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Messages - ereino

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Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: March 11, 2013, 01:40:42 PM »
You can also use other things for fun in the flat bread recipe like chia seed, golden flax seed, ground poopake mushroom, nutitional yeast, ---- got nuts - get creative. 

Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: March 11, 2013, 01:36:13 PM »
I have a freiend who blogged this recipt.  I know I was looking for a lavash recipe, but now know that this is the bread I am going to move forward with.  It is a grain free gluten free flat bread.  Please read and tell me what you think.  She mentions that she used  psyllium fiber powder (when you go to the health food store ask for the one to bake with - this is what gives the flat bread the ability to roll and not crack - the pliability that is needed ...  Umpa, you may want to replace the x-gum with this psyllium and see it works).  I felt bless on this past Friday in reading her blog and finding out this information.  I never once brought it up to her and I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least.  The only thing I do differently is toast before consuming, as I find that between the crust, it has a texture I don't care about because of the psyllium - but after it is toasted, it is okay.

This is a direct quote from Annie's blog:
Rolled out and ready to pre-bake

I finally had an opportunity to get back to a project I began last February--making gluten-free flatbread.  My attempt back then turned out a rigid though tasty bread.  More recent attempts gave me a pliable bread for which there are endless possibilities.

Grain-Free Flatbread (for Gluten-Free Wraps)
Many homemade gluten-free, grain-free flatbreads I've found use psyllium husk for pliability.  This recipe contains very few ingredients compared to some of the complex formulas out there.  That makes it easy enough to produce weekly (and freeze after baking if you'd like.)  (Note: If you haven't been eating a lot of fiber lately, don't eat the whole pan at once. Psyllium is very high in fiber, which should be added to the diet gradually with lots of additional water daily.) 

½ c. coconut flour
2 T. psyllium fiber powder
¼ c. coconut oil
1 c. boiling water

1/8 t. sea salt
1/8 t. granulated garlic
½ t. Italian seasoning herb blend (or Herbamare seasoning)

Whisk coconut flour and psyllium together in bowl along with salt and herbs, if using. Add coconut oil. Add hot water a little at a time, stirring as you add (will melt coconut oil). Mid well making sure all dry bits are incorporated.

Roll (w/ rolling pin) or pat (w/ moistened spatula) bread out on silicone baking mat or parchment paper-lined jelly roll pan until thin and even. The dough is forgiving, so feel free to move pieces around and repair patches as you go. Bake at 375F for 15-20 min. depending on your oven and how thinly you've rolled the bread. Transfer to cooling rack and allow to cool to room temp. before slicing/eating.  (Note:  It's better to err on the side of baking less as overdoing it will make a crispy, fall apart wrap.)"

Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:07:24 AM »
Actually, Sami's Lavash I didn't fold into a circular wrap.  I cut it in half and used it sort of like a pita.  Sami's is thick and I like the thickness, but didn't really mind that I couldn't fold it like a soft shell.  Hope that helps.  Sami's is tasty, too, and that was the nice thing about their product.  The recipe of ingredients is on the back of their packaging...I just didn't know how much of what to put into making it.  Good luck guys.  Sorry I haven't been on the site for a while.  It's been pretty busy at work and I don't have internet at home.  Much love and many best wishes in getting the lavash project done.   :)

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Italian Sausage Stuffed Collard Greens
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:51:35 PM »
WOW Doug, this recipe looks fantastic. Thanks! :D

Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:43:36 PM »
I am holding my breath and I am turning blue.  Any news? :P ;D :o

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Lavender - week 5
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:35:02 PM »
Hi Umpa!!  HEY - get back to work on that lavash recipe - haunting you haunting you ---everywhere you look each time you turn around I will be haunting you LOL!!! :D ;D ;)

Ask Umpa / Re: Net Carb Lavash
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:30:32 PM »
 ;D ;D ;Dhttp://  Sorry guys, I was playing around with the smiley faces, etc.  YAWN!

Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:27:54 PM »
Time is what we all have!  Take it, it's yours.   :D

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:26:00 PM »
ooooooooooooooooooooh - I didn't realize the two were the same.  Thanks for the heads up. 

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:54:27 PM »
Doug, what is Sucralose?  I see it is the Zero...  I bought some Russell Stover chewy bars from Netrition, and they have Sucralose in them, too.  I didn't get any gassy side affects.  Please explain and THANKS!

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:45:51 PM »
oh, i'm sorry, just checked again and you are right, it is zero net cards - EVEN BETTER!  Love this forum! 

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:40:58 PM »
I checked the label and it is only 1 net carb.  That's not bad!

Ask Umpa / Re: Net Carb Lavash
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:14:46 AM »
I saw that receipt and it does look amazing.  BUT, sorry Doug, I still want the lavash receipe lol ;D

Izzet, the Savior doesn't mind, so why should anyone else?  One should never go luke warm with their beliefs and no one should expect luke warmness out of you.  Be who you will be in God's heavenly name - AMEN!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Lavender - week 5
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:34:55 PM »
I am so very proud of you Lavender.  I like the fact that you keep us posted on how you are doing each week.  That is a unique style of keeping us posted - Stay the course, as one put it.  Don't ever think that it will lose it's glitz - because losing weight is so very important to one's health.  I will be praying for your Lavendar.  Much happiness and joy for your future YOU!  And, of course, much happiness and joy currently as you see how successful you are with the FTS plan.  Once you have this kind of knowledge, it sure is tough not to follow it. 


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