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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: At a loss?
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:52:39 PM »
Thanks mouseissue so much! That is very helpful! I don't have a set doctor, I visit a sliding fee and free clinic and a few doctors there that treat my emergencies, like microplasma and such...but they won't test for non emergency. I did have my thyroid tested, and there was nothing irregular, which actually was frustrating because I am again, left with no answers. But I believe you are a vegan on low carb, it's ridiculous I'm not losing more weight...I hardly eat anything that sticks you know? I do feel like crying because I am giving my all, minus exercise. Hopefully, when I graduate in May, I can get more tests done...but I totally agree with you. Maybe my school clinic can help me out. When I was hospitalized back in September for two weeks, they did a lot of testing and they still have to do many tests, but my body couldn't handle much more, and what was sad, I knew that as soon as I left the hospital, I wouldn't get any help because I don't have insurance, and my hospital stay was covered under an assistance program because I am in full time school, but only things done in the hospital. They think I have Ulcerative Colitis...I don't know if that affects weight loss, but I too, like your wife, actually have gained 3 pounds. I was 221, now 224-225. I promise I'm not cheating...and something must be off. Thank you so much for your suggestion, I think I will check into it as much as I can, and see if the SFA health clinic can help me. Do you know of any specific tests I might ask for, or any imbalance I can ask to have done to see if maybe something is weight correlated? I appreciate you again, thank you. Oh, and I will start walking just in case too...can't hurt! Over the last Christmas break I was walking 15 miles a change then, but maybe with a better diet...shoot, I don't know, at this point, I'm willing to try anything, the last doc I saw at the clinic didn't recommend being out the weather with the chilly air and pollen we have going on in TX, but I think the benefits will outweight the negatives :) thanks again! Have a super night!

General Discussion / Re: At a loss?
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:58:57 PM »
Okay, well then it's set...I will start walking and see if there is any improvement! Man, I hope I can come back in a week or two and tell you all I've finally broke out of the 220's!!! I hate seeing that number LOL I'm just trying to make it under 200 right now! I keep telling everyone, one of these days I'm going to throw an under 200 party!!! :P

General Discussion / Re: At a loss?
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:52:47 PM »
Part of it also is I didn't expect to exercise this early in the program, my impression was many people didn't exercise at first, just follow the dietary constraints. I thought when I lost a little more weight, and I could more easily do it on my heart and lungs without the weight, then I would start again. I used to weight train when I was younger and I loved it...but in due time hopefully I can do it again!

General Discussion / Re: At a loss?
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:46:33 PM »

At this moment, I can't exercise, for two reasons, I have microplasma and because of stress induced exercise induced asthma that is not controlled and worsened by the microplasma, my doctor doesn't recommend it, but they also told me not to be in the cool air, but I am planning to walk and I CAN walk! I don't mind walking at all :) I'm planning to start walking with my baby and a friend. I can't afford any gyms at this moment, but in May when I graduate I hope I can! But walking is free :)...also none of our gyms have child centers, and no one can watch my kiddo, so again, the walking would be great cuz I can walk with him and push him in his stroller! Do you think walking for 30-1 hour would do any good? That's what I'm aiming for right now :)

General Discussion / At a loss?
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:34:28 PM »
I'm not sure what to say. I haven't been on in a while because I was hoping to provide an update on my weight loss...but I can't :(  regardless of all my efforts, I am still stuck and the same place I was last time I posted about this...I'm going on three weeks at the same ugly weight. What I do know is that I don't work out, if I did, I'm sure things would move forward, but I've lost 17 pounds or so on FTS and that was in the first two weeks, the last two to three my weight hasn't moved. I'm grateful for what I lost, don't get me wrong, but I need to lose more. I don't eat any sugar alcohols and nor have I can't cut them out. I only went over the 20 carbs one time by 3, but that was a long ways back and it wasn't intentional. I drink only water and almond milk. I added the LaTortillas in my diet and the almond flour biscuits so that I could increase my calories without increasing my carbs, so I eat one of those or a GG crispbread everyday to help with calories because my calories were too low at 200-300, but I always stay within the carb limit of 20, and sometimes a little less if I'm not hungry to eat more. I've read everything I could find on here, including Doug's latest post on stalled weight loss, and other than exercise, I'm doing everything right. I don't get it. I haven't given up, I'm just trying to figure out what to do. I"m hoping that someone can tell me if it will kick in all the sudden or not? Is this normal? Did anyone else go through this this early in the program? The lowest I hit was 221 and the highest in the past couple weeks is 224 I seem to bounce around there. Any help family is very appreciated...helpful information I might not know about is great because I'm new but I'm at a loss! Thanks again for your time everyone and hope you all are having a great day! :-*

I'm sorry, I'm confused, how many carbs does it have per slice? Assuming it's baked in the cookie sheet and cut into 8 chunks...before slicing it, how many carbs does it have? And is the carb count before or after the eggs, because i will have to refigure it as I use an egg replacer with 4 carbs per "egg" equivalency. Sorry if this question has already been answered...I saw something similar but couldn't outright find an answer :)

Breads and Crackers / Re: 1 Carb Biscuits
« on: March 06, 2011, 03:20:06 PM »
I did make them and they are SOOOO GOOD!  ;D I ate three  :-X  they tasted so good to my tummy and my mouth! Thank you! Mine are 1.6 carbs...but that's okay, they are great. I really thank you for posting this, I've been craving bread and nothing has come close to satisfying my southern biscuit craving except for this! Now I'm going to do some searching for cabbage soup for dinner :) to go with my biscuits, because I'm pretty sure I haven't eaten my last one of the day just yet! My appetite has come back 3fold the past couple days!

Breads and Crackers / Re: 1 Carb Biscuits
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:53:55 PM »
I'm making these right now!!! I am soooo excited! Bless you for posting this! I am becoming good friends with the search tool :) I found them by accident. When I'm sick, all I want for an upset stomach is bread...and you just saved my appetite and my tummy and my carbs :) of course, mine are 1.6 carbs because I use an egg replacer that is kinda high in carbs, but this is awesome, thanks so much! I will let you know how these turned out for me :)

General Discussion / Re: Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 06, 2011, 11:07:03 AM »
:) will do Doug. I usually discover I am or am not having adverse reactions to something when it "slips" into my food without knowing, the other day a slice of red onion got in my salad from Subway...not good. My doctors at first suspected I had Celiac's...I don't thank goodness because I absolutely love the LaTortillas :) eat them everyday. They are so awesome. I'm very ill today unfortunately, so I'm going to have a tortilla with butter...I think it will sooth my hungry but sick tummy :) so glad you and Rena told me about those...I'm addicted!

General Discussion / Re: Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:30:54 AM »
I would, but I don't really have any cheese substitutes that aren't high in carbs...I have one but it's like a queso, it's a little odd, the other ones don't melt (I've never figured out why LOL) egg replacer is 3 carbs per "egg" too, I'm allergic to onion but I could skip it. If I knew how to make a cheese replacer...but the main reason I don't eat tofu is because I can't digest it well, I don't like it, silken or firm, but I can't digest it, among with a  mass of other things. The Boca seems to be the only one that doesn't make me ill...I'll see what I can come up with...thanks Doug! Hope you have a great Sunday.

General Discussion / Re: Finally!
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:20:51 PM »
I started Feb. 15 Momx04!!! We started right around the same time! You go lady!!!

General Discussion / Re: Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 04, 2011, 11:09:46 AM »
Very helpful Doug and Umpa! I know you're right because my protein isn't that's pretty low, of course, due to my diet, that is hard to achieve. I used to get a lot of protein from Ezekiel bread and beans/rice, but also a lot of carbs...which made me fat. Umpa, you're right too, my meals aren't life is so hectic, it's really hard to balance everything out, not impossible, but very hard. I'm not intentionally not providing my body the nutrients it needs, it's just hard to do with primarily veggies and a little soy. You're also right about the salad, I pointed that out a while back myself, it burns through me quickly and the carbs add up FAST, and I couldn't get people to see that. It seems that all my carbs add up fast, so I end up limited because the veggies add up so fast...UGH. I'm trying to get creative, and I am, but it's hard to meet my protein counts without leaving me with too few carbs and still be able to eat a decent portion size. Like today for lunch, I'm having a wrap with the LaTortilla (store only carries the big ones) with shredded spinach, tomato, calamato, green, and black olives, crushed red pepper, red wine vinegar, and olive oil...12 carbs...had no breakfast and will figure out dinner soon enough...but just for the wrap ( a hearty one) is more than half my carbs for the day. I may need a little assistance with meal plans...I'm not doing great on my own, and skip breakfast a lot because of carbs, but I think that when I order the cereal , it will get better. Any help is appreciated guys and ladies :) love you all, have a blessed day.

General Discussion / Re: Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 03, 2011, 09:28:10 PM »
Yeah, I found it right after I posted...  ::) go figure!

General Discussion / Re: Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 03, 2011, 07:08:01 PM »
Hey Rena! Thanks for commenting :) it was cricket quiet on here  :P. GUESS WHAT? I found the La Tortillas at Kroger today  ;D I'm making pizza on them tonight with a friend! When I make pizza, I simply skip the cheese and make it cheese-less. It actually tastes very, very good. I use low carb tomato sauce or a few cherry tomatoes and make my own, Italian seasonings, calamato and green and black olives (love olives but gotta watch carbs so I slice em small) and baby spinach...sometimes I add other things, don't like artichoke and asparagus tastes weird on pizza, but it's great just the way I said!!! Other people add onions and mushroom but I don't like those. I also found Dream Fields pasta...I bought a box but need more insight before I eat says 41 carbs, 5 fiber, but only 5 digestible I'm looking for someone who might know a little more on it. Anyways, I'm hoping the GG Crispbread (i ordered today) will help too, and the cereal, which I will order :) still hoping for any suggestions. Love you Rena and thanks a bunch.

General Discussion / Re: Finally!
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:36:25 PM »
Go mama!!! So happy for you!!!! That's great!  :D

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