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Messages - TabyTaby

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Breakfast Recipes / Re: Jenny's Better Than Boxed Low Carb Pancakes
« on: June 13, 2013, 12:11:58 AM »

  2 1/2 tablespoons  vanilla whey protein powder
      (I use 0 carb MIO Vegetable Protein Powder)
  1/2 teaspoon  baking powder
  1  Pinch  salt
  1  egg
  1  teaspoon  oil
  2  teaspoons  (I changed to) 2 tsp of SF Maple Syrup
  1 tsp water just before cooking

  Oil or cooking spray -- for the pan

Whisk all of the ingredients, except for the water and cooking spray, in a small bowl until smooth. Add up to 1 tablespoon of water if you'd like a thinner batter. Meanwhile, lightly grease a small nonstick skillet with oil or cooking spray and heat on medium. Pour in the batter and tilt the pan to spread the batter evenly over the bottom of the skillet. When bubbles appear all over the pancake and the batter on top looks like it's starting to set up carefully work a spatula around the edges and then under the pancake to flip it over. Cook until the second side is lightly browned. Don't let it get too dark or it will taste a little bitter. Serve with butter and low carb syrup, if desired (not included in the counts).

Makes 1 large pancake

I don't use a skillet.  I preheat my waffle maker and just before pouring the batter on the waffle maker I spray both sides with a light dusting of the cooking spray.  The batter has to be thin enough to pour but not run over the sides, pouring directly in the middle then close the top.  As long as your baking powder is not expired (LOL) the pancake is now the lightest fluffiest waffle! 

I had this for dinner tonight along with my crispy bacon and a couple fried eggs.  A really great low carb breakfast and so very filling.

I don't understand the bottom part of this you put 2tsp of syrup into the actual batter? And what does it mean when it says 1 tsp of water right before cooking? Do you mean you throw that in after it's all mixed right before it's in the pan, or do you mean you put it in the pan? Sorry...I get confused on this stuff easily sometimes 

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:51:09 PM » the recipe tastes just marginally ok...and that's using ok loosely. The low-carb oatmeal called for
4 Tablespoons shredded coconut

4 teaspoons coconut flour, divided

1/2 cup almond milk (Coconut-almond milk is lovely here too.)

1/2 cup water

sweetener to taste (I used one packet of stevia.)

I don't have stevia, so I subbed ez sweetz drops. The first time I made it it was WAYYYY watery. Not good, so the second time I omitted the water and just used almond milk and added vanilla flavor...flavor is good, but texture is bad. It came out the right thickness but it's grainy. Any ideas on how it could be better and less grainy?

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:25:42 PM »
So I guess the lower the number the better? I don't have diabetics and never had so I don't test blood sugar and therefore, know very little about it :) I prefer the erythritol taste to the xylitol taste personally, so I'll try to stick with that. When I can afford Stevia, I'll be getting some. I'm making a sweet low carb "oatmeal" right now, seeing how it goes. I figured 5 net carbs out of it...right now it's soupy, if it thickens up then I'll post the recipe...if not I'll play with it til it seems right!

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:05:04 PM »
Thanks TOOSweet! Do you happen to know which is better for using in desserts when it comes to erythritol or xylitol? I have erythritol but wonder if the amount of Zevia I have been drinking is stunting my weight loss...because Zevia uses erythritol.

General Discussion / Re: Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:53:51 PM »
Thanks Toosweet...well I have no blender :\ I'm so tired, I would just go to bed but my kiddos are up with me :\ may just down my last Zevia and deal with it! HA! I wish I had one of my Chocolate Perfection bars right now...they are only 1 carb for the whole bar because they're 15g of fiber LOL and the rest erythritol. I could make the low carb pumpkin pie or pudding but one of the kiddos is asleep with daddy and I don't want to wake them with my mixing :\ I'll hang strong though :) if I don't lose weight by morning though...I'll be pretty down. I usually lose 1-3 pounds a day for the first's been slower this time around.

General Discussion / Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:20:19 PM »
UGH I'm having a craving for sweets, candybars, and soda. SMH I have one Zevia in the fridge but I was trying to save it since I"ve already had one today...I don't know how to deal with these's pretty bad tonight and I'm not sure I'm going to make it :\ I've done well today. For dinner I had a salad and vegetarian fajitas on low-carb I've done well yesterday and today...but I'm struggling right now and not sure what to do. I don't have any carb friendly sweets. What do you do when you're craving? How do you handle it? It's much worse this time around than the last time :(

Hi Morgan, that's not available to me here, I live in a town of 30,000 it's very small. I have tried the one minute muffin but not since I eat eggs, I had to omit the egg before because I was vegan...but I found it to be VERY salty :\ I'll try it again. But I need something strong enough to hold up in a George Foreman grill to make a grilled cheese, I don't do well with the pan fried ones LOL

Let us know what you discover! I need more variation of breads in my life :P

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:14:39 PM »
I did go to ER but they said everything looked good. I think my body did freak out and hold onto all that fluid. I feel a lot better today though and now more swelling :D

General Discussion / Re: I'm Back :)
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:13:14 PM »
Yup Doug! Very true! I also get it from foods fortified with it! I may look into recipes for ranch...if I can find one without mayonnaise or sour cream I'll try it! For now though I've been satisfied with olive oil and red wine vinegar. I thought I'd have lost some more weight since I stopped cheating but I haven't...I'm hanging pretty stead at 248. much more to go.

Product Reviews / Re: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:06:23 PM »
We don't have that bread where I live Susie but how cool is that? Less work and more for your money :D can't beat that! Please do let us know how it goes Kim P! I'm going to try it as soon as I get a muffin top pan!

So is this recipe 8net carbs or 20 something? I'm confused. I'd like to give this bread a you think I could make a grilled cheese sandwhich out of it? Since I don't eat meat that's the only sandwhich I eat...mostly, except for a veggie one from time to time.

Product Reviews / Re: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:27:54 PM »
I hope the recipe works out for ya'll! I've got to get a muffin top pan :\ the paleo bread shouldn't elevate blood sugar, but everyone is different! I hope this recipe works well...definitely cheaper :D

General Discussion / Re: I'm Back :)
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:26:01 PM »
Oh mouseissue, I know about those, I just can't afford that right now, I can only afford individual ones for now :\ Doug, I get my protein from asparagus, some soy, nuts, black soy beans...protein isn't usually the problem, the problem is's very hard to get sometimes...and iron. When I'm not low carbing I have rice and beans to help in that area...

General Discussion / Re: Have you experienced this?
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:23:40 PM »
Thanks everyone. I took a lasix, which I'm not supposed to do because of having only one kidney and it's hard on them, but I did and I lost 6 pounds of fluid overnight! What's crazy mouseissue is that I don't swell when I low carb, I seem to swell when I'm doing higher carbs...I was thinking it might be because I had too many carbs the other day. Anyhow, my doctor isn't available until August so I may just have to go to ER :\

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