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Messages - JETM

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Comparing Sweetners
« on: June 05, 2010, 06:56:54 PM »
I just bought Diet Cheerwine soda from the supermarket because it said zero carbs on the label and it did not contain aspertame (aspertame gives me headaches). It contains Splenda.  I drank 3 glasses when I got home and then realized the label was not accurate because Splenda is "less than a gram" per serving.  But nowhere can I find exactly what the carb content is for Splenda.  I'm trying to figure our how many carbs I just had.  I would love to find a diet soda that has no carbs and no aspertame. 

Additionally, Sweet'N Low has "less than one gram" per serviing.  Anyone know the exact #?

Stevia (in the raw)?

I have a liquid saccharin sweetner that says no carbs.  It's "fasweet Liquid Sweetener" and it's a division of Morse Co.

And then I found this other liquid sweetener called "Smoky Mountain Sweetener" by M. Licht & Son Inc. It says zero carbs too. 

General Discussion / Re: Newbie Question: Minus Fiber?
« on: June 04, 2010, 03:55:53 PM »
I'm sorry, I thought I got there from your site - my error.  

I'm confused though about something - re the "net zero carb bread", here is a copy of the label:

If you copy and paste it into a browser, you will see that it says there are 7 total carbs and 7 g fiber; therefore, zero net carbs.

Then if you look at the ingredients, it reads: flours (organic whole wheat bran, natural wheat protein isloaye, natural oat flour), purified water, sea salt, etc.  

So, are you saying that because oat flour is the 3rd ingredient, the label which says 7 total carbs and 7 g fiber is inaccurate?

I gues I shouldn't believe everything I read?

Breads and Crackers / Re: SPINACH BREAD!!!!!!
« on: June 04, 2010, 12:07:05 AM »
That spinach bread looked really good.  How many net carbs were there in one slice as shown?

General Discussion / Re: Newbie Question: Minus Fiber?
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:54:31 PM »
It's  then look in the bread section...

General Discussion / Re: Newbie Question: Minus Fiber?
« on: June 03, 2010, 04:11:32 PM »
Thanks all... but I got to the web site from a link on Doug's web site.  It was Viva Low Carb .com.  Is it safe to buy from them? 

The link to their zero net carb bread item is here:

How do I ask Doug about this?

General Discussion / Newbie Question: Minus Fiber?
« on: June 03, 2010, 01:36:20 PM »
I downloaded the book yesterday but also started the diet yesterday.  My question is- I found a web site that has zero net carbs for bread and crackers.  Is this for real?  Do I really subtract the grams of fiber from the grams of Carbs in order to come up with my correct carb #?  It sounds too good to be true.  I can have all the bread I want?  Do other people like the taste?  Any recommendations on which bread to get?

1 large leaf of lettuce is .45 carbs but the fiber is .2 so then the net carbs are .25?  So I can have 4 large lettuce leaves for 1 carb???????  

Is there a gadget I can buy or download to my iphone where I can put in the food item and it will give me the NET carbs?

The cravings have gone away - Yea!

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