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Messages - forte2465

Pages: [1]
General Questions / wondering about fluid retention on FTS diet
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:34:48 PM »
Normally, I would not be retaining water, eating this way.  However, yesterday, I was sent to the ER with terrible swelling of my ankles & feet and ordered to take a "water pill"
Because of that med, I'm now supposed to eat bananas, etc (foods high in carbs) to keep my potassium level up - Dr. does not want me to take a potassium supplement.
Has anyone ever had serious edema (fluid retention) on this type of diet?   Normally, as I said, I find "low carb" diets to have a diuretic effect and not the opposite.  I am 60 years old and in overall good health.  Thanks.

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