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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:35:19 PM »
Hey Doug! I don't like mixing ketchup with tortilla or lettuce...freaks me out a bit, and I can't get my mind around a tortilla burger, hubby loves, not so much. The only thing with the OMM is that I don't like it with egg, when I initially tried it I was vegan so I nixed the egg, when I made it with egg this time around it tasted so blasted eggy...yuk. Without the didn't rise big enough, although I may try a different container and could make two :) Yes...those sodas were the culprit and ice cream...I'm down another pound today ;) 235! Doug, even though I didn't make an official swear off of sweets, I haven't had any since I got rid of my sweet products ;) I did make some cinnamon and nutmeg muffins with flax but no sweet. I feel pretty great! Rocking and rolling :)

Hey Tony!!! It's not a hand's an electric just has dough hooks and beater you think that could still be the problem :\? And Doug and Tony...I had NO idea you could get it in a can!!! WOOPEEEE! My whole life just changed LOLOLOL  ;D ;D ;D thanks for sharing I am TOO excited :D at least until my whipping cream disease is solved LOL

Sigh...I'd LOVE one...but finances are, well negative :) maybe one day. The list of kitchen things I'd like to have: mixer, more than a 1 cup machine gun sounding food processor, waffle iron...that's all I need :)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:37:17 PM »
Thanks Tony :) it's going pretty well! Today has been kind of a "bad" day...I got too little sleep and missed my gym work out because I was flat exhausted...but I'll pick back up tomorrow. Today I had what I call a 5 carb salad with shredded lettuce, grape tomatoes, a pickling cucumber peeled and not pickled and parm cheese with 8 olives...a little high sodium but I really wanted those olives LOL. I had six silver dollar sized low carb flat two bite muffins I baked with flax and egg whites and cinnamon and nutmeg...not sure what's for dinner...thinking black bean chili...we shall see ;)

That's gotta be it Morgan! Because I can't explain it otherwise. I don't eat meat so I wouldn't have the first clue about bacon LOL but I'm sorry for you  :( it's not a big deal anyways...apparently I have some sort of "Anti-heavy whipping cream" disease that doesn't allow me to actually whip the stuff LOL

Where did you get that tool beth? I can't find one at Walmart that juliennes.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:34:08 PM »
No I'm aware of that, two fat intake is only about 20 a day. Secondly, if you look a few posts back I talked about my doctor requesting a report of fat, calories, carbs and sodium. I get about 300-500 calories a day, 20g fat, less than 20 carbs and under 1500mg of sodium. I've had black out issues when working out, but if you read back I discussed proving to the doctor I don't get "too" many calories or too much fat each day, I count to prove him a point, but because I can easily get less than 200 calories a day, not intentionally, but because veggies aren't high I try to add a few when I can because I've noticed days I don't get close to 500, I feel kind of bad. That was my point. I'm aware I have fat to burn...I carry it around all day LOLOLOL! And the cokes were the problem...down a couple pounds today!

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Grain-Free Low carb Hot Cereal
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:24:46 PM »
I'm aware of the label...I read it, I know it has 9 carbs a cup, I meant to put that it has 4.5 for half a cup, which is the amount I use and it doesn't stunt my weight loss. I posted my "recipe" with it using half a cup. The half a cup is almost the same amount at what's in carb master Kroger yogurt (.85 cup)...which I can't eat because my Kroger doesn't carry it and it has stuff in it that's not vegetarian ;) sorry for the typo Chanmom!

General Discussion / Re: Carb Count for chopped/processed/pureed
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:16:09 PM »
It was great value brand...there was no serving size measurement on the back...I looked for it :\ the golden flax I have is not milled it's "whole ground meal" it's not the same as the milled, it's different, it's woody, and it's only a week old and has always been kept sealed in the fridge. My aunt got on that was bitter too...I think the ground tastes vastly different from the milled, but that's just my taste buds.

I'm telling you guys, I'm not some sort of special >:( it's not half and's heavy whipping cream, I am 100% sure. No question about it. I can even post you a picture. The ingredients on both brands I tried are the same. I've done a lot of research and everything I've read says that some have carbs and some don't...I don't know why...but it does. Until I can find out why, I just will not use it. I don't trust it. Most of it isn't vegetarian anyways due to the mono and diglycerides...but you can just Google the heavy whipping cream issue and read about it on different forums, I'm not the only one who has noticed a discrepancy. Here's an examples:

I can't fathom eating sweet stuff on veggies...totally creeps me out LOL I'm such a weirdo :P I have always loved spaghetti squash...I need to pick up another soon! I like to bake it in the oven instead of microwave and I like it with cooked diced tomatoes and lemon juice with seasonings and parm :D oh gosh...I need that tomorrow LOL yum yum! I wish I liked those other noodles...but the texture creeps me I said...I'm a big weirdo. LOL

I have tried Great Value and Land O Lakes...couldn't get either to whip right...all I have is a hand mixer with beaters...maybe that is the problem? SIGH. But like I said, everything I research says there are at least .6-1 carbs per I don't trust it now. I do have a Walmart...right across the street :D so blessed LOL my heavy whipping cream isn't lite, they've both been regular whipping cream :\

General Discussion / Re: Carb Count for chopped/processed/pureed
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:40:08 AM »
The zucchini came out pretty decent. I dipped them in EVOO, then put golden flax meal and parm on the outside for "crust" and baked them. I dipped them in Rao's sauce :) slight problem...I don't like the golden flax meal...I like the MILLED golden flax and can't find it anywhere all of the sudden. But it still turned out okay...the golden flax meal was just a little bitter and woody compared to the golden milled flax. I did not attempt the cauli fried...I just ate it mashed :) here's another much liquid egg white does it take to accumulate the equivalent to one egg white...does that make sense? I buy the carton of liquid egg white and it doesn't say how much equals 1 egg white. Also, how many carbs are in 1 liquid egg white equivalent to one liquid egg white from one egg? So confusing! Sorry if I confused you :)

SOOOOO I tried whipping the heavy whipping cream. NO GO. It never, ever thickened. Never. Ever. I used an electric hand mixer with the beaters...would not thickened. It was chilled. Still soupy...and everything I've read on every website says all heavy whipping cream has at least 1 carb per now I don't trust it. I'm making a frosting with veggie shortening and trying that with a few other things. BLAH.

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Grain-Free Low carb Hot Cereal
« on: July 17, 2013, 11:14:56 PM »
Chanmom...they buy Kroger's low carb Kroger brand yogurt...I think it has 4 carbs or 3 a yogurt cup...our Kroger in my town doesn't carry it, so I buy Stonyfield's organic plain Greek yogurt which has about 4.5 carbs for a cup (you have to measure yourself because it comes in a big tub). Hope that helps!

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