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Messages - SherriPie

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 74
General Questions / Re: :( is this common
« on: October 09, 2010, 11:51:48 AM »
That damn scale kills me. One day it's my best friend and the next my enemy. I had a problem about 10 days ago where I went to a friends and we had drinks. I don't really drink and what I thought I was having was a diet caffeine free coke with vodka. It tasted horrible but I just assumed it was the vodka, so I had her pour more diet coke in it to try and make it weaker. It still tasted horrible but I drank it, slowly all night. Then I went to pour myself just a diet coke and looked at the bottle. She had poured me regular diet coke....not diet. I was horrified...I calculated 70 carbs in the horrific drink. SEVENTY!! I started FTS in April and haven't screwed up like this once. You know what I could have eaten for SEVENTY CARBS!! OMG I was freaking out. So for the past week and a half I have been fighting the scale. That one drink made me gain TWO POUNDS and took me a week and half to loose it plus two more. It also feels like it really slowed down my system. So my husband has been listening to me complain this whole time and when I went in to weigh this morning I found the scale missing and post it note in it's place. The note read "I love you...your torturing yourself...I'll give it back in a week." He has taken my scale hostage. LOL

General Discussion / Re: Well, its been a month......
« on: October 09, 2010, 11:42:19 AM »
It's been 1 month since I started my new way of living and i have lost 14#!!   By the way, has anyone tried the Lavash Wraps?  I get them at Walmart and they are great! 8 carbs in the whole wrap but it's big enough to eat only half. I cant get the La Tortilla Factory burritos here so I've been getting the Lavash and even make pizzas out of them.  Delicious!

Way to go Margie!! Congrats on your first month.

As for the Lavish wraps...I LOVE THEM! I buy and cut them in half (only 4 carbs) and use them for pizza. Have you tried their Flax Seed pitas yet? They usually are right near the Lavish bread. Only four carbs for the whole pita. I use them for pepperjack steak sandwiches all the time, or cut one in half (only 2 carbs) and have a egg pita in the morning. Yummy!!

Congrats again on your great start!!

You know what else is fun. They make these tiny pepperoni's that you buy in a little pouch. Sometimes I'm hungry and need a snack but nothing big. I just grab a handful in the afternoon and go about my day. They are carb free and chewie and just give me the sense of getting something special.  :)

Welcome Becky! I have a Caramel Sugar Free Jello Mousse every night loaded with Land-o-lakes carb free whipped cream, I have my diet pepsi every day and have lost 99 pounds. FTS is a lifestyle not a diet, so just save yourself some extra carbs and you can eat what you like with them.

General Discussion / Re: Good Morning From California!
« on: September 27, 2010, 03:30:48 PM »
Welcome to the cast CaliGirl. We're all here for you! It's going to change your world!!

Dinner Recipes / Re: Chicken pot pie
« on: September 27, 2010, 03:26:27 PM »
That sounds easy enough for SherriPie! :D

I think you might over estimate my cooking ablilites LOL   :D

General Discussion / Re: Re-Train Your Mind About Food
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:01:55 AM »
We need a "like button" on the site so posts like this we can "like" up a storm.  :D

General Discussion / Re: All Day Seminar
« on: September 25, 2010, 08:54:37 AM »
Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great. It's tough at those type of things but they always offer salad. If you're like me you keep a little bottle of Walden Farms no cal/no carb dressing in your purse for just these occasions.  :)

OMG my prayers have been answered! I love pumpkin pie and didn't know how I was going to get thru fall without a slice! WOO HOO!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Dinner Recipes / Re: Chicken pot pie
« on: September 23, 2010, 05:04:57 PM »
Please Umpa...have a good easy-enough-I-can-even-make-it answer for this one.....

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Help!
« on: September 23, 2010, 03:53:04 PM »
We all know just how you feel. When I first started I posted a huge rant about my husband having pizza in the house and I could smell it. Talk about freaking out. Anyway, we all go through it and we all loose weight and then slow down and then loose again. When I first started I lost a ton, then about a month in it slowed to 3 pounds a week. Then about 6 weeks ago I couldn't even loose a pound and I still have no idea why. It stayed that way for a few weeks, fighting to just loose a pound a week. I was down to eating 10 carbs a day and still not losing. Suddenly two weeks ago it just starting coming off again and I haven't changed anything. I know how you feel though. Sometimes it feels like I am never going to loose all this weight but then I hear Doug's famous line in the back of my head saying "you didn't gain it all're not going to loose it that way either." 

Hang in there and if you wanna talk you can PM me anytime.

General Discussion / Re: Your diet compared to the Atkins Diet
« on: September 23, 2010, 03:33:29 PM »
Thanks Doug, Im still afraid of soooo much protein, I get the rest.  Im a sugar addict I have to admit.  I cannot stop the cravings.  I go for about 4-5 days and then Im desperate to have a sugar fix.  Maybe my hormones are off balance.  How can I stay with this eating plan.  I cant explain how desperate I get for sugar.  If I eat fruit Im not too bad, like apples.  Im also having gallbladder problems probably due to my sugar addiction.  I think my liver is overloaded. Thats why Im concerned about so much meat.

Welcome to FTS. I just wanted to tell you that I was a HUGE sugar addict. I craved it daily, loved my brownies and cookie fixes and planned my day around food. I won't kid you...the first couple of weeks were really difficult because I missed my sugar and my body was readjusting. Since then though it's like I have been released from that addiction. It's probably much like an alcoholic finally being free of a drink. I no longer crave any sweets, I can eat without worrying about's amazing...and I finally feel free! Give it a try, it will change your life.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: size 10 :)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:09:48 AM »
You're my hero Izzet! Size 10 is awesome!! I think I was born larger than a size 10! LOL

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Weight is coming off!
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:07:48 AM »
I cannot believe I have already lost 10.7 lbs in a week!  This is amazing.  I am never hungry and this is the easiest diet!  The mashed cauliflower is awesome.  Thank you so very much for making this diet understandable and easy!  Sorry, not a diet a lifestyle change.  My blood sugars have not been over 110.  I am using 35units of Lantus daily instead of 50units!  Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou ;D

That is wonderful, 10 pounds in a week...way to go!!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Scott in Florida - 3 weeks
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:06:19 AM »
Congrats Scott!! Woo hoo!!

As for the scale, I think it has to do with digesting food because in the morning I can be several pounds lighter than the night before. I bet Doug knows exactly why! Maybe we all just need to sleep for weeks at a time?? LOL

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