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Messages - lightningbug

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: hello
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:55:48 PM »
lost another lb and my clothing definately fits better Thank you for the encouragement.

General Discussion / Re: hello
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:30:43 PM »
Thank you  I am now reading  and understanding the carbs and sugars MUCH better  Here I go  Thank you

General Discussion / Re: the carb lovers diet
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:14:16 PM »
Thank you  all for responding.  Yes I read the book and I am re reading it again.  It may be I need to be more careful of my portion controls.  I actually started a couple of months ago .  In January when I went for a WELL CHECK UP after my cancer Surgery on my leg I weighed 201lbs.  I saw you on the 700 club via internet and thought maybe this is it but I did not get your book until June 26th.  I am  now 181 and have been for over a week.  I believe I was 196 when I got your book.  Thank you so much for sharing your story and caring about us.  Thank you umpa   I love  how you help us out  I love to read the comments and recipies.  This GROUP IS AMAZING AND WE WILL MAKE OUR GOALS!!!   The honesty of everyone is anazing and I feel like I can share without being laughed at   THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: the carb lovers diet
« on: August 31, 2010, 10:35:05 PM »
I will and thank you for answering.  People at work say oh I tried the low carb diet after a while you go back to reg eating.  I think this is different because Doug has explained how food becomes fat.  I want to thank you for all of your in put Katary.  You have a lot to say and you seem to be very caring regarding us newbies.  Thank yous

General Discussion / Re: hello
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:56:38 PM »
I am new to this.  I am blessed with 5 children . my oldest is 35, my youngest is 28 and getting married within the next yr.  We have 8 grand-daughters age 2-10 and one grand--son 16months.  I really want to lose weight I have about 40 lbs to go.  I want to play and run and laugh with them.  I had a cancer scare last yr and I am really trying to eat better.  They say cancer thrives on sugar.  Thank-you everyone for sharing,  It gives me hope

General Discussion / Re: question... is it normal?
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:41:52 PM »
Hi I bought the book acouple of months ago  I was doing great then I had company.  She is gluten free.  Everynight when I came home she had dinner ready which was nice but not fat to skinny friendly.  She left for Austrailia about 2 weeks ago and I am trying again.  My huband has Lupus and does not eat like I am but is supportive.  He thinks he needs foods that I am trying not to eat.  Each day is a new day.  anyway  I lost and now I am Stuck.  It seems I am going nowhere but I am grateful I am not gaining.  Is it normal to lose than stay the same for a while.  Will I lose again.

General Discussion / the carb lovers diet
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:27:23 PM »
Hi   I am lighningbug and I am new   I am 56 and really trying.  Everytime I turn around there seems to be some new report.  Have you seen the carb lover diet?    Actually fat to skinny makes alot of sense to me but I am confused.   

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