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Messages - morgan

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Well Scott, it's been a week.  How you going?

Well people, it's that time again - official monthly weigh in.  I had about a 3 week plateau where nothing moved except my foot to kick the scales.  The last week it wobbled and I lost 2lb, which kinda sucks to say the least, but at least the numbers went down.  I had planned my usual 7lb or so (I was hoping for more because going on holiday soon) - moral of the story: don't plan on a weight loss - your body will do what it wants to.

Oh well - positive thinking and visualisation for the next month.  lol  (visualise those scales co-operating!!!!)

Maybe I will go and have a little chat with those scales  ;)

General Discussion / Boredom Eating
« on: October 10, 2012, 02:30:43 AM »
Suggestions please - I am having a bout of boredom eating that I need to nip in the bud.  Usually it is on a weekend, but today I have found myself picking at food (all low carb - but beside the point).  Not sure if it is the the fact I have nightshift tonight and that I try to have a relatively light day as I have to work later.  I have almost drunk my water quota, so it's not as if I haven't tried 'drowning' my stomach.

It's not as though I haven't had things to do today either, but still reaching for that food.

So if anyone has any suggestions, there would be one grateful fts-er.

General Discussion / Re: Such an awesome feeling....
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:59:46 PM »
yayayayayayayayay  CONGRATULATIONS happy dance for you

how could you not realise lol

General Discussion / Sizing and Clearance Sales - a rant
« on: October 07, 2012, 07:11:50 PM »
When I was struggling to find reasonably priced clothes to fit me there was almost nothing around, let alone clearance sales, etc.  Now that I have come down a few sizes it seems all the sale items are the ones I would have fit into but now are too BIG: but still the size I fit into now is not on the clearance racks. 

Why is the universe doing this to me? It is just driving me crazy. I refuse to spend a lot of money to update my wardrobe because I know nothing is going to stop me getting smaller.  I would be happy with just a few items.  I check out the OP shops (thrift stores to you) but they are not exactly up to date with their fashion wear.

I am not fastidious, not even that fussy but know what I will be happy to wear.  Why am I being continuously bombarded with stuff I can no longer wear at great prices and can't find stuff that would fit my size now at great prices.  It all seems rather perverse.

General Discussion / Re: The Jeans Test
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:55:08 PM »
Just re-reading some of these posts and realised I haven't done my jeans test for quite a while.  I'll have to summon up the courage and see how far I can get them up this time.  I know I still have a ways to go (I did choose a size 14 - silly me?) but refuse to get a bigger pair.  This is my ideal so I sticking with it.  Will report after I try them on. 

On the plus side, will have to be getting rid of some of my favourite clothes - I happy to say they are TOO BIG!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Scott in Florida - I'm back!
« on: October 02, 2012, 09:13:53 PM »
Nice to meet you scott - I'm sure it won't take you long to get back into top form.

Product Reviews / Re: Polar Diet Chocolate Soda
« on: October 02, 2012, 06:46:52 PM »
 :D :D :D hahahahaha

General Discussion / Re: It's Been Getting Might Quiet Here!
« on: October 02, 2012, 06:45:17 PM »
Audra - didn't realise you were so ill   :(   a prayer and a hug on it's way.

General Discussion / What's Wrong With Me?
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:49:05 PM »
I am happily going along with the fts lifestye, it's not a hassle and I have plenty of variety (barring the fact that I almost can't go a day without bacon and eggs). When I eat out I can usually manage to pick something I can eat or take something with me.  Why Oh Why do I suddenly want to chuck it all in and eat 'normally' like other people?  I feel good in myself, am losing weight (though I think I have hit my first plateau - 3 weeks and nothing - in the 23 weeks I have been eating this way).  I  tell myself all the things I've read here - it's a time for the body to readjust, blah blah - and I do believe it.  I have measured and things have shrunk - yay.  When I see sugar I still see 'poison'  but totally, as irrational as it seems, there are times I just want to chuck it in.

I have not eaten anything not fts approved since I started; occasionally I have a pasta/cake/bread craving - I have substituted these with fts - but want the real thing. The old things.  The comfort things I suppose.  I have a fear if I give in I ain't gonna want to go back. 

Is there a sugar addiction deep in my psyche somewhere that I am never going to kick.  damn!
Is it psychological?  Boredom? - I don't think so.  Is it the fact that I feel like I stand out in a group of people when eating?
I make no fuss when I need to eat, but people look at me funny when I say no to a biscuit, cake, potatoes, bread, etc or when I put cream in my coffee.

I presume (I hope) I am not the only one who feels this way?  Or am I?

Dinner Recipes / Re: Hellmann's Parmesan Crusted Chicken Modified
« on: September 27, 2012, 12:34:54 AM »
yep - made this for dinner last night with the mashed cauli as well - yummy
leftovers for today    yay   :D

General Discussion / Re: Still here
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:27:03 AM »
omg!  scary stuff.  Hope you make a complete recovery.

Welcome Cathy and enjoy the ride -   :D it's fantastic.

General Discussion / Restaurant Ordering - live and learn
« on: September 18, 2012, 04:33:16 AM »
Well, you live and learn and the simplest things sometimes aren't and don't presume.  I took my daugher and her boyfriend out for her birthday lunch.  I went over the menu and though there weren't too many things that fell into the fts style I thought the one I picked wasn't too bad.

Crispy cajun chicken with jalepeno salt, coleslaw and a dressing made of olive oil, lemon juice and seasonings, with a little drizzle of aioli (like mayo) - entree size.   Hmm, imagine my surprise when what I got was crumbed deep-fried chicken with no taste of cajun let alone jalepeno.  The coleslaw (approx 1/2 cup which was just dumped on top) was okay.  2 of us ordered it and we both looked at each other and thought - this is not what I expected.

I peeled off the coating and ate the meal.  I mean pointless to return it as it was as stated I suppose, though when the waitress came to collect and asked how the meal was we both told her wasn't what we thought - didn't expect crumbed and deep fried and lack of cajun/jalepeno.  Her only comment was sorry (but she wasn't) but it did say crispy.  Crispy yes it did say, crumbed and deep-fried it did not.  We were both expecting more like a 'seasoning' coating (like blackened) fried (not deep-fried).

Lesson learned - next time ask wait staff to explain exactly what it means and the cooking proceedure.

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Frustrated at 254
« on: September 15, 2012, 11:36:50 PM »
Welcome James aka Maddie-N-AbbiesDad - I too have problems with the scale not co-operating with my efforts ;)
Some days would just like to throw it out the back door.  I made the supreme effort and put it on top of the hall cupboard.  Have to get a ladder to get it off and am too lazy to do that.  Though last time didn't push it far enough and by stretching on tippy toes as far as I could I got it down before the month was up.
I try to just keep to a monthly weigh in (it doesn't necessarily stop me from hopping on during the month) but taking an overview of a whole month works out better. 

Good luck on your journey - everyone here is just great at answering or listening to problems.

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