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Messages - Skinny Sue

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Skinnysue replace those carbs instead of eating them and it will accelerate your [url=]weight loss[/url].I will help you.Thats why fat to skinny works is we don't take anything away we just replace everything.That way you don't add the food back in so you don't gain the weight back.Just go to the homepage  and ask umpa :)

Thank you!!! I'm feeling my way still a little bit but seriously motivated by my success. At a cookout yesterday, I had a hot dog with mustard but held the bun.  No feelings of deprivation - just mindfully eating and acknowledging the choices that lead to success!!!! God bless you and your husband for this book and this forum.

You're very welcome SkinnySue!
I am wearing clothes that were starting to get tight on me when I started F2S.
I'm "swimming" in most of them now.
Like my shirts sometimes getting caught on open drawers as I pass by them.
It drives my wife crazy!  >:( She wants me to go ASAP and buy smaller size clothes.
I do have some smaller size dressier clothes for going out so I don't embarrass her.
I get what you're saying about the "motivator" part of it though... I'm enjoying the extra room.
But soon, I will have to give in or look like my clothes came from Omar the Tent Maker and I will not notice them getting looser.
Other than the first two weeks, my [url=]weight loss[/url] has been slow, but it has been sure.
Feeling my clothes get looser helps to keep me going by reminding me that I'm getting smaller even if the scale doesn't tell me so.

Good point about the clothes getting TOO big!  Well, then there's always shopping for smaller clothes as a motivator.  Because right now, when I hold up clothes my current size when at the store, they always LOOK too big but then when I try them on, they fit!!! Yikes!

Love that story about fishing and losing your ring.  Maybe you've got a book in there - your writing is very good.

Thank you for your welcome. And congratulations on your success, also!  You must already be experiencing the thrill of feeling like your clothes are too big....something I'm really looking forward to, also.  This sounds silly but I plan on wearing my "fat" clothes for a while just to experience the "roominess" and to show other people I've lost weight.  It sounds dorky but it's a huge motivator for me.  I gave my sister a Fat to Skinny book - so we're going to take each other's "before" picture to remember when we get skinny just how far we've come.  Thanks again - everyone is so supportive on here.

By the time I got my Fat to Skinny book and started the program, my weight had gone up from the weight posted on my diet ticker. So I had 54 pounds to lose.  Since Oct. 29, I've lost almost 6 pounds.  I've been a diet drop-out for at least the last 12 years.  Every time I dieted, I would quit because I was always hungry, grouchy, and obsessing about when I could eat again. And after the diet, my weight would increase at least 2 or more pounds. This is a huge thrill! Fat to Skinny works. It's doable. I'm learning to tweak the program to fit my needs. One of those is, not totally denying carbs that I like. I just eat a smaller, measured portion - and that way avoid binging from feeling deprived. God bless you, Doug!!!! And thanks for this forum to read other peoples' success stories.  It's definitely inspiring.

General Discussion / Re: GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!
« on: October 23, 2010, 06:47:59 PM »
I'm starting FTS as soon as I get my book.  Doreen, I love your before and after pictures.  I need to lose about 50 lbs. to be healthy and get off BP meds and keep up with my 12 year old and have more energy overall. "Skinny Sue" is going to be my new nickname!

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