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Messages - ereino

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Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Let's juice it
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:16:16 AM »
I am not a juicer either prior to this...and Doug, you are certainly correct on that one - it sure does have a nutritional kick to it.  

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Let's juice it
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:48:25 PM »
Hi, thanks...I have a submerging blender and just blend it in the plastic container that came with the blender.  Zip and it's done.  I'm glad as I don't have to get my food processor all dirty and have to clean it.  Take care and happy juicing!

Yes, I didn't see the post - Thank you so very much for your story - The Lord is always here for us - right at our side - the Holy Spirit is a gift from God once we believe in his Son, Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection - The Holy Spirit is ever present and coaching us during our earthly journey -

I am having trouble downloading your article, but from all of the inspirational  messages here, I have come to the conclusion that the Good Lord has put you in a spot to help people regain their lives back.  I have always been impressed that you place this forum out there for all of us to participate and YOU ACTUALLY DON'T CHARGE US A DIME like other forums feel compelled to do.  Praise God for you and Umpa!  I love the Lord with all of my heart, soul and mind and you will be in my prayers every time I am on the forum and when I am off of it.  Keep up the good work.  We all want to hear the Lord say at the end of our journey here on earch...WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Sweet potatoes chips
« on: May 21, 2013, 01:31:41 PM »
how many net carbs in turnips.  Gosh, I used to think those were jam packed with sugar/carbs.  I am really happy to know that I can now use turnips as fries.  Thanks you all. ;D :o

Vegetarian Recipes / Let's juice it
« on: May 21, 2013, 01:22:09 PM »
I have been given this recipe from a friend and really like it and it has loads of nutritional value:

1/4 medium tomato (approx 1.25 net carbs)
1/4 avacado (approx 1.25 net carbs)
1 kale leaf (I don't know what to say here - on the web it says 1/4 pound  or 4 oz raw is 9 net carbs - so, how much does one large leaf of kale weigh? - I didn't weigh it - so maybe we can effectively say it is 1.25 net carbs????)
2 teaspoons of ground flax seed (I think flax seed has as many carbs as it has fiber so zero net carbs)
1/2 cup cold water (or however much you want to use to maintain a nice rich and somewhat thick to not so thick consistency yet where you can eat with a spoon.) 

Total 3.75 net carbs (anyone else want to take a crack at the my guest - this really isn't an area I like to get into, but I do see the value in it.)


Okay, I know some people out there are going NO WAY - BUT, I happen to like really different textured foods and I found this to be a pleasant taste and texture.  I typically have this in the morning three days a week when I get to work so all of the folks can go - OH GOOD GRIEF - WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT! 

Lunch Recipes / Re: FrIeD CHeEsE PiZZa:)
« on: April 30, 2013, 06:59:21 PM »
i'm gonna have to try soon.  Just made copy of recipe.  Thanks all!

Just read Doug's recipe - Sounds amazing and will have to try this weekend.  I sure hope the alarms in my house don't go off --  Boy, in SE Wisconsin we are getting so much rain - flooding conditions.  I am sick of this wet stuff.  This weekend it is supposed to be around 44 and I'm sure I heard that the sun may be out.  You take care you all.

Sides and Snacks / Re: KIM'S PIZZA BITES
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:16:31 AM »
Hey Kim, thanks - I am going to try these this weekend!  They sound wonderful!

Dinner Recipes / Re: Green Currey Soup with choice of meat
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:12:41 AM »
Stir green curry paste in hot oil (just tiny bit of oil) when it smells then put meat in.  Wait until the meat is almost cooked.

I'm not sure what it means ---when it smells - I think just that - when the paste and hot oil start to cook/blend - it must have a fragrance about it, but I will ask her on Monday if this was a typo.  She still has an accent and her vocabulary is growing, so she may have just used the word 'smell' for fragrance.  Don't know.  I'll keep us all guessing until Monday when she returns to work.  Until then, you all have a pleasant weekend.  Here in SE Wisconsin it has been raining all week and it doesn't plan on stopping until sometime next week.  bummer! 

Dinner Recipes / Re: Green Currey Soup with choice of meat
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:37:19 PM »
Please remove the sugar ingredient from the recipe.  I forgot to take it out.  Thanks

Dinner Recipes / Green Currey Soup with choice of meat
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:36:05 PM »
I tasted this Green Curry soup and it was delish.  Here is the recipe:

Green Curry Paste
1 can Coconut Milk (some recipes call for 1/2 can - your choice - cuts down on carbs this way - just add additional water)
Your choice of meat
Bamboo & mushroom (instead of bamboo shoots which I think are high in sugar, I would probably replace with shallots, green onion, some ginger root - along at the end with a sprinkle of lime juice)
Thai egg plant
Fresh Thai chilli (blended)
some recipes call for 1/2 tspn of xanthum gun to thicken - your choice
Salt to taste

Stir green curry paste in hot oil (just tiny bit of oil) when it smells then put meat in.  Wait until the meat is almost cooked.

Add coconut milk and half a bowl of water (or more if you don't want thick broth) (One can of coconut milk I checked = 450 calories, 50 grams fat; saturated fat is 43g; 6 total carbs and zero fiber)

When it comes to a boil, add eggplant, bamboo and mushroom (add chilli pepper if you like)

Add salt to taste

Lastly, put basil in right before you turn off burner.  No need to cook all veggies for so long otherwise when you reheat the next time it will be too mushy.

This is a wonderful tasting meal.  Should probably get 4 servings.  In a similar receipt on the web this boiled down to per serving 8 grams of carbs; 3 dietary fiber - 5 total net carbs if you don't use the sugar.  Using my alternative suggestions.

Dinner Recipes / Re: Daikon soup
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:19:27 PM »
You are very welcome Umpa!

Sides and Snacks / Re: Cauliflower Tater Tots
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:06:28 PM »
I read all of the remarks regarding the tator tots and I was laughing out loud, lovingly laughing out loud  ;D and couldn't help but think that this is such a great network of friends!  I was on vacation and don't bring my computer with - so missed you guys all last week.  This week it was just catch up at work and at home - lot's of laundry at home and tons of catch up at work. 

Well, my Thai friend at work gave me another recipe called Green Curry soup with chicken.  She also has bambo which I'm sure are plenty high in sugar - they aren't the usual bamboo shoots you buy in the can that are long and flat.  They look like longer rounder noodles.  There is green curry paste, coconut milk, choice of meat (she used chicken) basis, bamboo and mushroom, thai eggplant and fresh thai chilli (blended).  I'll have to create recipe in appropriate spot on website.  Be looking for it.  I am not good at net carb count and am certain the only thing that is bad here are the bamboo shoots.  We have a really big Asian Market which she and I are going to go to someday and she is going to help me pick out the good stuff.  I am going to get an education on Thai ingredients...I am certain of it and very happy to learn. 

Well take care you all and be good!

Sides and Snacks / Re: Pizza Recipes-add yours
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:09:31 PM »
Can someone print out that spinich pizza recipe - i am looking for how you make the crust.  Thanks.

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