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Messages - NewMe11

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General Questions / Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:46:23 AM »
Yes, I am well under my 20/day. I am also doing both cardio and some strength training as well. I actually have an appointment on Tues to get my thyroid tested, after talking with by OB while prego she had mentioned that based on my history and so on it would probably be a good idea.

Thanks Umpa! And yeah, I'm actually surprised it hasn't been hidden yet :)

General Questions / HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« on: June 14, 2013, 07:48:07 AM »
Hi everyone!
So here is my quick story. Started FTS before I got pregnant with my son in August. I lost 20lbs very quickly on it, within about 6-7 weeks. It was great!!! While pregnant with my son I did not follow the diet as closely as I should have. I started following strictly again about 3 weeks ago. I have also added in 3 days/week at the gym, something I didn't do the first time around at all. However, in this 3 weeks I have only lost about 3lbs and keep hovering back and forth around 1lb. I do know that I have lost a bit in inches, with going to the gym, but that number just seems stuck. This is getting frustrating for me, especially knowing my past results with FTS. My husband thinks I'm just being too hard on myself and has threatened to break my scale :) I've had major body issues most of my life, but especially since my oldest was born 5 years ago.
A typical menu for me (this was yesterday):
One-min muffin for breakfast
Chicken salad (mayo and some pepper) w/cheese for lunch
Dish Pizza Quiche for dinner
This is generally what my menu looks like, inserting a different meal from the cookbook. I am wondering if it could possibly be my coffee intake slowing things down. I drink A LOT of coffee, I have realized. I mean, come on, I have a 7 week old and a 5 year old at home with me!!! :) I do drink it black w/ some SF syrup or FTS sweetener. I am going to lower, and monitor, my coffee intake better...but was just looking for some advice, or reassurance!

Dinner Recipes / Re: Chili-HELP
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:34:39 AM »
Awesome TooSweet!! Thank you! I'll have to order some! So far I'm going up and down 4lbs, which is pretty normal for me on any given day...I gained a lot with my son, due to some health things at the time, and I'm really hoping to be able to control it this time! :)

Dinner Recipes / Re: Chili-HELP
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:34:26 PM »
Thanks guys, I'll check out the links!!!
TooSweet when I had my son all I wanted was fresh fruit. I think I would have taken someone out for it! This time around, so far at least, I've been craving mango smoothies. LOL!

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Confession
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:31:52 PM »
I will make sure and do that Umpa!!! So far the only major craving has been mango smoothies...any ideas on that? I've had a hard time with this because most things in smoothies are high in sugar!

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Confession
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:38:36 PM »
I agree with what everyone else has said...clear out your cabinets. I also found that it is hard to do if you have temptation staring you in your face. I will also say, know how to catch yourself. Every person is going to have a sweet tooth here and there, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you deprive yourself of that completely you "fall off the wagon". Have things on hand to whip something FTS approved up quickly when that craving hits you. It stops feeling like a diet when you do that, and more like a lifestyle change. I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant, and I have definitely found that I have different cravings, amazingly though...not for sweets all that much. I wanted ice cream the other night, and I allowed myself to have some of my low carb ice cream. And I didn't feel guilty about it. My current craving however...chili! LOL Good luck to you, and believe that you can do it. And if you do fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over. :)

Dinner Recipes / Chili-HELP
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:29:28 PM »
Ok everyone, it is that time of year...I am craving chili, and really want to make some. I feel that chili is mostly straight forward and shouldn't be too hard, but does anyone have any recipes they have found to be extra yummy??

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Pumpkin Spice Bars
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:26:25 PM »
Ok I am ridiculously excited to try these!

Events, Announce Events Here / Re: Doug, Umpa LOBSTERFEST!!!
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:21:51 PM »
Just visited the inlaws in NH a couple weeks ago and they took the little one so hubby and I could have a night out...we stuffed ourselves on lobster and of my favorite things about heading out to the East Coast!!!

General Discussion / Stress
« on: March 21, 2012, 09:16:05 AM »
So I've been having a rough week...I've always been an emotional eater and while I've managed to control it it's creeped up on me this week. Stepped on the scale and gained 2lbs. Sigh. But I did buy jeans a size down yesterday...that was a positive for me!

General Discussion / Re: weight-loss stuck
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:15:26 AM »
6 weeks seems like a long time for your body to still be in detox.

General Discussion / Weigh In
« on: March 07, 2012, 08:02:18 AM »
I just have to say that today was my weigh in day...and I am at the lowest weight I've been at since my son was born. :) This is an amazing feeling!! I had thought I was stuck and then bam 3 lbs gone. Woohoo!!!

Girly Girl Talk / Re: TOM cravings
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:31:11 PM »
Thanks guys. I'm not a big sweets person any other time, usually a diet soda will cure it-but during that tom its another story. Lol!

Girly Girl Talk / TOM cravings
« on: March 05, 2012, 08:26:23 AM »
So I was at the grocery store yesterday and ended up in the candy aisle (I think I have GPS for it during this time of month!). I'm looking at the candy and see the sugar free Reese's. Now I love the Atkins peanut butter cups but they didn't have them so I thought, why not? Let me tell you...I love them!!! 1 net carb in 5 of those minis. So I split the serving up. I had 2 when I got home and the rest of my serving after dinner. I felt like I was cheating on a diet but the best part guilt!!!

General Discussion / Re: Sugar free syrup question
« on: March 03, 2012, 08:56:57 PM »
Omg Andrea you are awesome for posting!!!

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