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Messages - morgan

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65] 66 67 ... 79
General Questions / Sugar Alcohols - how many is too many?
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:36:17 PM »
How many sugar alcohols is too many?  I know that they can stall your progress, but any idea on how many.  I ask because of my slow progress.  I only have about 8gs (2 small squares) of SF chocolate or 1 SF Atkins Peanut Butter Cup daily with a coffee as a snack/treat.  I know you will probably suggest I give these up to see how it goes, but really that would 'hurt'.  These are the only things I have (I do have some SF wafers but they not daily). I don't eat SF lollies, but I do enjoy the chocolate.

General Discussion / Re: The Jeans Test
« on: August 07, 2012, 06:45:09 AM »
Way to go to you too Tony  ;) ;)

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: End of 12 Week Weigh-In
« on: August 07, 2012, 01:01:24 AM »
WOO HOO Chris - way to go.  Well done. :D :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: The Jeans Test
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:56:10 AM »
Way to go Tex -  Need a smilie to do wolf whistle.  Way cool.

Well, you know how I said I would weigh in monthly and hide the scales, well it worked for 2 weeks and by then I must have grown a tiny little bit because I stretched and stretched and wiggled and pulled those scales down (no ladder required but it was touch and go). Well my reward for the 3 weeks was -
ta dah - 4lb (sacrificed to the universe to find a better home) making a total of 24lbs.  Yay to me.  I'm hoping slow and steady wins the race, cos it seems so slow to me.  On the plus side, not really noticing saggy skin at this stage, more like my stomach is sucking itself it.  Clothes looser - going to have give up my favourite skirt cos there is a good chance it going to slide off me at an inopportune moment.

General Discussion / Re: Detoxification Symptoms
« on: August 05, 2012, 10:04:32 PM »
Welcome Southern Belle.  I don't think I had such a bad time as a lot of the people on the forum, though I craved bread and pasta so much.  Then I discovered the One Minute Mufffin and it settled right down.  Psychological or physical?  Pasta was my favourite and I try not to think too much about it  :D

General Discussion / Re: I'm back
« on: August 05, 2012, 10:00:00 PM »
Nice to meet you darpar62.  I'm sure you will do great again.  Life does get in the way sometimes doesn't it.

General Discussion / Re: torture device
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:59:48 AM »
Thought about that TooSweet.  It would mean getting it out of storage as we are in the middle of a freezing winter.
How would I explain to people why I have the fan out and the wood heater going?  Then again it would make a good conversation piece I suppose  :D

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: The dress ZIPS!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:48:46 AM »
:D :D :D  yay spatrizio  :) :) :)
well done

My apologies stephanie, what was I thinking - 'old timer's disease' would be my guess.

 :D :D :D yay stephanie  :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: torture device
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:45:16 AM »
Actually the muscles don't hurt.  It set at a brisk walking pace not 'try to kill the middle-aged woman exercising sprint'. lol  :D  I pop the ipod on and off I go.  The 1st 5 mins the hardest, then the next 5 getting into the swing and swearing. Minutes 15 to 25 are counted off and the last 5 minutes to 30 are the home stretch with groaning, anything after the 30 mins are a bonus.  I'm able to clear 2.5km in about 30 mins.
If the music calls for it a sprint may be thrown in, but usually just walking.  I try to visualise walking briskly down a street with the breeze blowing, but all I end up with at the end is sweat dripping, wet hair and no breeze.

General Discussion / torture device
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:39:03 AM »
Did anyone know that treadmills were and are a torture device?  lol   :D

General Questions / Re: Carb counts on herbs and spices
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:44:12 AM »
I think ya'll just broke my heart.  :(

I had no idea. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Sorry suzanne - I feel the same way.  I love curries and it is 1.56c (after fibre deducted) for 6.3g - which, when making a curry - is an insignificant amount  :'(

PS - chilli powder (also a favourite) is 1.18c (after fibre) for 8g, garlic powder 5c for 8g and onion powder 5c for 6g
       it's not fair and it a 'pip' to measure these things when cooking

General Discussion / Re: Parmesan Cheese Crisp
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:35:59 AM »
Made some of these just the other day.  YUMMY.  I didn't have any parmesan so I just used normal tasty cheese.  They were great.  If parmesan is better then WOW - have put it on the shopping list.

General Discussion / Re: New to FTS and excited
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:30:00 AM »
hi wawaperry - welcome. And it is exciting isn't it. Also a bit of a revalation - the amounts of sugar in everything is astounding.  
You will find lots of suggestions for what to have for your meals in the recipe sections of the forum.  I used to eat
3 meals a day plus 2-3 snacks a day.  Now often I eat only 2 meals and very minor snacks.  

If you have any questions, feel free to ask - someone is sure to know ;)


Lean On My Shoulder / Re: The dress ZIPS!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:28:16 PM »
 :D :D :D  yay spatrizio  :) :) :)

well done

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