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Messages - ereino

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 24
General Discussion / Re: 200 Pounds gone FOREVER
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:59:42 PM »
Congratulations SherriPie - 200 Pounds - WOW !  What an accomplishment!  I am so PROUD of you.  YES I CAN!

General Discussion / Re: Eating Out Is ALWAYS Easy :)
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:57:03 PM »
Hi Eliruthy, I'm pretty new to the forum - good luck with the 12 pounds and getting back into your skinny jeans.  You can do it on this method of eating.  It's a crazy good system Doug has.  I kept my size 12 and now 10 jeans as I am now in an 8.  I don't know what to do with the larger jeans except to keep them and once I'm down to the desired weight, I can take pictures of them next to me like Doug's photo on the book LOL!  It's a great photo by the way Doug! 

General Discussion / More contributions
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:26:36 PM »
Hi all:  I am surprised that with all of the members on this website, how many NEWBI's there are that have not contributed and that have been around for a year or two.  I'll bet you all have so many wonderful things to share and to say and I would really like to hear what you have on your mind.  This is such a wonderful forum and I'll just bet everyone can share a recipe or two ...  Such a goldmine of thoughts and processes going on in our brains - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE!

General Discussion / Re: Mission Carb Balance Whoe Wheat Tortillas.
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:20:22 PM »
Okay, good info - I don't have a hard time finding the La Tortilla brand, so I think I will stick with them.  The Mission are much smaller, and I liked that abut it, but think I'll stick with the LaTortilla.  Thanks all!  Thanks Doug,

General Discussion / Re: Mind to Body Catch Up
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:29:28 AM »
Thanks everyone for your support.  I love this forum!  Lot's of positive thinking going on.  BIG SMOOCHES TO EVERYONE !

General Discussion / Mission Carb Balance Whoe Wheat Tortillas.
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:25:18 AM »
Doug,  I was wondering if the Mission - Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas (the small size) are good for us to eat.  The label reads 13 Carbs, 10 Dietary Fiber, 0 net carb would be 3.  So, on the lable, this would appear to be okay to eat on the FTS diet.  But as I am reading the ingredients I can't tell if there are still any hidden sugars.  Sucralose is an artificial sweetener so that doesn't seem too bad, unless the side affects aren't any good. and triglercerides?  The triglercerides as an ingredient doesn't sound too good, either.  Can you tell me something about these ingredients and what you take on them would be?  Thanks.

Wow!  My hubby and I will be going to Kentucky Lakes - 3rd year.  Love the fishing trip and the area.  We have never really had a 'contest' by inches, so will have to initiate this year.  Sounds like loads of fun!  What's the prize?  You guys looked like you had a wonderful time 'together.'  So cute!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / In Size Eights Finally
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:01:45 PM »
Hey all.  Started Zumba February this past year.  Lost quite a few inches from the Zumba exercise and the classes were only once a week.  Started at 157.  End of June had a tooth extracted, very serious, and lost approx 10 pounds in that process.  Started FTS mid August of this year upon my doctor referring the book to hubby who has Type 2 D.  I bought the book immediately and began to read it.  It took hubby about a week or so to grudgingly begin to read.  As he began to read the book, he couldn't believe it - and felt revitalized emotionally to realize that he could eat again and only just have to count net carbs.  He couldn't believe it - Liberated at last - Knowledge at last.  And with this new found knowledge, came more weight loss.  I am currently at 128 this morning and actually fit into size eight jeans.  My goal is to be 120/size 6, but happy in my eights.  As Doug's CD says, it took him about a year to emotionally realize that he had taken off those 100 pounds.  I still really can't believe that this has actually happened to me.  My puffy face is normal again.  I don't have this big butt and gut hanging every which way but lose, BUT, my brain hasn't caught up with the weight loss.  I know it will and then I can relax and enjoy!  Thanks Doug.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Go Green Soup
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:16:09 PM »
This could be a Gazpacho if you wanted it to be, but they are usually a tomato- based.  I guess, though, it can work both ways because of the sweetness.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Go Green Soup
« on: November 29, 2012, 01:53:41 PM »
I'm thinking it all depends on the lettuce - if you buy a sweeter lettuce it adds to the overall sweeter taste.  I wouldn't use the regular round head of lettuce - the iceburg, because the inner core sometimes is bitter, although I would still use the greener outside leaf of the iceburg if I had no other choice.  But, I stay away from iceburg as much as I can as the longer leaf lettuces 'I feel' are much healthier.    Please correct if wrong.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Go Green Soup
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:40:42 PM »
Yummy - I should say I would probably use fresh ginger instead of the ground ginger.  It's all what you have at home - just dump it all in a stock pot and boil down.  This is a sort of sweet tasting soup - so limit the Kale. 

Vegetarian Recipes / Go Green Soup
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:17:05 AM »
This is my GO GREEN SOUP

2 large leeks (chop in medium chunks – I didn’t use green tops)
2 celery hearts (chop in medium chunks – I used the leafy part, too)
5 small yellow zucchini (chop in medium chunks)
1 large cucumber minus seeds (chop in medium chunks)
Lettuce (handful)
Kale (about 6 stalks - remove the thicker stalk - safe and pickle if you  like)
Garlic  (2 large cloves placed whole in stock pot)
Shallots – about 8 small (placed whole in stock pot)
1 T Olive Oil

Additional ingredients:
Chicken bouillon soup (one carton or your own stock)
Water (enough to know that when veggies steam down that they will be covered in liquid…you can always add more if you like)
Ground Ginger to taste
Red Hot Pepper flakes (a few sprinklings – not too overpowering)
Salt and pepper to taste
Lemon juice (optional) (about ½ cup or to taste – or you could use lime juice)

Add all ingredients except kale, lettuce, olive oil boil down
Once boiled down, then add kale and lettuce and allow the leaves to boil down 
Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and let soup cook for another 10 minutes on simmer.

Let soup sit until somewhat cooled and then use submerging blender and blend away into a nice creamy texture 

I served a bowl to myself at lunchtime along with garnish of 2 slices of avocado and a slice of mozzarella cheese.  Or whole milk yogurt, a couple avocado slices and a dab of basil pesto.

You can eat chilled, but I liked to warm mine up so the mozzarella cheese can get a little softer.

Vegetarian Recipes / Re: Collard Greens
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:48:11 PM »

Ask Umpa / Re: Carrot Cake
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:33:00 PM »
okay, where is my brain - I just read this whole carrot cake section and printed a copy of the carrot cake recipe.  I also can't wait for my 50 posts so I can request a copy of the book.  YEA!  Thanks and it does sound good and think I will make the cup cakes.  Thanks UMPA!

Ask Umpa / Re: Pizzelle Cookies
« on: November 28, 2012, 09:25:42 AM »
By the way, TooSweet, I just love your cheerleader!   Fun stuff!

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