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Messages - JLaw

Pages: [1]
I give up on modern medicine. Here I am a diabetic for 23 years, my kidneys are failing, leg edema, several eye surgeries and ALL the doctors want to do is give me meds.  They want to treat the symptoms and fill their bank accounts under the guise of practicing medicine. I have two law degrees and it took Doug's simple book to open my eyes to the solution. Changing what I put in my body will change my life!!!Dr. Oz can have his ratings and I will have my life back...too much living to do.

General Discussion / Cancelled my Gastric Bypass Surgery
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:44:01 AM »
I read Doug's book last week. What a simple revelation. Started this new approach to eating and the results have been amazing. I have decided to cancel my gastric bypass surgery and am clinging to this diet.

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