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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Calorie/Carb Problems...
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:32:38 PM »
I've been a little hesitant to post about this...but I could use some input. So, my weight really hasn't changed in two weeks. Not a huge deal, but I do have a concern. I think the reason why is because I don't eat enough. I only eat when I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry, I'm really hungry...and I stop as soon as I'm satisfied...which is usually pretty quickly. I know we don't necessarily count calories on this program, but on a whim, one day I decided to count my calories, my husband was concerned I wasn't getting enough. What I found shocked the crud out of me. Somewhere between a week and two weeks, I've barely, sometimes not all, broken over 200 calories a day...200. I know it's because veggies are low in calories...but 200 I think is too low. I consulted with a friend about this, and we both agreed, that my body might think it's starving even though I eat when I'm hungry and eat good portions, my caloric content is very low. At best, I might can hit 500 calories, but never more. So, I think that might be another reason I'm stalled. I've found no hidden carbs and I eat no sugar alcohols...none of my food has any in it and I only drink almond milk and water...I could drink more almond milk though. My question is, does anyone have advice on how to increase my calories without increasing my carbs? I'm going to order the GG BrandCrisp bread today, the LaTortillas, and one of the special cereals and maybe a Walden's Farms spaghetti sauce...maybe that will help? I appreciate all input. Today I was 223...trying to get to 165.

General Discussion / Re: Light Bulb Moment
« on: March 01, 2011, 09:41:07 PM »
Hey Rena! I didn't check the walden farms because I found two dressings, you and someone else suggested, Paul Newman's! One only has one carb and one has like two carbs! When I get tired of the lack of diversity I'll probably check it out! Thanks again Rena and Down East! <3

General Discussion / Re: Light Bulb Moment
« on: March 01, 2011, 05:20:24 PM »
You are welcome! I found it on a of them. One said 15 grams, one said 20...and I use the little fake lime looking thing you find in the produce section, but the website just said bottled or fresh, and they were both high. I couldn't believe it. The website also had a color coded system to share it's good points and bad points, lime juice had all good points except one...and it had a bad color for high SUGAR! So that told me it was probably right. *Sigh...another favorite of mine.

General Discussion / Re: Light Bulb Moment
« on: March 01, 2011, 02:20:59 PM »
Right Doug? I never would have thought lime juice...I love it...go figure. Oh well, I can taste skinny around the corner!!! I did lose another pound...down to 223, hoping to see the two-teens next week sometime! That would be cool, even if it's only 219! I'm so mad at that lime juice. Someone needs to mandate that they post nutrition labels on everything, even fresh fruits and veggies :P I'm like, why am I the only fat vegan around this place? LOL that 20 carbs is for a whole cup, but I use probably 1/4 to a half when I use that's still going over most of the time.

General Discussion / Light Bulb Moment
« on: March 01, 2011, 01:53:41 PM »
Okay, I think I found why my weight loss has stunted! Are you ready? I think it's because there are TWENTY carbs in LIME JUICE!!! I use lime juice as seasoning, I saute just about everything in lime juice...I've even used it as salad dressing! My goodness!!! I just looked it up on a makes much more sense now...just when I thought I was being silly looking it up! Guess I learned my lesson, I will be looking everything up from here on out. GEEZ. Okay everyone have a great day!

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:37:22 PM »
NO kidding Rena! WITW was he thinking charging that much??!!! Heck no!!!! LOL maybe used!

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:35:54 PM »
Thanks guys! I need one I can carry with me, so maybe Rena I can find a cheaper used one, but both are great! Thanks again :)

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:09:27 PM »
Thanks down east, you are always very helpful!!! I can't wait to order tortillas, and have black beans and lettuce and tomatoes...OH MY!!! I LOVE burritos :D

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:23:26 PM »
Okay, thanks! That's awesome!!! Have a healthy sugar free day!!!

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:40:20 AM »
Good idea ShihTzuMom1!!! Thanks! Do you know anything about the carb count for the mashed cauliflower? I love it!

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:27:07 AM »
OM!!! Just when I thought I was frustrated, I get on the scale...and guess what? I've gained two pounds...GAINED.  >:( I'm like REALLY? WITW did I eat to make me gain weight. UGH. On another note, I wanted to ask you Doug and Umpa, when you make something like mashed cauliflower, and you measure a half a cup or a cup, do the carb counts change or is half a cup of cauliflower in any form still 1.5? Just wondering about that. Thanks guys.

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:27:25 AM »
Thanks Doug!!! Okay, my food processor is one of those tiny little ones that only chops, it has two blades and I can fit about a cup of anything at a time, but I've been wanting to get more kitchen stuff...though my little apartment can't handle much more LOL...I'll be saving for a big better one for the cauli-rice! Thanks again Doug and love that accent ;)

General Discussion / Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 28, 2011, 09:59:15 AM »
Thanks ladies! Umpa, yes my food list is pretty darn small...I think that's what makes it so hard, and I hate tofu...I gag on the stuff. I have a strong gag reflex...probably all in the brain. You're right Umpa, I take care of a lot of people and a lot of kiddos. I feel exhausted, well because I am...but when you don't get more than about 4-5 hours of sleep (broken sleep due to a fussy toddler) then I'm sure no matter what I eat I'd be down right exhausted. The good thing Umpa is that I find out about new foods and ideas here every week...I know the possibilities with veggies alone are endless...just gotta get the ole thinker going. Like cauli-rice...whoda thunkit?  Gettin full isn't typically an issue, it's eating before my gut thinks it's starving...ShihTzuMom1...I've never heard of chia seeds! That sounds interesting...I will add that to my list of food items to look into! I've discovered nuts and I are good almonds, they go a long way and so does the almond milk. It helps tie me over when I can't eat right away. 

Umpa, right again, five years ago or more like 7 is when I gained almost 100 pounds in a year to a year and half for no known's like my body betrayed itself. I ate lots of cheese, and pasta and starches that now a days would tear me up and bloat up my stomach. that's a good reminder, those carbs hurt my digestive system...really bloated me up...I coulda flown us all for free round trip to anywhere in the U.S. off of my gut  :P ;D and that's funny about standing on your head...maybe it will give me an extra, say lift  :-X ;)

Also, even though my food list is limited, I think about Moses in the desert for all those years and they lived off of manna and water, and John the Baptist lived off of honey and'm sure I can make it ;)

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 09:47:29 AM »
Doug, Hmmm, I've never heard of cauli rice!!! Last night I made the mashed cauliflower and it was soooo good!!! Is there a recipe for the rice? I've never seen black soy beans, heard people talk about them, but never seen them...that's interesting, I'll have to check into that. I've been making the flaxseed bread and it's okay, but it doesn't rise very much, even with my egg replacer, so I just leave it out all together, it tastes a little different too, maybe it's the lack of egg and my butter substitute, I use earth balance butter because it's vegan and has 0 carbs...but it's okay. I am interested in making flax pancakes though :) haven't found a recipe yet...I still have a ways to go, still beginner.

Umpa...that's what I was thinking. I don't know why I'm missing french bread...but I am. There's a restaurant here I used to frequent that had the best french bread that was vegan and I dipped it in EVOO and balsamic vinegar...that's what I'm aching for :P but, not for the pounds that comes along with it. Some days are just harder than others for me I think. Some days I overthink things, and make it harder than it seems, and then some days it's easy. Being around people at work and working lunches at meetings gets me and I start craving, otherwise, I'm usually fine, except that I host a lot of dinner parties and help cook around town for events...grrrr.

Doug, so if I have a salad with broccoli, a little tomato, cucumber, olives, cauliflower, and baby spinach, and it's tossed together, I can't figure out if I measure the tossed salad, let's say a cup full, I can't figure out how many carbs each veggie counted for even if I know maybe I put 2 carbs of each veggie in...does that make sense? Or maybe I should keep them separate? Sorry for all the questions, hope I'm not annoying you to death :\ I'm just trying to be as true to the program as possible, and to myself.

Okay, one last there anyways to make flaxseed bread like french bread? Just wondering. Thanks again ya'll I hope you have a great day!!! Oh I have a friend soon to join the program too :)

General Discussion / Multi-Question post!
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:47:29 AM »
Okay, so like when you make a dish with multiple parts, like salads, stir fry, spaghetti squash dinners or casseroles (although I haven't found a casserole I can actually eat it LOL) how do you figure the carbs? Do you measure each veggie or item and add them up? If you make a couple day's worth how do you portion it out so you know how many carbs you eat each time you eat it? This happens a lot for me with veggies since the carbs add up quickly when mixed do you know? Especially when you have to eat out. Also, I miss having Ezekiel bread, pasta, rice, and BEANS the most...even fruit :( I love it so much, can I not have them at all? And when I lose the weight I do you add some back in, if I start to eat bread or pasta or fruit, seems like I'll gain weight again!? Last question...seems now, around the 2 week mark, all of the sudden my sugar cravings are going through the roof! It didn't bother before yesterday, now I'm just about watering at the mouth! Is that normal? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just confused on these things! Thanks guys :) have a blessed night and love ya!

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