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Messages - alli123

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: SF bar overdose
« on: November 01, 2010, 04:25:13 PM »
Thanks heaps for the tips guys, definitely staying away from the bars from now on!  :-\

General Discussion / SF bar overdose
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:53:43 PM »

Oops...have been on the F2S plan for a week now and OD'd by eating 3 of the atkins SF bars this morning...I know they're bad but I was craving sugar I think and yep, felt a bit sick by the end of it (not to mention I think I'll be making a few trips to the bathroom - too much info maybe!).

A tad embarrassing but I thought I should let you guys know so at least I'm being accountable to someone!  I'm determined to get back on the straight and narrow though...I think it's working, slowly. My pants feel a little bit looser and I know it will take some time. I've thrown out EVERYTHING carb loaded in my pantry and ordered a heap of low carb food online (wraps/noodles etc), so if nothing else that's keeping my commitment there : )

It's funny, I've been an aerobics instructor for years but despite exercising never lost that much weight because of addiction to carbs...whenever I cut back I'd get carb cravings and invariably end up binge eating/putting on weight.  5 months ago I tore my calf muscle. It's still recovering and I can't exercise (even go for a walk) so I was looking for a diet that would help me shift some weight without exercise...already (apart from today obviously) I can feel my cravings subsiding and I'm finding it so much easier to stick to.

Anyway, thanks for reading guys. Think I'll go and drink some water to help flush out the system  ::)


General Discussion / Re: carb count question
« on: October 25, 2010, 04:55:27 PM »
Hey guys,

Thanks for the welcome messages, lovely to meet you!  This seems like a great forum, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you along the way  :P

General Discussion / Re: carb count question
« on: October 24, 2010, 10:11:33 PM »
Aahhhh trap for beginners  :P

Thank you for the information and getting back to me Doug. I'm very excited about finding your book and giving it a go. I'll be sure to keep you up to date on my progress!


General Discussion / carb count question
« on: October 24, 2010, 09:49:13 PM »
Hi all!

I'm new to this diet (starting today actually) and I've been sussing out what's around in stores that is low carb. I'm in Australia so don't have access to some of the products outlined but will see what's around.

My question is how do you count carbs when the fibre is more than the total carbs?

E.g. I found some Diego's reduced carb wraps and the information says;

Carbohydrate    11.1g
 - Sugars          1.6g

Dietary Fibre     12.5g

Does this make the net carb count -1.4g?

Thanks for your help, Alli : )

Pages: [1]