Wow!! Y'all make me feel so strong! I too am incredibly grateful to have an amazing man who met me at my heaviest and loved me regardless. He's seen me at my heaviest, at my lightest, at my least healthy and most healthy. And ultimately, he's supported me no matter what. I've seen the prejudice that we get as heavy women. The one that stuck in my head...when I was at my lightest many years ago (and bulimic fyi) I was a fabulous 145, size 10. Some guys I worked with were in the breakroom laughing at personal ads in the newspaper. The one they pointed out was a 5'4" (my height) 145#; comment being wow what a cow! Needless to say, I stood up and asked them if I looked like a cow (knowing that 2 of them had been flirting with me for months)...Of course the answer was no and then I informed them that I was those numbers as well and they could never be so lucky to find a woman who looked that good!! They were umm... very quiet after that lol
I think truly, there's such a dismorphic concept of weight too - all women must weigh under 125 or they must be fat! All men must weigh 180... I'm not sure where these concepts come from. But I'm glad we are here to say I weight more than that and I'm sexy!!!