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Messages - mouseissue

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Lean On My Shoulder / Re: I gained 25lbs
« on: March 31, 2017, 01:05:33 PM »
Well, I have another challenge. Feeding Mary organic low lectin foods. She has had IBS with chronic diarrhea and fatigue. Now she is training for competitive artistic roller skating. Her doctor has her off wheat, gluten, peanuts, soy, dairy, corn and processed sugars. I can buy ghee, coconut flour and stevia at trader joes on her ebt card.
I hope she will eventually like the low carb oatmeal recipe given here. I made 18 servings of it and I keep it in my fridge.

Hi, Susie! :)

Lectin binds to sugars.
So fortunately, the FTS lifestyle is a low lectin regimen.

Try putting a few blueberries  and some Sugar Free Log Cabin Syrup on the oatmeal to see how Mary likes it.


General Discussion / Re: Here we go again
« on: March 18, 2017, 05:35:06 PM »
Hi, Joe. :)

You need to renew your commitment everyday.
But don't feel bad. Many of us must do the same.
Besides that, you know what to do.

FTS will work, if you work it... And the work is easy IF you follow to the letter.
Reread the book, then look around at our recipes here.
Then, come up with a few recipes to replace the things that are tripping you up.


Lean On My Shoulder / Re: I gained 25lbs
« on: March 08, 2017, 01:33:05 PM »
Had to eat things from the free pantries. Living on $40 a week for Mary and I was too hard at fall and Christmas. The pantries do not give out much good food anymore. Going to try again to live on it again to lose weight. My doctor wants me to lose 15 - 20 lbs. I can't afford zero sweet each month so I try to buy it when I get money on Christmas and my birthday. I can get a gallon of non GMO coconut oil for $12  and 8 oz of organic coconut flour from 99 cent store.
Mary is doing roller skating figures now. I tried to skate on January 10th and I fell. Contusions on my short arm and chin are still healing. Now I have trigger thumb on my only hand. My house is

Hello, Susie.

I'm so sorry to hear you and Mary have been having such a difficult time. :'(

I will continue to pray for you and trust that the Lord deliver you two into a better life.
Trust and believe with all your heart that He will deliver you VERY soon, and He will.
Pure faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with complete surrender of trust will yield miracles in your life.

You and Mary will continue to be in my prayers.
Please continue to stay in touch for support or anything else.

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." - Matthew 18:19

Yours In Christ,

General Discussion / Re: artifical sweetner
« on: February 18, 2017, 02:10:31 PM »
Hi Tony,

Thanks for replying.  I was confused with how they got the 1 gram carb - maybe being semi new - they are confused on calculations!!  :o)

I've never used erythritol - I am going to order and give a try!

Thanks again, have a WONDERFUL day!

You're very welcome, rene!

This is an example of why reading nutrition labels is so important.
Unlike fats and protein, the FDA rules on reporting net carb content are very weak.
We sometimes must also read the ingredients lists (which are accurate) with the sneakier food packagers.

I hope you have a great day, too! :)


General Discussion / Re: artifical sweetner
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:50:42 PM »
Whey Low Sugar Replacement.

Per their website the carb count is 1 gram per teaspoon - Has anyone tried?

So far I have found xylitol the best tasting without nasty aftertaste and have even ground to the closest as possible to confectioners sugar when needed.  

Whey low offers several different options - Granulated, Confectioners, Maple and some type of Ice Cream formulated sugar - would make some dessert making a little easier.

What are your thoughts?  Am I reading something incorrectly?

Thanks in advance!!  :o)

Hi, rene! :)

I looked at Nutrition Facts label.
It says that 1 tsp has 4g total carbs with 4g carbs from sugar (NOT sugar alcohols).

Where they get 1g net carbs per serving does not make sense. So I don't trust it.

For confectioners sugar replacement, I use erythritol.
It's not very sweet but works great for the "powdered sugar presentation" effect.
I will occasionally use xylitol if bulk is needed.
Otherwise, I use Sucralose (Zero) for all other sweetening needs.


This is going to sound weird, but if you break a serving of pork rinds up into bite size pieces,  sprinkle a good amount of cinnamon over it , use SF syrup and Almond milk - it tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal.

Hi rene! :)

I've discovered many combinations that sound weird, but taste really good.
That's one reason I love FTS.
When I experiment, I never know when I'll be pleasantly surprised.


General Discussion / Re: Break Your Sugar Addiction!
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:32:13 PM »
I think its all game of re-planing - plane your meals in advance

Hi, gilic!  :)

Planning is necessary for success in any undertaking, whether simple or complex and difficult.

FTS rules make the losing weight so very easy.
The most difficult part is the sugar detox at the start.
After that, it gets easier and easier as you go.


Lunch Recipes / Re: Salmon Sushi Stuffed Avocado
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:28:39 PM »
this sounds delicious!
but for some reason I cant see the pic.

Hi, gilic! :)

This is VERY delicious!
And so you know, there is no pic posted.


General Discussion / Re: Just an update
« on: January 08, 2017, 01:22:58 PM »
Happy New Year, Stephanie! :) :) :) :) :)

Congratulations!!!... Losing 5 pounds this time of year is a real accomplishment for most of us.
Time on the exercise bike, besides other health benefits, will help keep your metabolism running more efficiently.
Keep up the good work.  :)

I agree that carb detox is no joke.
It's very much like the withdrawal from some drugs.
I've been there before. And I do not intend to go back.


General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year everyone
« on: January 08, 2017, 01:18:31 PM »
Hi Tony, looking good. I surely hope to be more involved. Wishing you a very happy New year 😊

And I wish you a very happy New Year too, Alex! :)


General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year everyone
« on: January 07, 2017, 01:23:11 PM »
Welcome home, Alex!  :) :) :) :) :)

It's been pretty quiet around here the last several months.
But I check in often to see if anyone needs help or encouragement.
And I hope all is well with you and yours.

I imagine your stall may be due to the holidays.
Even though we continue eating low carb, with so many parties and events, we often eat more than we should.
Doing that can cause stalls and even gains.

If you stay on track, you should see your progress resume in the next few weeks.
Check in now and then if you'd like to chat, or need some help or encouragement.


Hi, Susie! :)

Our bodies know if they feel good or they don't.
That tired feeling is a way of them telling us we're eating too many carbs.

Been there a number of times.
And the solution has always worked... FTS!


General Discussion / Re: beans
« on: November 23, 2016, 06:37:27 PM »
Doug urges us to use more beans and nuts for protein.  How do you count say, beans and rice in place of a protein?  As a protein, carbs?  both? thanks.

Hi, Sudy! :)

The only beans I'm aware of that are truly low carb are soy beans (AKA: Edamame).
Rice is LOADED with carbs. Do NOT eat rice and expect good results.

Proteins and fats are the primary part of the FTS lifestyle.
Also remembering to eat greens and other lower carb sides, especially those high in fiber (the good carb).


General Discussion / Re: Here we go again
« on: November 14, 2016, 02:33:40 PM »
Hi, Joe! :)

A few of us are still active here.
I try to check in once a day, when I can.
I suspect it's because this lifestyle is very easy to maintain after we're "reprogrammed" out of the false "calories make fat" philosophy, and have replaced our old high carb favorites with healthy low carb substitutes.

I'm glad to hear your restarting your FTS lifestyle.
Rereading the book is very helpful in that.

Let us know if any questions or concerns come up that you need help with.


Hi, dmarie! :)

Yes. It is normal to shrink and not lose pounds.

During weight loss, the content of fat cells is temporarily replaced with water as the cell walls slowly shrink to a new size. This is why it's helpful to take periodic measurements along with logging scale weight.

However, if your progress does not improve in the next 3 weeks, let us know and we'll try to figure out what the issue may be.


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