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Messages - dwes

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: just started
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:10:18 AM »
Hi Von , I'm also new here been on many diets  would loose 2lbs and gain 5lbs because it was so restricted and i just kept yo yo-ing  Then i found Dougs book skimmed through it and thought it was just another lowcarb diet so i put it back came home and read about it on line in fact came to this website and found out it wasn't your typical diet but so much more. First of all you are not deprived there is nothing you can't have you just have to substitute like your noodles for lower carb lower sugar form just like the ice cream, bread , and other stuff  they substitute. My MD is the same way about the weight loss surgery and i tell him what good is it if i don't learn how to eat, I would just gain it back again like most people who have had the surgery i have seen documentaries where people have ended up fatter after the surgery than before because no one taught them how to eat right after it. To me if you look at this diet well i shouldn't call it a diet because really it is more of a life style change a way of eating Dougs way. So just wanted to say GOOD LUCK Lord knows I have been where you are. So I will be here with you every step of the way along with everyone else.  Good Luck Von !!!!!

General Questions / Low Carb Tortillas
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:46:35 AM »
Hi all I'm new here and was reading in the book that the tortillas are 1/2 teaspoon sugar but on the pkge  I bought today said that there are o sugars so where is the sugar coming from ? Thanks. Dawn

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