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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:51:11 PM »
You always know what to say and when to say it Rena!!! I appreciate you so much. Yup, I think I feel like Rick...and yes, my hubby (this may be TMI) but he was like, ummm you're not gonna lose your boobies are you? LOL He was like, they're getting smaller...I could have smacked him. He didn't bother mentioning my hips and stomach are smaller, just the breasts LOL, I love him though, such a typical guy. I'm so thankful for my friends here and thankful for you Rena...I just have to bite the bullet and keep pressing! Thank you so much for your stories and encouragement!!! It's a blessing to me and my soul :)

General Discussion / Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:31:03 PM »
Thanks so much Momx4...You nailed it! I lost so much at first, and then it's like...addictive to lose weight and I want it to keep going at that rate! You definitely "get it" I appreciate it! And you're right...never before have I lost this much weight, except for when I went vegan, I lost 40 pounds in 3 months or so. But this has been faster. Thanks again, I appreciate everyone listening to my rant! Now...I'm soooo hungry...dont' know what to cook for dinner! I'm mad at veggies for having so many carbs LOL especially spaghetti squash...I have a love affair with that veggie :)

General Discussion / Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:28:28 PM »
Thanks Rena!!! I love you so much, you're such a valuable source and a great encourager!!! You look awesome too! I guess I'm partly mad also because since I've lost the 60 pounds, I would have thought I'd lost more than just two sizes from a 22-18 you know?  I know some people who recently lost 50-60 pounds and they're skinny, but since I was nearly 300 pounds, I still am obese 60 pounds later...and that's what really got me, realizing, yeah I've lost 60 pounds, but a lot of people don't notice or say I look like I only lost 20 because I was so big to start with! A friend of mine said that last night btw. She was like, you don't look like you've lost that much, and I showed her old pics and she was like, yeah, but I think when I met you you were skinnier than you are now...and I wasn't!!! I haven't been this weight in years...and it really hurt my feelings. She is over 300 pounds mind you. But you know what I'm saying, it was a huge crush, like you can't tell I've lost a lot of weight? :( And then it's hard when I go out or when we have to go out when I'm on the road for work (internship) and I get a salad, because I can't measure everything and they don't know how many carbs it is, (surprising so many places don't have nutritional info on their dishes) especially when I have to remove or exchange items you know. And then I freak out like...oh no, what if I go over...I might gain it all back! I know that's not realistic, but it's a fear I have. UGH I'm exhausted typing this.

Mouseissue you said, "Please... Please don't condemn yourself to being overweight for the rest of your life!
You deserve so much more than that!"  

I appreciate that gravely! That is really eye opening and I am grateful you said that, you are right! Thank you for that encouragement! And thanks again you!

General Discussion / Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:19:43 PM »
Okay, let me see how to address this. I came here because I have no where else to turn. I realize being upset with the weight loss is ridiculous, I was only venting, I've had a horrible week and my emotions are going I was trying to vent. I really come for support, and I feel much better after I napped than before. I really didn't post for criticism...I get enough of that everywhere at home where my family says I've lost too much and it's not healthy. And I don't eat crap, and haven't for almost a year. I've been vegan for almost a year and prior to this diet I ate healthy food, just lots of whole grains and carbs. I avoid salads sometimes because when I put all the veggies on it I like, it gets to like 9 or 10 carbs for one salad, and I don't know about you, but salads burn through me! I don't like plain ones with just a veggie or two :P and sometimes I don't mean to get hungry, I'm just very busy (I raise a two year old, have 15 hours of grad school, 32-35 hours of work in another city a week, travel sometimes 8 hours a day and it's hard to carry and eat food when you're in court all day) and it sneaks up on the time I've cooked my hubby and son a totally separate meal, I'm too tired to cook and just go to bed....does that make sense? I get very little sleep with work and school. And it's not FTS that makes me feel miserable, it's just I started it in a difficult semester. This is my graduating semester with my master's degree, and I have way over full time hours and full time work, working in foster care is not easy, so it's just the season I'm in, and since I was eating healthy before, it's not a huge difference I just have a lot less sugar...and that does feel great...I'm just exhausted! Doug, ShihTzuMom1, and mouseissue I found your posts very helpful, thank you! And I agree Doug, I don't think anyone but a chef like you and other vegans can appreciate the difficulty I face being vegan on a low carb diet, it is much more difficult trying to find variety. Part of this frustration comes from my lack of ingenuity in cooking, I'm great when it comes to cooking from flour and whole grains, but when I'm left with only veggies, it's much more difficult...I appreciate you understanding that Doug. Yes, I do need to adjust to smaller meals more frequently, but my internship is so scheduled, they won't let us snack, it's just hard season and it will pass. I just wanted to come and vent and for the helpful comments I appreciate that. I know I can do this, again just needed to lean on someone. And I just need a few more ideas. As soon as I can save a little money, I will buy the low carb vegan cereal and tortillas and crisp bread because that will give me so many more options! Love you guys! Oh, and I think I did pretty good with my dinner the past couple nights, although for a good size portion it is 15 carbs :P but this is what I had:

Spaghetti squash with diced tomatoes, and quartered zucchini sauteed with red wine vinegar, olive oil, lime juice, lemon pepper, and sea salt :) It was so good!

P.S. MOST of my frustration is from watching my hubby eat whatever the heck he wants, cooking wonderful meals for him I can't eat, and he will eat plate after plate and never gains a pound! He is 5'6 and 145 and doesn't work out...although now we're trying to meet in the middle at 165, so he complains about gaining weight and I'm trying to lose, it's become a fun competition between us who can gain/lose faster! I'm beating him! But I'm so tired of seeing all these skinny people who eat and stuff their face and never gain a pound...I'm like, why was I chosen to be the fat one? UGH and I've been hosting a lot of parties lately with pastas and breads and chocolates and so now I'm really missing things like sweet tea, bread, pasta and my favorite restaurants :( so that's why I'm so mad, not really as much the weight loss, I have unrealistic expectations from my body sometimes, but it's betrayed me a lot I feel and since I can't yell at myself, just tried to vent here. I know I will lose more, but I wanted to see if it's normal to taper off sometimes, that was it.

General Discussion / Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:59:51 PM »
 :'( So, I started this program February 15, and it has been a HUGE challenge finding things to eat. Sometimes I get so hungry I feel like I'm going to throw up, and get very nauseous...but I haven't cheated, not even once, in fact, most days I'm between 12-15 carbs. I maintain that if I "cheat" or go over, the only person I'm hurting and really cheating on is myself, so I have stayed true to the program. But I am very frustrated right now. So, when I started on Feb. 15th, I weighed 240 pounds, and right now I weigh 224. Sounds good, I've lost 16 pounds, the problem is, 11 of that was the first week. So, since Tuesday of this week, I've only lost 2 pounds.  :-\ It's like it's slowed so much it's almost stopped, and I'm working soooo hard. I don't eat almost any sugar alcohols and I measure everything. Why would it stop??? Before I lost the first 40 something pounds after becoming vegan last June and before I started the FTS program, I was a size I'm an 18. It seems I should be in a 16 or a smaller size, that's not much of a move. I'm so frustrated. I cried today seeing all my friends that are skinny, and my husband, that seem to eat whatever in the heck they want and never gain a fricken pound. Why was I chosen to be fat regardless of what I eat? I'm practically killing myself over here (not literally but you know what I mean) measuring everything, being so careful, eating small portions, counting every carb, not enjoying my huge salads like before and tons of dressing because salads have too many carbs, no fruit, no carrots, only drink almond milk and much I've given up and only 2 pounds this week??? Do you know how discouraging that is? I'm afraid, if the weight loss doesn't pick up, I'm going to throw in the towel, it's not worth giving up so much for 2 pounds...there's so much food I miss, like bread and pasta...quite frankly, excuse my language, but I'm ticked off at my body. Thanks for letting me vent. I hope everyone is having better progress than me right now.

General Discussion / Re: Update!!!
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:27:46 AM »
Thanks so much!!! Well, I'm definitely good at committing, and I haven't slipped up. When I do something, I never turn back. I went vegetarian over night 14 years ago, and then went vegan over night like 8 or 9 months ago...always been a cold-turkey type of person :P

General Discussion / Re: Update!!!
« on: February 24, 2011, 12:59:22 AM »
Thanks SuzieQ!!! I hope I continue to lose, I'm scared that will be it!

General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:33:18 AM »
Thank you! I'm trying!!!

General Discussion / Re: Update!!!
« on: February 22, 2011, 02:15:05 PM »
Thanks guys!!! Everyone is an encouragement to me!

Down East: I just omit the muffin and make NO other changes for the bread recipe, I make it in a small round or square container, but it's bigger than a coffee mug so it rises about and inch or so and it's about the size of almost my whole hand. When I make the sweet versions I changed the Torani for sugar free syrup without aspertame (It's not Log Cabin, it has less sugar alcohols than that one but can't remember the brand) and I substitute the xylitol for Truvia...and of course on top of the cinnamon, I add nutmeg :) it's sooo good!

Doug! I feel that way, now that I'm not living to eat, craving bread and pasta all the time, I'm eating to live and find myself satisfied with more :D it's wonderful!!!

I hope you all have a GREAT day!!!

General Discussion / Update!!!
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:56:12 AM »
So, I started exactly one week ago, on a Tuesday...When I started on Tuesday, I weighed 240, and today, I weigh 229! 11 pounds :)  I feel okay, been a little dizzy and light headed and sometimes I have to remind myself to eat because I'm not eating very much, many days I only have 12 or 13 carbs, but I'm way more tuned into my body and when I'm actually hungry, and I stick to my meal plan. My most favorite recent foods are the one minute muffins and mine are without the egg so there's no carbs! I also have discovered the joy of frying squash and zucchini...I slice them up, dip them in soy milk or almond milk and cover them in milled flaxseed and fry them in EVOO...and it is OOOOO so good, with a little Tony Chachere's and sea salt sprinkled on top and dipped in reduced sugar ketchup :D So that's my update for now :) Hopefully, I'll have more good news as I go along! Have a great day!

General Discussion / Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:02:34 PM »
Okay! So today's meal plan was:

Breakfast: 4

Two packets of almonds: 4 net carbs

Lunch: 4

Boca patty with a squeeze of reduced sugar ketchup: 2 net carbs
1 cup of broccoli and cauliflower mix: 2 net carbs
4 snack umms pickles


2 cups of stir fry mix with soy sauce: 2 net carbs
1/2 cup of fresh sliced strawberries: 3.5 net carbs

Total: 12 net carbs!!! YAY
Tomorrow's meal plan is:
Breakfast: 4

1 cup of almond milk unsweetened
2 packets of almonds: 4 net carbs

Lunch: 8

1 1/2 cups of stir fry mix with soy sauce and flaxseed milled: 2 net carbs
4 snack umms pickles
2 oz. of walnuts: 2 net carbs
2 TBS of hummus: 3 net carbs
small handful of broccoli florets: 1 net carb

Dinner: 7.5

1 Boca patty wrapped in 2 lettuce leaves with one slice of a medium tomato: 3 net carbs
1 cup of yellow squash satueed with lime juice and tomato: 4.5

Total: 19.5

General Discussion / Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:42:48 PM »
Okay! So today's meal plan was:

Breakfast: 4

Two packets of almonds: 4 net carbs

Lunch: 4

Boca patty with a squeeze of reduced sugar ketchup: 2 net carbs
1 cup of broccoli and cauliflower mix: 2 net carbs
4 snack umms pickles


2 cups of stir fry mix with soy sauce: 2 net carbs
1/2 cup of fresh sliced strawberries: 3.5 net carbs

Total: 12 net carbs!!! YAY

General Discussion / Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 16, 2011, 04:33:56 PM »
Thanks Rena! I LOVE star fruit...I've barely met anyone else that's ever heard of's awesome awesome! Thanks so much Rena!

General Discussion / Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 16, 2011, 03:48:24 PM »
:) I think I was considering the strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries just berries and not fruit...I have blueberries but they are really high in carbs I thought? Like 1 oz. was 4 or 5 carbs...I'll have to check again though. I didn't know about Kiwi! That's AWESOME! Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 16, 2011, 02:05:19 PM »
Thanks again Umpa! Rena gave me some great recipes off of this board for the muffins and stuff...I would have never found it. Does anyone have a good smoothie recipe...I can't bring myself to make one out of veggies and fruit is a no-no :(

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