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Messages - angelicladyd

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General Discussion / Menu Planning Help for a Candida sufferer :(
« on: November 30, 2010, 03:09:38 PM »
Hello everyone! I'm Dionne. I decided back in August that I wanted to change my eating habits. I started to drink water and herbal tea, cut back on processed foods, and eliminated high fructose corn syrup from my diet. I started doing the Couch 2 5K program. I thought I was doing great! I even decided to do a Master Cleanse (The Lemonade Diet) and did the whole ten days. I ended up losing 10 pounds. I don't weigh myself often so I know it was a combination of the cleanse and diet changes. I was excited to come across "FAT TO SKINNY" because I really wanted to eliminate all sugar from my diet and knew that getting educated was key.

I discovered during the Master Cleanse, however, that I am suffering from Candida. It's a yeast overgrowth in my body. It's a really invasive situation, and extremely hard to get rid of. Changing your diet is key, along with probiotics. There is so much that I have to avoid to KILL the yeast. See below. As you can see, this dramatically reduces what I can actually eat!

Sugar, Fruit, Yeast, Foods Containing Gluten, Vinegar, Mushrooms, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, and Pistachios, Aged, Moldy and Processed Cheeses

Processed, Dried, Smoked, and Pickled Meats (These foods include smoked salmon, pickled herring, sausages, bacon, hot dogs, pastrami, bologna, sandwich meats, salami, corned beef, pickled tongue, and kolbassa.)

Packaged, Processed, and Refined Foods (Canned, bottled, packaged, boxed, and other processed foods containing yeast, refined sugar, refined flour, chemicals, preservatives, or food coloring.)

I started to look at labels, and keep a handle on my carb intake, but this is so stressful trying to plan a menu that I can eat. I'm supposed to eat salad, and all my favorite salad dresses have vinegar in them! Most recipes that I've come across have included cheese. I don't want to give up, but I'm pretty frustrated. I would just love to have some other heads enter the mix so I can have clarity. I know I'm just being emotional, but making a lifestyle change like this is VERY dramatic. At this point, if I can come up with breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack, I'll just repeat it forever.

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