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Messages - Downsizing

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Breads and Crackers / Re: psyllium flat bread
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:40:42 AM »
Tasty for sure!!

Was wondering, anyone try the 7 grain bread from Sami's bakery in Florida?
I've tried it, great for toast, and dry slices on cookie sheet in 140 degree oven.  When dried out, I put in food processor and meal it up, mix in almond flour, flax meal, and pork rind meal - great to fry in, and great for meatloafs, etc. 

What do you think Doug?? 

Low Carb 7 Grain Fiber Bread

Sami's Bakery -

Serving Size:    1 oz. 28g
Servings per package:    15
Calories:                88
Fat Calories:           36
Total fat:               4g
Sat. Fat:               1g
Cholesterol:            0mg
Sodium:                 200mg
Total Carbo:           10g
Dietary Fiber:            8g
Sugar:                    0g   

Net Carb:  10 - 8 = 2 per slice

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