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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:48:19 PM »
I'm an intern at a foster/adoptive home, and I bring my food everyday, so on the plus side, I'm used to cooking...been making most of my food from scratch for the last year, problem is, It's all high in carbs  >:(

General Discussion / Re: Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:45:54 PM »
I can't use my work address because I'm just an intern, I'm in grad school in my last intern ship, plus we have to be out of our building by the 28th, we are moving. The GG bran crisp bread is vegan, but I don't think the LaTortillas are. I don't eat a lot of soy beans because my digestive system has a hard time digesting them, although I do eat black beans...but they're high in carbs I think, and I love love love Ezekiel bread...but it's high in carbs too, and my favorite item is balsamic vinegar...I use it on salad with EVOO...but it's got a good amount of carbs too...this is depressing.

General Discussion / Really Discouraged!!!
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:26:32 PM »
So, I just finished reading the book. It makes sense. I have the self-control, the will power, and now, the knowledge, what's the problem? Most of the recipes are meat and cheese...and as I've said before...I'm vegan. What am I going to do? I get most of my vitamins from fruit...vitamin C for one is really important for me because I have a compromised immune system. I don't know what to do, I'm at a loss and now am scared to eat most of the food I had been previously eating because it's full of sugar and carbs...and to top if off, I live in a really rural area. Not much to chose from in way of food stores and specialty items...if I can afford to order low carb or carb friendly food, that is actually vegan also, what will I eat until it comes in? Will they leave packages at your door? Because I work in another city during post office and business ours with only a 30 minute lunch and it takes 40 minutes to get to my house from my job. I feel extremely discouraged and a vegan, I have no clue what to do now....I can figure out the net carbs, but what am I going to eat to actually be satisfied and full? What am I going to snack on? I usually resort to fruit...can I still get enough vitamins? SOOO worried.  :'(

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 12, 2011, 01:57:52 AM »
So it's 20 grams a day...I am starting the book tomorrow, so I haven't read it yet. Thank you Rena for being such a great friend and inspiration, thank you for referring me here and helping me, thank you for your time! I appreciate you. I feel empowered coming.

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 11, 2011, 10:11:23 AM »
Thank you! I can't wait to start...losing weight does feel great!!!

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:01:14 AM »
Thanks Rena! I've actually never had jicama! But I do love potatoes...not the sweet ones though. So you can add carbs back after a while? I'm scared I'd gain weight back? Well, I got the book tonight so hopefully I can start reading. It is great to know Doug and Umpa take the time to check on us and write us and help us out, that is so wonderful. I look forward to gaining knowledge about my health and weight! Love you Rena!

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:00:29 PM »
 :P No way Rena LOL...I can never go back...I haven't out right eaten meat in over 14 years...can't stand the stuff...totally freaks me out, so the only non-vegan things I ate were dairy and cheese, and I don't want anything to do with those either now :) but I'm sure that someone will have some suggestions, and I just picked up my book so hopefully it will have something in there about it, or someone on here will have some wisdom about it, surely Doug and Umpa will, and if you Rena, can think of any good veggies or fruit that is "allowed" or sugar-carb friendly that you know of, I would love to hear about it, a recipe with veggies...on FB or here, I check both. So excited to start...I can already feel a smaller me :D

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 10, 2011, 11:31:40 AM »
YAY!!!! My book came in! I will buy it tonight...let the war on sugar begin!!!

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 10, 2011, 11:12:14 AM »
Thanks Umpa!!! I'm going through a lot of emotions right now about losing weight...excited, nervous, anxious, and worried. I'm irritated I haven't gotten my book yet...I'm going to call the store I ordered it through to see where it's at. Hope to get started soon! Have a blessed and great and warm day!

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 09, 2011, 09:02:58 PM »
Unfortunately, I don't eat cheese or animal product or by product...including eggs, seafood, dairy, lard, honey...etc. Pretty much just whole grains, fruit, veggies, beans, and rice. Once you remove the carbs from leaves me with just veggies I think :( it doesn't seem possible for me. But you're right, I won't give up until I read the book...but it's hard for me to grasp what in the world I will be able to eat.

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:02:42 PM »
YES!!!  :D I finally got a pic, it's not the one I wanted, but the current ones are too big and I couldn't resize them :(....I STILL haven't got my book yet, but I'm worried I won't be able to do it...I've been looking at how many carbs I'm consuming, and well, to be isn't pretty...over a 100 sometimes!! EEEEK  :o I don't know what foods have carbs naturally, what don't, recipes without them...I'm SOOO overwhelmed and lost...and I'm just trying to believe that once I get my book, this will change. I'm just discouraged a little right now.

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:11:00 PM » finally let me add a ticker, but it won't let me add a picture...any advise? I've posted 12 times.

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 08, 2011, 02:31:39 PM »
Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 08, 2011, 12:41:03 PM »
Thanks Rena! I'm so glad you referred me! I can't wait to get my there anyway to see the messages previously posted when there aren't any new ones...when I try to view the page as I'm seeing it now with everyone's comments, I can't unless there's a new comment...does that make sense? And I'd like to see them for encouragement from time to time.

Umpa it's great to hear from you! I am still waiting to get my book, I ordered it sometime ago, I'm just waiting to get it! I will definitely have more questions once I get into it I'm sure.

General Discussion / Re: Worried about recipes...
« on: February 07, 2011, 12:41:42 PM »
Thanks you all! I appreciate it! Well, I have a photoblog on Facebook called, "What do vegans eat?" and I can tell you I eat a lot of whole grain pasta, texmati brown rice from time to time, Ezekiel bread, Earth Balance Almond and Peanut butter, Cascadian Farms cereals, granola, coconut milk and soy milk, I do eat soy, but not in whole form, like maybe soy milk with something but I don't drink it, just cook with it, I eat a lot of potatoes, but I hate sweet potatoes so it's all the other kind. I know that's all mainly full of sugar  :'( . The good thing is I only drink 3 things, Simply Orange Juice with fortified calcium and vitamin D (lots of sugar I know) and cranberry juice, and water...lots of sugar in the cranberry juice too I'm sure. I know sugar is my fat enemy. I do eat all veggies except avacado, onions, and mushrooms (HATE THOSE) and I've tried to like artichoke heart, but I just can't stand it. Everything else is game. I eat lots and lots of tomatoes, just about in every form, lots of vinegar....and that's pretty much it. Sometimes tacos with Garden of Eaten organic taco kit that's vegan and some frozen Amy's meals and amy's chili from time to time, and I love all beans. Okay...break it to me gently  :o

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