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Messages - ereino

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Sides and Snacks / Re: Cauli Rice
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:28:24 PM »
Thanks, TooSweet.  Wonderful - I'll have to try it this weekend.  I made Cauli-mash again this past weekend - put in a little bit of the following:  philadelphia cream cheese/sour cream and butter...salt and better to taste and two garlic cloves which I streamed while cooking the cauliflower.  While warming it up tonight, I through in some parmissan cheese to thicken it up.  Hubby going to make butterfly pork chops along with my home made no sugar added apple sauce (just a little bit of it) !  Keep you posted ;D ;D

Ask Umpa / Re: Lavash Day
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:48:01 AM »
omg omg omg omg omg omg - this is tooooooooooooooo GREAT!  Thank you guys so much for working on this creation.  I looked on Sami's nutritional label but didn't know the combination to make it lavash.  And, they probably wouldn't like it if they were reading this...BUT, WHY NOT - I just didn't know where to find a couple of the products and I am at work currently and don't have the slip in front of me.  Thangs again Umpa... this means a GREAT deal to me!  And, TooSweet, thanks to you, too! 

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:44:14 AM »
Doug, this weekend I bought the unsweetened Almond milk - it really is yummy.  Made another Chai batch and it was a lovely taste.  Thanks so much.  Without this forum, I wouldn't have even thought of using an alternative milk product.  Thanks a bunch.  I still have to find a place that sells you Zero - Okay, I could buy it from you and that's what I'll do.  Take care for now and have a GREAT weenend!

Beverage Recipes / Re: Chai drink
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:49:16 AM »
Thanks all for the information and Umpa - I'll have to go to our Asian market nearby and check them out.  The Zero sounds right Doug and TooSweet - I'll to order that cause I haven't seen in our health foods stores.  Also, the Almond milk and heavy wipping cream sounds leathal - I can't wait to try!  Thanks all!

Lunch Recipes / Re: FrIeD CHeEsE PiZZa:)
« on: January 16, 2013, 05:35:41 PM »
i worry about the cholesterol on this one guys.  good grief!   lol - it looks great Doug - I am drooling, too!

Sides and Snacks / Cauli Rice
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:43:41 PM »
Doug, can you give me the recipe for cauli Rice - how do you make it.  We gave your 2012 edition book to a friend of my husband's and then I just gave my 2008 edition to a friend at work.  I am hoping to get that book returned and have no hope for the 2012.  Hoping they will read and become believers.  Sooooo, I searched this site, and didn't have any luck finding and maybe it just isn't on here.  I would really appreciate knowing how this is made and thanks.  Hoping your day is going well,


Ask Umpa / Re: Tamales!
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:31:12 PM »
Hi TooSweet - I just downloaded the tomale recipe.  It looks great and can't wait to try it out.


Ask Umpa / Re: Net Carb Lavash
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:26:30 PM »
Yes, the other day I tried the two layers with the cheese inbetween - you have to be careful with the lavash because they don't require too much cooking time, but the goodies on top do - so it is a balancing act.  I still love the sami's thickness.  I got spoiled with Sami's!   Thanks you all and have a GREAT DAY!

Beverage Recipes / Chai drink
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:20:59 PM »
I just started to make this Chai concoction and it is outstanding. 

Chai from Madhur Jeffery's "Indian Cooking"    (4 servings)

3 cups water
1 2-inch stick of cinnamon (hoping on a no sugar diet, that using cinnamon is okay...)
12 cardamom pods (seeds)
12 whole cloves

1 2/3 cups whole milk  (I checked the website and there is plenty of sugar in whole milk, so you may want to find an alternative that won't make the chai look week.  I'll try skim milk or maybe almond - let me know what you are all going to use).

1/3 cup sugar (or to taste)  I used the 1/3 and it wasn't too sweet (I also used Xylitol instead of sugar)

3 tablespoons strong, plain black tea leaves, loose 

In India, Assam tea is used. It is expensive, so when my little 1 oz is gone, I'll be searcing for a good black loose leaf tea.  Any suggestions.  Also, I wonder if there are any decaf black tea out there.

1. Put water in an enameled saucepan over medium heat. Add the cinnamon, cardamom and cloves and bring to a boil. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

2. Add the milk and sugar and bring to a simmer again. Throw in the tea leaves, cover and turn off the heat.

3. After 2 to 3 minutes, strain the tea into four warmed mugs and serve immediately.

When I made this, I drank one cup right away, then put the rest into a covered container in the fridge and heated a cup when I wanted it. It will keep several days and still taste good.

Ask Umpa / Re: Net Carb Lavash
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:50:21 AM »
Hi everyone - Hoping your New Year is starting with a splash.

Doug, I have ordered from Netrition Joseph's Lavash and other items, but would still like to make my own.  Joseph's is a lot thinner that the Sami's and Sami's thickness is perfect for pizzas.  If all else fails, my fallback is Netrition.  Joseph's Lavash is perfect, though, in making tortilla chips.  And, at Woodman's shopping center, they cell a Lawash, which is extremely thin and even more perfect in making chips.  You all take care and have a creative and blessed day!


Ask Umpa / Re: Net Carb Lavash
« on: January 03, 2013, 06:53:40 PM »
okay Umpa, no excuses now - you are back from vaca and it is the start of a new year - possibly a lavash recipe down the line?  PLEASE!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: In Size Eights Finally
« on: December 18, 2012, 01:30:51 PM »
The thing is, he is quite intelligent!  He knows and tells me he now has the knowledge regarding Type 2 - so I am very surprised to hear him say the glitz is over.  NOW, quite possibly he means... 'honeymoon is over' which doesn't mean the marriage is over.  So as I will stick to the FTS way, I think and hope and pray that he will, too. 

Umpa, his greatest challenge is bread.  He has been making bread for over 30 years.  He has it down to a science.  And, it is really good!  He will make at Christmas time over 30 loaves and give them out as Christmas gifts at work and I will take a few loaves for folks at work who love his bread.  This is his GREATEST challenge.  The texture of the bread, the smell of it toasting and the heaviness of it with butter on it or peanut butter.  I love it, too...but there are alternatives and I don't mind the change.  AND, hopefully he can make a few loaves here and there and alter them and stick in some dietary fiber such as millet and sesame seeds and then just control the intake.  I'll have to pass that thought by him.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: In Size Eights Finally
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:26:20 AM »
Pray for my husband with Type 2 - We started your program in August of this year and really gun ho about it.  I am still gun ho but hubby shared the other day that the 'glitz' is over with him.  He was doing so well and losing weight and his test results were getting better.  I don't see this as a 'glitzy thing' but a change of lifestyle.  I have been going to Zumba class once a  week since Feb '12 and do it because of health reasons.  I feel the same way about FTS.  The sugar that we injest has got to stop personally, nationally and globally.  People just don't get it and our government and commercials don't want us to get it.  It's a bottom line money thing and it's a real shame.  Thanks for all of your support you all - Thank you.  And please, pray for my husband - I know he understands the dangers of Type 2, but don't know how much he is willing to sacrifice in certain areas.  After a while, thought, it doesn't even feel like a sacrifice - I don't miss bread, pasta, corn, potatoes, etc.  I just live without it and look for alternatives.  Be blessed today, all of you. 

General Discussion / Re: Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:56:44 AM »
The article was enlightening - I had breast cancel 4 years ago - Just another reason to stay off of the sugars - I didn't realize that cancer cells fed off of sugar - such a scary thing to envision - Now when I look at our society, and see the many big people, I feel a pang of sorrow for them.  AND, the thing is, many do not want to even try to understand the simple solution as their habits get in the way of a healthy life.  Thanks, Tony, for the really good read. 

General Discussion / Re: More contributions
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:15:28 PM »
Well, no pressure on anyone...really...  It's all in your time - but please consider joining in and introducting yourselves.  I'de really like to hear from you all!  Such precious minds out there!  God given talents! 

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