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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:36:42 PM »
Susie that looks great! Do you get it at Amazon? Is it sold anywhere else? Tony...I don't like lettuce on the burgers...I don't know if you've had Boca Burgers, but they aren't that sturdy and have fallen apart on me with lettuce leaves, plus they are much smaller than your normal burger...and I've never eaten anything on my burgers but cheese OR ketchup and bun...I can't stand the thought of veggies on my burger LOL strange I know for a vegetarian! I tried the paleo bread with it, but it's spongy and it's just not the right texture :\ maybe the one you posted Susie will work. It also helps me get a few calories...most days I get below 600 calories 20 grams of fat and under 1500 sodium and since I work out everyday, I need more calories. After working out I come home so tired I can't open my eyes...found out it's due to lack of nutrition because I only eat a couple times a day so I try to get my calories when and were I can :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:49:34 AM »
I've really been craving a Boca Burger...they are 0 carbs so no problem right? EXCEPT...I can't find a "bread" recipe or bun recipe that I actually like that doesn't fall apart or that doesn't taste too EGGY. Any help with this would be SO appreciated! I also do NOT have a MUFFIN TOP pan, the only thing I have is a baking sheet, cupcake/muffin pan, and stonewear. That's it. Let the challenge begin LOL

Every pasta sub I've found I've hated...shiritaki pasta, miracle noodle pasta, except spaghetti squash! Praise God for spaghetti squash! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that stuff :) Hallelujah!

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:52:35 PM »
The thing is...I don't even like sodas...I just drank them because I accidentally bought the wrong type (supposed to be cherry Dr. Pepper regular for hubby)...I just didn't want to waste them so I was drinking 2-3 for caffeine and to rid them...but they gave me...let's just say an unpleasant side effect  :o! I avoid aspartame like the black plague...I'm pretty much usually and organic and clean was an accident I won't make twice  ;D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:40:14 PM »
Yes sir! Just got rid of all the Coke Zeros, and the Breyers SmartCarb ice cream...NOT worth it...not at all! Stinkin sweet tooth.

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:37:44 PM »
Oh yes sir...I just gave my mom ALL my Coke Zeros LOL no more no more.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:40:26 PM »
Getting irritated...not giving up, but definitely annoyed. I've been stuck for about 5-6 days gaining one pound, then down a pound, then gaining a pound, and down a pound. I haven't gone over 20 carbs AND I've been working out for an hour, riding the mechanical bike and or treadmill for almost 5 miles a day now...pretty sure I'm not building muscle but I'm not losing either. However, this week I did pick up the habit of Coke Zero...I'm thinking this is my culprit, I had a bad reaction to it a few days ago and found that it has aspartame...I was so angry. I didn't mean to get them. My husband wanted Cherry Dr. Pepper from the store, well they didn't have any so I got a 12 pack box of cherry coke...didn't know it was zero. When I figured it out, I didn't want to waste it and hubby didn't want any part of it, so I checked the nutritional info...and I saw it was carb free...didn't check ingredients...has anyone else ever stalled out over coke zero??? Also, how long after cutting out sugar alcohols should it take to see a difference? I'm tired of being stuck at 238!!!

General Discussion / Re: Quest Pasta...0 carbs...
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:35:34 PM »
From what I understand, they are a lot like miracle noodles.

General Discussion / Quest Pasta...0 carbs...
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:55:43 PM »
Has anyone heard of Quest Pasta? It's supposed to be 0 carbs because it's 100% soluble's a link, let me know what you think! It appears that they too are made from the konjac root...or glucomannan, but they maybe cheaper or easier to get for some than miracle noodles or shiritaki so I thought I would share :)

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 15, 2013, 09:19:59 PM »
LOL true story!!!

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 15, 2013, 04:22:53 PM »
Thinking I may too need to be on a quest for unsweetness...I drank one too many sugar free drinks and let's just say the result was not too sweet ;)

General Discussion / Re: Tyler and I or starting over!
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:52:03 PM »
LOL Jo...try October in Texas...I caught EVERY summer month available LOL

General Discussion / Re: Tyler and I or starting over!
« on: July 14, 2013, 12:14:03 AM »
Hey JO :) my birthday is September 6th TOO  ;D :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:49:57 PM »
Thanks everyone! Skychant, I've already gotten another book :D, Shawn it was 1 and 1/3 cups of mash...I only added butter (0 carbs) and 1/3 cup of parmesan cheese (1 carb).  All I had yesterday was 2 slices of paleo bread with 1TBS a piece of my homemade low carb jam, and then baked zucchini chips 1 cup worth, that I sliced and baked with flaxseed and 1/3 cup of Parm and I worked out...I was 1 pound heavier this morning but that's it. I think I came in still a good bit under 20 carbs. Thanks for the encouragement ma'am Umpa I don't make my own paleo bread...but I may start making my own...I didn't know you could easily make it at home :D Shawn...what do you think?

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:03:03 AM »
Freaking out here...okay, I can't find my FTS book and I keep finding conflicting answers online!!! I don't know why all the discrepancy! I made mashed cauli tonight...the total amount was 1 and 1/3 cups...BUT I don't know what the carb count is :'( I can't find a straight answer online...every site says something different and I can't find my book!!! EEEK does anyone know how many carbs that is? I'm afraid what I ate tonight sent me over >:O

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