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Messages - ShihTzuMom1

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 79
General Discussion / Re: first day on fts
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:15:25 AM »
Welcome to the forum Nora.  Good luck with your journey!

Did you use soy flour or almond meal? Are you sure your leavening agents are within date (baking powder and baking soda)? Finally, what altitude are you at?

I used soy flour.  My baking powder is new, but the baking soda has been in the cupboard for a while.  The internet says the altitude here is 625 ft).  I border Buffalo, NY, so altitude is not an issue.  Could be the baking soda.  It does taste delicious, just looks funny.  I may try and do it again with new baking soda since I am taking it somewhere.  I'll just put the flat ones in the freezer to enjoy later.

General Discussion / Re: fell off the wagon
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:24:02 AM »
 RNbeachgirl, jut dust yourself off and get right back at it.  Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.  You have seen first hand how much better you feel eating low carb.  Just continue on and forget those extra pounds, they will be gone in no time.  Hopefully your foot is starting to feel better.

General Questions / Re: :( is this common
« on: October 07, 2010, 10:29:14 PM »
Wow, what willpower!!

Sides and Snacks / Re: Bacon chicken wrap
« on: October 07, 2010, 10:28:24 PM »
Oooo, I'll have to look that up.

Was your pumpkin bread tasty?   ::)

Yes, it was very tasty, although mine was only 1 1/2 inches high.  I also made the pumpkin cookies today and they were good too, although I didn't have to leave them in the oven the full 20 minutes.

Post that recipe too.  I still have an extra can of pumpkin to use up.

General Discussion / Re: Before Pic
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:30:48 PM »
Wow Donna, you look amazing.  Hopefully this doesn't sound too personal, but you carry weight on your face like I do.  I used to envy girls who could put on weight and it not show on their face.  When the world was telling us we should love our bodies no matter what size we are, I always thought I could love my larger body if it didn't show up on my face.  I am sure you are finding like me that it is coming off everywhere and it definitely shows in our face.  I never was comfortable loving the larger me.  I avoided mirrors when at all possible.  Way to go Donna, you should feel so proud!!!  

Doug, my pumpkin bread is in the oven right now, almost ready to come out.  They don't look like they have raised any in the pans.  I made the 2 large loaves.  Your mini loaves looked like they raised in the pans.  I do have to say my kitchen does smell wonderful.  Hopefully it tastes good even if they look squatty.

Sides and Snacks / Re: Bacon chicken wrap
« on: October 07, 2010, 03:40:46 PM »
I'll have to remember this for a substitute for jalapeno poppers.  This actually sounds better.  Thanks Jo!

General Questions / Re: :( is this common
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:38:22 PM »
I'm weird! I check in the morning and at night. Don't even TRY to change me, DOUG! LOL

I get on the scale every morning, enter my daily weight on a chart and average it at the end of the week.  I do know that there are days that I am up and then it is back down.  I don't get excited if I am up a few days, I just assume I am just retaining water (maybe ate too much salty cheese the day before or something).  Since I began FTS my average weekly weight has gone down every week.  My Monday weight, which is what I put on my ticker has not always gone down, but the average always has.    I find this works for me.  When I used to avoid the scale that is when my weight started creeping up.  I need to see it in front of me.  So don't try to change me either, I feel more accountable to myself if it is written down.

General Discussion / Re: Europe converter vs US measurements
« on: October 07, 2010, 12:49:59 PM »
Welcome to the forum tfsmm!!  You will find everyone very helpful and supportive here.  Good luck with your journey to a new you!!

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Quick breakfast
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:56:49 AM »
Welcome to the forum Sara!  For a quick breakfast you could also have GG Bran Crispbread with melted cheddar cheese, or you could spread on some cream cheese, or sugar free jam, or beanit butter or low carb peanut butter.  I actually found low carb hot cereal.  It didn't taste quite as good as oatmeal, but it still warmed me up on a cool morning.  You could order some from Dixie Diner or Netrition.

that's great!!!

Well done....:) one little mistake and I fixed it...Thanks!  ;D

Thanks for checking Doug.   It is hard to copy from video to paper without making an error.  I checked to see what I missed and found it.   I didn't have enough cinnamon which I'm glad you caught because I love cinnamon.  I'm going to be making the crustless pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies and taking them to my sister's for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday.  There will be 17 of us for dinner.  As I mentioned in a previous post, my brother-in-law started FTS 1 week before I did and my sister and niece can't have gluten, so there will be lots of "safe" choices for dinner. 

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