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Messages - morgan

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63 64 ... 79
General Discussion / Prejudice
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:14:09 AM »
You know what really gets me mad, people who discount you as not worth the effort because you carry a few extra pounds.
I try never to judge a person by their looks (to the point that if you ask me what they look like I couldn't tell you but can tell you what they are like and how they made me feel), but it was pointed out to me by a person's sister that her brother wouldn't be interested in me because I was overweight.   Hmm, having never met the man, let alone wanting to go out with him, I found it extremely annoying to say the least.  Apparently he has a number of medical issues himself, yet never having met me he judges me. 

Why do people do that?  Pre judge.  I have always thought of the person on the inside was of more importance than the outside packaging.  Am I of the minority? 

I never gave it much thought but I have thought back in my experiences and come up with a number of instances where both men and women would not go out with the opposite/same (gay rights and all) sex because of physical looks.  Especially young men - many who I have heard say 'oh she's too fat' yet the poor girl is only a size 12/14 with curves and not a thin stick.   I realise we all have an ideal, but in doing that you discount a lot of wonderful people that may be right for you.  You don't need to marry them or even date them, just don't discount them.

Apparently this has obviously stuck a nerve and a need to vent.  Thanks for listening.

General Discussion / Re: Article restricting size of sugar beverages
« on: September 13, 2012, 06:35:22 PM »
I really believe in a person's right to legally eat and drink what they like.  People have choices and should not be treated like children.  There are more important things in this world to legislate. 

If they were going to ban these drinks then they should be banned in all places not just a select few and not exclude diet drinks either.  What is to stop them from buying 2 drinks now instead of the 1 they would have?  and diet sodas make you crave sweetness anyway.

Having said that, I believe people should be aware of the consequences, therefore the package should reflect these consequences.  Similar to what they do with cigarettes in Australia.  I don't know whether in the States your cigarettes show the consequences of smoking - ours do - graphic pictures of lung cancer, etc, adorn the packaging - one word GROSS.  So perhaps they should put graphic pictures on these drinks/foods depicting diseased hearts, amputations resultant from diabetes etc, or even the calorie/fat counts to be printed on the wrappers. 

Maybe when it is in your face, so to speak, people will sit up and notice.  The problem though is $ - to much is invested in these products - more is good, bigger is better.  If people noticed, they wouldn't buy and business would crash.  Though I would like to think that perhaps business would really think about it and offer healthier/sugarfree versions of their products, but I think I live in a dream world.

PS - great article - food for thought - which is the point

Lunch Recipes / Re: Tuna Patties
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:51:27 AM »
I actually do my tuna patties using steamed mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potato
(large tin drained tuna, steamed cauli, 1 egg, onion, parsley, s&p and rolled in golden flax - then fried - if the mix seems a bit soggy add some flax to bind).  Carbwise it comes out very low.

Thank you all.  Did my happy dance.   ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: Need help: newbie
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:43:04 AM »
Welcome mickey - those labels are so tricky.  It drove me crazy when I first started.  I'm in Australia so the labelling is a bit different here.  On some products sugar alcohols and fibre have already been subtracted and on others not.  Always ask if you are confused, someone will always answer, until you have it sorted in your head.  I keep a food log too - it's just a notebook and I just jot down what I eat and add carbs as I go along.  If I'm away from home I just note it down on my phone.  Good luck, I'm sure you will do well.

General Discussion / Re: Just starting out!
« on: September 12, 2012, 08:26:17 PM »
 :D :D :D YAY  :D :D :D

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Not losing
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:40:19 PM »
Hi just for me - Welcome to the forum.  It can get all a bit confusing to begin with, but the great thing is that there is always someone here to answer a question no matter how trivial you may think it is just to get it clear in your head.

General Discussion / Re: Just starting out!
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:36:21 PM »
Welcome edswife - congratulations on the new arrival.  I'm sure you are going to do wonderful.  We are all here to help you.

Well it was monthly weigh-in day today (the Week 16 should have belonged to last month, I don't know why I left it off - it was a 0 loss anyway).

Drumroll please - ta da - loss of 9 lbs for this month.   (Yay happy about that.)  May it find a new home someplace in a galaxy far far away.

I sort of average about 7lbs a month.  Last month was a bit down but it obviously caught up this month.  So YAY again.

With this loss I accomplished a little mini goal of getting under 100 kg.

Today is the heaviest I will ever be  :D

General Discussion / Re: Help with leg cramps!!!!
« on: September 10, 2012, 04:57:18 AM »
How's your salt intake MommaB?  Try adding just a little bit and you might find your cramps may go away.

General Discussion / Re: And it begins
« on: September 05, 2012, 12:44:39 AM »
You get to count the walks to the bathroom as exercise! 

Well so that's the silver lining to all that pee-ing.   lol

General Discussion / Re: Can Diet Pop (Soda) Cause a Stall?
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:13:57 PM »
Andrea's right.  Ages ago when I decided to go decaf, instead of just swapping over, I mixed half and half.  Then when the normal coffee was gone I just went decaf all the time.  No headaches or craving - well except when I then had a straight coffee when I was out.  Bingo - headache straight off.

General Discussion / Re: Peaunt butter & choc milkshake
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:10:27 PM »
I agree with you Stephanie, this is a lifestyle.  Speaking personally, I have a fair amount of weight to shift, if I would restrict myself too much and not allow 'treats' so to speak, I probably would have chucked it in by now.  I have decided on a lifestyle and I do have an occasional piece of fts cake or cookie or SF chocolate, because this is what I enjoyed before and still do now.  It is not only the taste or 'mindset' of eating a treat, it is also the social aspect if you are with friends/family.  If I had to give up cake totally - no matter what diet or eating plan - I wouldn't last a month let alone a lifetime.

General Discussion / Re: And it begins
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:01:12 PM »
You're doing well Cindle.  I found drinking lots of water does really help - even if you have to keep pee-ing  :D

General Discussion / Re: Takeing Back My Life!!
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:22:01 PM »
Condolences to both of you.  Losing a loved one is very hard.   

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