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Messages - dwolford

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Newbie-Getting Started
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:22:03 AM »
Thanks!  With such wonderful support, I know this will be great.  I'm excited and so happy to have found you all.  Keep those helpful hints coming.


General Discussion / Re: Newbie-Getting Started
« on: March 26, 2011, 09:48:50 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome.  I shopped today so that I'd be  prepared for tomorrow and wany to prepare some easy lunchs for work.  I'm sure I'll need your help along the way.

I've ogt my toe in the water ready for the plunge!


General Discussion / Re: Newbie-Getting Started
« on: March 25, 2011, 07:05:49 PM »
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.  I'm starting tomorrow and it's great to have such a wonderful cheering sqaud rooting for my success!  I'll keep you posted and I'm sure there will be questions along the way. :)

General Discussion / Re: Newbie-Getting Started
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:52:39 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome,ShihTzuMom1 .  I've been reading the forum and I'm very excited to get going.  This is a wonderful support group and a wonderful lifestyle can I go wrong.  I'm in it to win it!!! :)

General Discussion / Newbie-Getting Started
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:23:57 PM »
Hi Doug,
I've had your book for a four months now.  I was diagnosed diabetic a few months back.  Sugar levels are still high.  I need to start NOW.  Just help nudge me in the right direction.  Do I stock up on everything and then start or just start eliminating sugar/carbs day by day?  Is there a right or better way to start?  I'm  almost 59 years old, 5'4" and weigh 310, diabetic, high BP, aching joints and shortness of breath.  I need help and I have to start ASAP.

Thank you for the book and I appreciate your taking time to read this.


Hi Diana, I think the first thing you should do is cut and paste this e mail into a new topic under the general discussion board so many people can jump in and help you. You are not alone....we are all in this together. That's what I would do first.

This Morning- Start by eating a nice high protein breakfast consisting of a cheese omelet and meat of some kind. I had a feta and spinach omelet yesterday covered with Hollandaise sauce and three sausage links, it was delicious No bread, No carbs.

OK, You have now taken the plunge and started the FTS way of eating....that was easy wasn't it

Next- Use the knowledge you learned from the book about label reading and remove EVERTHING from your home that's not within the guidelines of my program.

Next- Take an inventory of the ingredients you have left in the house. Pick a lunch and dinner recipe from the book or my cookbook and go to the store....get what you need. Do it again tomorrow and then again the next day. You are now eating the FTS lifestyle.

Next- Now it's time for you to run my three day "get in touch with your body test"

On this morning- DO NOT EAT breakfast this morning, DO NOT EAT anything until you are absolutely sure you're actually hungry. When that feeling occurs and you're sure you're actually hungry drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you're actually hungry the feeling will come back within 15 minutes. Now, write down the time the hunger came on. Tomorrow you'll do the same thing, and the next day. You'll find the times are pretty close together. The trick will be to plan the morning meal just before that time hits so you never get ravished. You'll feel the beginnings of what you'll now recognize as true hunger.   NEXT STEP

Eat a high protein breakfast consisting of 3-6 oz of meat and 2 eggs. Don't eat any more than you need to get rid of that feeling, If you have strawberries, eat a couple for dessert. Now, don't eat again until you're hungry

Next meal (notice I say next meal, not lunch) the reason is simple, you may not experience true hunger again until 3pm maybe it will come at 1, we'll have to see. Once again, drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you are truly hungry eat a high protein meal. The exercise is to go on for three days and when you're done you'll have a handle on our feeding schedule. It may be 3 meals a day, it may be 4. In my case it's 2. We'll have to wait and see.

Finally- Participate in the forum everyday, read the posts, interact with others and don't worry.

It's wonderful fun to EAT GREAT and lose weight!


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