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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:32:26 PM »
Thanks Darla! And congrats so far! Very proud for you!

General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 11:00:12 AM »
Uh Oh...Dixie Diner isn't an option right now...I just checked it out...EEEEK, I can't afford that stuff yet, we are a family of three that lives off of 800 dollars a month, I'm in grad school and doing an internship commuting in another town :( so gas is already killing us, and my hubby is in school and works 30 hours a week and has college courses too and our son is in DixieDiner. BUT I know that I can eat other foods without those premade ones right? I mean I can cook almost anything...just need a few ideas.

General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:49:09 AM »
Thank you! Yes we have the Newman products and dressings! I used to use them alot, I will have to recheck that out! I will have to make changes to my salads but I make salad-soup with the dressing :P I"m a saturator when it comes to dressing  :o I have not seen Walden Farms but I have probably not previously looked for them...will have to check that out. Thanks! I appreciate any and all suggestions!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:31:52 AM »
Hmmm, for starters, I know I can eat veggies...but the carbs kinda add up quick huh? I could have a salad, but can't find good dressing that's low carb and I don't want to burn out on vinegar and oil (especially since my FAVE Balsamic is high carb :( ) but don't know what else to put on it. I have some semi low carb marinara at 4gr for a couple TBS but that's not much, and I have some almonds and peanuts and peanut and almond butter...but nothing to put it, since my bread Ezekiel bread is 11 carbs. I love cabbage, brussel sprouts, squash, zuchinni...all veggies except for avacado, onions (allergy), and mushrooms...hate those three, not big on artichoke, everything else is fair game! Any suggestions? Also, off topic but should I start a new thread for this? I tend to get lost in my new topics...

General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:24:45 AM »
 :D Thanks guys!!! So...haven't started eating today yet...and I'm not sure what I can do for breakfast! Or lunch or dinner LOL. Obviously, even if I order products today, they won't be here for a suggestions? I live in a rural East Texas town (not low sugar or vegan friendly LOL) but we have Wal-Mart, Krogers, and Brookshire Bros and two tiny health stores managing to survive but they sell mostly Celiac and vegan friendly stuff but not low carb. I did however find that my FAVORITE dish (White Mountain vegan tamales) will fit into the plan!!! They have 26 grams of carbs BUT after you subtract the dietary fiber...15 grams worth...that leaves me with 11 grams for TWO!!! So, if I eat only ONE then it's like 5.5 grams YAY...and my vegan queso...Nacho Mamas vegan queso, has only 2 grams!!! It's great, so I do have SOMETHING. I love almonds and peanuts, and of course can get those...any other ideas friends? Sherriepie, Umpa, Doug, Joagain, and Shih Tzu Mom1...thanks for all the support, it's like you're family! I'm so excited everytime I hear from you guys. I'm on Facebook and if anyone is a FBer too my name is Desiree' Morrison and I'd be glad to add you or you add me. I came here because Rena, on here, is my friend on FB, we became friends through my mom and she referred me to this eating change, when I saw her success I was like...DUDE...what ARE you doing? She referred me and I listened and now I am thinking how life changing this will be. I'm thankful for Rena, she has been an amazing beacon of hope and inspiration in my life. Whew...sorry about the topic any ideas for vegans on lunch or dinner for today (eventually I'll get creative I'm sure, it was like this when I became vegan, just gotta get going) I haven't found any low sugar/ carb dressing yet for salad...worried about carbs in veggies adding up quick so gotta figure out something more than veggies and salad and almonds :P and tamales of course!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:13:39 AM »
AHA...DixieDiner...I thought I saw that ;)...yes looks good! Is it only online? I'm going to be checking that out very soon. Thanks a million Doug, I appreciate it so much. I've got to get used to ordering online I do suppose!

General Discussion / Re: Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:12:19 AM »
That is the plan!!!

General Discussion / Sick of Being FAT
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:10:14 AM »
So...I'm sick of being FAT. I've been F-A-T my whole life. Sometimes I was fairly healthy size, but mainly just FAT. It's funny, I've hidden behind the description, "Womanly" or "full-figured" or "plus size" like I'm a candy bar or prize or something. Society has told me I'm just in "real women sizes"...which isn't fair because skinny women are real women too. I don't care if I never fit into a 6, or even 10...BUT I want to FEEL as good as if I'm a 6 or 10. I want to be healthy. I want to live. My father died at age 31 when I was 10 years old due to a heart attack and he wasn't a big guy at all, but internally he was unhealthy. I want my son to know me first hand, not through others' descriptions and pictures. I don't want him to be embarrassed when his friends come over and see his FAT mom. My husband is 5'6 and 135 pounds of lean meat and muscle...he doesn't eat right or exercise, but somehow is lean, and I don't want people to look at us anymore, he must love fat women. I am determined to make this work...I can see it in my mind's eye. I don't care if all I eat is spinach, I can't live like this anymore. I lost 50 pounds, but when you're 5'9 and 240-235 50 pounds is nothing. I'm done with YOU sugar, with YOU carbs...I done with you's long over due that we end this toxic relationship we've had, but late is better than never. When I graduate with my master's degree in May, I better be half the person I am today, at least physically  ;) goodbye long.

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:49:58 PM »
What's Dixie Diner?

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:11:24 PM »
Yes, it helps a lot, now I just have to go through and find which ones are vegan...seems like many, many of them are! Which is great. Here's what I figured husband planned something special for me, before I was going to start this dietary eating plan, so I am starting tomorrow, but I paid close attention to how many carbs I ate, and I tried to imagine that food in sugar quantities...and what I discovered is that I have been eating won't believe this...somewhere between 215-300 carbs a DAY. EEEEEEK that's what I'm FAT. I'm 5'9 and I was 285 I'm 235 but still, that's why I'm FAT. I'm probably eating like 6 bowls of sugar a day  :o yikes. Thanks again Doug!!!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:08:29 PM »
Thanks Rena!!! I will check those out!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:05:45 PM »
THANK you Doug!!!! I just found it! What a blessing! Thanks so much...still holding on!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:02:03 PM »
ShihTzu mom...thanks! Yes, I do eat nuts, I thought they were too high in carbs though? I will check again...I saw that veggie list, that's what sent me into cardiac arrest LOL I saw the veggies have carbs and it's like can I get full when everything I eat has carbs?

Doug!!! Thank you for the email...I'm trying to find it now :)

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:17:55 PM »
AWESOME! Thanks! I do have a food processor thankfully! It's tiny, and not a great quality one, but it gets the job done! Is soy sauce okay? Does anyone have any oil based dressings they like so I don't have to resort to red wine vinegar and oil all time? I saw in the book spinach has carbs, I usually eat spinach, seems like if I eat only veggies that it will add up quickly? I could have misread something though! Thanks again ShihTzu mom1!!!

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:03:59 PM »
I have plenty of will, I've lost 50 pounds when I became vegan, being a vegan take tons of will, I promise you that...but I work past the post office hours, I can have it shipped to my mom's house, but the GG bran is the least of my worries. I'm hoping Doug or Umpa can help guide me to some vegan food or meal plan ideas. I felt this way when I became vegan, so I know there is a way this can work, I just can't find it...I need help seeing it. Will I be able to get my protein and vitamin requirements met by following this eating lifestyle change? I usually get my proteins from rice and beans, Ezekiel bread, and some soy and nuts...but most of that seems high carbs...what can I do? I know that Doug and Umpa have some answers I can't see...and I'm hungry and haven't eaten today because I don't know what is okay to eat...EEEK...

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