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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: Tyler and I or starting over!
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:22:46 PM »
WAY TO GO TYLER!!!!  :o That's amazing! :D Good for you too! It's not that hard to get back into the swing of things, reward for staying the course :D

General Discussion / Re: Carb Count for chopped/processed/pureed
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:20:39 PM »
Thanks Doug and Tony...Tony I don't have a scale :\ Doug...I found a recipe...the lady said that her first batch failed and disintegrated into the oil so she ended up baking them first for 10 minutes then frying :) here's the recipe I'm going to use a little less egg white to decrease carb count, let me know what you think!:
 1 medium head of cauliflower
    2 Tbl heavy cream
    2 Tbl butter
    1/3 cup shredded sharp cheddar
    4 egg whites
    salt & pepper to taste
    oil for frying


    Clean and trim the cauliflower, adding the florets to a microwave safe bowl. Add the cream and butter to the bowl. Microwave for 5 minutes. Add the cauliflower and cheese to a magic bullet or food processor and blend until still chunky – kind of like a cooked oatmeal consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Chill for at least half an hour. Whip the egg whites to a stiff peak. Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the cauliflower mixture to lighten it up. Then fold the cauliflower mixture into the rest of the egg whites and gently mix until combined. For best results, chill for another half hour or they won’t hold their shape as well. Fit a pastry bag with a round or star tube with about a 3/4 inch opening. Spray the inside of the bag with nonstick spray. Gently squeeze out 1 inch sections onto a greased cookie sheet, cutting with a butter knife as you go. When finished, bake in a 375 degree oven for 10-12 minutes (or longer if you’re skipping the frying) until puffed and slightly browned. Remove from the oven and serve – or heat 1/4 inch of oil in a saute pan and when it’s very hot add the tots. It doesn’t need long, a minute per side to turn them golden brown and crispy. Serve immediately.

General Discussion / Carb Count for chopped/processed/pureed
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:41:55 AM »
Okay...a couple of questions. This might seem stupid, but I'm just not coming to a safe conclusion...two things I'm getting ready to make again...mashed cauliflower and low carb strawberry jam...soooo how do you calculate the carbs? I mean, do you count it with the cauli before or after it's mashed? Like is 1 cup of mashed cauli the same as 1 cup non mashed? The same with the strawberries? Sorry, I looked through the threads because I know I've asked this before and others have but I couldn't find an answer! Thanks in advance for any and all help! I NEED fried cauli tots NOW  :o!!!  :D ;D

Product Reviews / Re: My favorite drink!!! Metromint!
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:47:53 PM »
Ah yes. The modern day society has spoiled us to perfect technology...there is no such thing because it's made by imperfect humans LOL my step dad runs his own computer too!

Product Reviews / Re: My favorite drink!!! Metromint!
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:31:34 PM »
Exactly Tony...that's how I found this one. Sometimes it still takes a day to show me though, but it's MUCH more reliable.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:29:59 PM »
Thanks everyone! I'm doing pretty well but I'm concerned I might be starting to stall...but I'm waiting and seeing. Thanks for all the encouragement. I'm so bound and determined I'm like a bullet :P

Love it! Thank you friend. As I saw with my recent experience with the crazy doctor, it seems doctors don't realize that they are doctors and not dieticians or nutritionists ;)

Product Reviews / Re: My favorite drink!!! Metromint!
« on: July 10, 2013, 03:47:20 AM »
Jay, for some reason I'm not getting all the notifications so I'm just seeing this. I don't know if MetroMint is carried at Trader Joes, we don't have one anywhere within 3 hours of where I live, but I know they are at Kroger. The only have a couple fruit essence flavors, it's orange mint, lemon lime mint, and one other. The only ones we have available at our store is orange mint, chocolate mint, spearmint, and peppermint. They have 3 ingredients, mint, water, and whatever flavor essence. They are fantastic. I bought 6 bottles today, they are usually 1.69 a bottle, but they are on sale at Kroger for 1 dollar a bottle. I love them.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:15:23 PM »
Thanks is a new and better day :D I am excited for everything it holds and am down yet another pound today! I feel better and better with each passing day. Morgan, I have experienced several inept doctors, rude, with no good bedside manner...but there are a few that have been nice. I can name maybe 3 out of 100 I've seen. When I was sick in pregnancy one of the docs that was a GI doc cursed at me...I was telling him how my other GI doctor had advised me to take a certain med, and he said "I don't give a **** what he told you..." Sick lying in a hospital bed, he did that. He misdiagnosed me wrongly with fatty liver disease when it was chemical hepatitis, and with functional bowel disease when it was diverticulosis. When I got the bill I told them I would not pay it and they were lucky I was not suing him. Some doctors have ego issues I think.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:09:03 AM »
Thank you Morgan...good thoughts and good ideas!!! I don't get a choice in which nephrologist I see because it's the recipient's insurance that pays for it...btw the worst part is that that doctor's title there is Donor Advocate! HAH...what an advocate eh? I'm sure if I complained they may have another, but I'm not sure. I'm not one year I will have cooled off and thinned out. HA! I am going to try and find out what my cholesterol levels triglycerides level is to demonstrate I'm not eating too much fat. I just calculated all of todays counts and I got 60.9 of fat today...that's not high by anyone's standards...and it was only that high because I had to eat out and wasn't at home and had to pack non-refrigerated friendly snacks like olives. But that's average amount of fat...not too much.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:11:18 AM »
LOL I SURE hope so!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:52:52 PM »
Yeah TooSweet, definitely will watch it and he was totally not FTS friendly at ALL. He said verbatim what Doug said in his book. I can't wait to see him in a year and pick his jaw up off the floor ;)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:18:20 PM »
Oh here's what I ate today...funny how being angry and ticked off will motivate the mess out of you! I wasn't even TEMPTED in Houston Galleria to cheat...pfft. Today I tried something I haven't had in 10 years...hard boiled eggs!!! And I liked them :D I still hate them scrambled or any other way, but hard boiled is great! And deviled :D Today I ate:

2 hard boiled eggs (1 carb)
8 green olives (1 carb)
8 pepperjack cheese cubes (2 carbs) OH THE HORROR THE FAT OH MY!!!
2 small snacker pickles (2 carbs)
2 cheese and tomato and cilantro quesadillas (14 carbs)

Weight Loss Stalled! WHY? / Re: 10 Week Stall
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:12:14 PM »
Thanks Jay! Crazy isn't it!?

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:10:23 PM »
Let me start off by saying Doug was right about doctors and low carb...I've never been so angry, defeated, and motivated at the same time. I can't wait until I step back into that jerk's office next year 100 pounds thinner and put it in his face.

Broken spirited today. I'm not sure where to start with what transpired today. I went to Houston and saw the nephrologist. He told me that at any time my kidney could turn and fail on me because I have a history of it being stressed due to pregnancy and complications afterward, and described me as "borderline kidney failure" even though the blood work is great. Sorry this will be long, don't know how else to explain it, God bless you if you finish it. This is what they told me, all my blood work came out great, except that my sugar was very low (64) and that I'm anemic still. They started by getting my history and physical, they scolded me and said that my kidney has probably been stressed because I don't drink enough water...then came back and said maybe I swell because I drink TOO much water SMH. Here's what happened. The doctor looked at me and said, "You are fat because you eat too much fat". My brain pretty much shut down at that point because he outright called me fat. I told him I'm a low-carb vegetarian that gets around 20g a fat a day IF that. Then he said that I need to exercise more...that if I don't walk at least 45 minutes a day then I'm burning 1000 calories to lose fat. I told him I can't exercise that much because I only get 500-700 at most, calories a day and if I exercise more then I'll burn more than what I eat. He told me I need to eat more sugars and stop eating cheese and olive oil. I told him I only use 2TBSP of olive oil maybe 3 times a week, sometimes less. He then accused me of eating too many chips and too much sodium, and again I told him I didn't eat chips and less than 1000mg of sodium a day (at this point, I was doing the best I could to hold back tears and just shut up and nodded my head). He told me I swell because when I eat carbs it causes a rush of insulin that caused me to retain fluid, but then proceeded to say that I don't eat enough carbs and maintained I'm fat because I eat too much fat. He asked me what veggies I liked I told him all but onions, mushrooms, and artichoke. He told me to follow Dr. Fuhrman's diet because that's how he lost weight and that I needed to learn to like mushrooms. I told him the only reason I got fat was because I just had a baby 11 weeks ago and that before her I was thinner, and tried to advocate for myself and told him I lost 45 pounds in 11 weeks on the diet I'm on and that the scale shows only 30 pound loss because I started eating more carbs for a couple weeks and regained 15 of that lost so I had to relose it again. He proceeded to maintain I needed to lose more weight because I was fat and I needed to follow his plan and see him again in a year. He did not seem impressed with my weight loss so far...I thought 45 pounds in 11 weeks was good :(. I finally cried, wiped away my tears, and talked to the Transplant Coordinating RN, she said I seemed to have a healthy diet and to keep doing what I am doing and congratulated me on my weight loss. I wish that doctor would grow a human being in his womb and then lose 45 pounds in 11 weeks.

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