satisfying for me. I slice all the veggies up and with the bell pepper I slice long ways, then chop down the middle to make a smaller more edible strand.

Another idea is to make a small green salad and put in a LaTortilla Factory tortilla for a wrap, you can dress it with your favorite dressing. You can also roll these up and make vegetarian pinwheels for a quickie snack later :D Again the carbs would depend on the veggie you use, but for the wrap I like baby spinach, olives (black, green, or calamato) one slice of tomato chopped up, some bell pepper and cheese...but you could add cucumber or any low-carb veggie really. I love them.

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:10:32 PM »
Now dieting and going back, or low-carbing, quitting, and starting again...I could write a book on that! I quit in 2011 and while I didn't gain everything back...I gained about 60 of the 90 I lost back :\ so it's start over time. You know as they say...fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice ;) I won't be shaming myself again! I will NOT go through losing this weight a 3rd time. Even though today I was discouraged about still being stuck at 246...I'll keep the faith! I do feel better even if I'm not showing it. Everytime I want to go back, I think about how I've been doing this for 2 weeks and only lost 10 pounds because I kept screwing up the first two technically I've lost 20 and gained 10 and then lost 10 again :\ I don't want to keep setting myself back, so for the last week, I've been keeping that in mind! Whatever I put in my mouth won't be worth the days it will take to get back. I just can't let myself keep getting my butt kicked by food...but it's almost an addiction at this point so it's not easy...but what in life worth gaining (or losing ;)) is? :D

Product Reviews / Re: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:05:13 PM »
Awesome Doug!!! Thanks again! Excited about that one :D

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:04:25 PM »
It's just an option for vegetarians...I don't have the ability to make ice cream nor the time...this is quick and easy and filled with protein...that's the other part, sometimes it can be difficult to get protein, although B12 is the biggest issue...but this recipe is quick, filling, vegetarian and protein packed and it subs as a good sweet since I can't make ice cream.

Vegetarian Recipes / Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:21:32 PM »
Okay...this is my go-to sweet treat...and the best part? It's VEGETARIAN of course  ;D

1/3 cup of Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt
Splash of pure vanilla extract
Few drops of Ez-Sweetz or better yet FTS Zero sweetener (I use 4 drops)
1 oz. chopped pecans
1 sliced and then chopped strawberry

It comes to 5 net carbs and the yogurt alone has 7.5 grams of protein! If you use the non organic or flavored version of the yogurt your carb count will change...this is strictly for Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt! It doesn't have gelatin like Dannon or some of the others do so it's only has about 5 ingredients and most of them are live cultures. You can skip the sweetener but it's very bitter without it. If you have extra carbs to spare you can add Rediwhip or another whipped topping but I find that it tastes just fine without it. Enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 14, 2013, 04:19:49 PM »
I too have noticed that's so frustrating though. I am getting in the habit of checking ingredient list now too...I didn't before because there was little prepackaged foods I could buy. I'm glad to report this morning I was 3 pounds lighter :D I've stuck to the diet straight for 3 days now I think with no poisoning and I think it took my body that long to get back on track. The yogurt option really satisfies the sweet craving if I have to have it, but I found today, my 3rd day on the diet without slipping up, 2 weeks with messing up, I'm not as hungry and I'm not craving as much as I used to. I was going to ask if anyone has craved when they've been on painkillers/muscle relaxers...I'm on Norco and Soma right now for some major back pain and I was wondering if that had anything to do with crazy cravings. I used to be a drug counselor at a methadone clinic and I know methadone can cause people to crave sweets like crazy...but didn't know if Norco or Soma could.

Product Reviews / Re: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:45:47 PM »
Black soy bean chili? That sounds great! I have black soy beans in my cabinet now! Where's the recipe?

Product Reviews / Re: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:26:14 PM »
Sounds good...some of tastes have adjusted, but some things I just don't like and likely never will...I love cauli mash :) I just hate the taste of eggs...I can't eat them scrambled...they make me gag...they totally gross me out, partly because of what they are...I find eating that detesting in it's form...but I can incorporate them maybe somehow. I do love Boca :) they are great...a little flimsy in lettuce, but maybe by itself...I don't know, I don't do tofu in chunk form, Boca is the only way I've been able to digest it...but it gives me a guide to adjust! Thanks so much Doug I appreciate it and I can definitely lay off the creams and such :P it's more important to be healthy for sure...and I've not been for a while :\

Ya'll are SO creative :D

Yum indeed!!

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:18:27 AM »
Yes ma'am. The only thing I mixed it in was the yogurt and I tried it in the coconut "oatmeal" but that was not good...the taste was good but too grainy so I won't make it again. Anything I've put it in was good to eat as far as if I stall or gain I think it'll be the sweetener.

General Discussion / Re: I'm Back :)
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:16:03 AM »
Yeah that stuff comes out quickly and easily!!! UGH

Product Reviews / Re: Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:15:12 AM »
I didn't put much, next time I could nix the sweetener and just do the other ingredients. The carbs from that dish fit into today's limits because all I had was two pieces of the paleo bread at 1 carb a piece and a piece of string cheese. So I had a lot left to play with...probably still came out pretty much well under 20.

Awesome! SO exciting! Thanks TooSweet!!! That is too sweet ;) :P

General Discussion / Re: I'm Back :)
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:30:16 AM »
Wow...thanks...yeah...I was nowhere close then...still have the "sugar eye" I guess. Gosh, I covered my dish in it. Sigh LOL better try next time!

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