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Messages - AmyGB680

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / weight-loss HAS SLOWED DOWN! HELP!
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:28:17 PM »
I started the lifestyle December 19th at 209.5 lbs I lost about a pound a day for nine days and then it just hovered around 199 or 200, sometimes more if I hadn't had a bowel movement or was menstruating. It's now been over a month and I haven't gone below 198. I do know that I wait too long to eat breakfast (1-2 hours), wake up too late (noon) go to bed late (2am) so I eat dinner at 8pm. I read in Kevin Trudeau's book that you shouldn't eat past 7pm and that you should eat protein within thirty minutes of waking up. My meals and snacks are the same : 3-4 eggs and 2 cups salad with hemp seeds and 3 TB bleu cheese dressing (2grams) for breakfast. Cheese, 17 nuts, or 8 olives for snack. Protein shake (<1grm)
for lunch. Another snack like celery with peanut butter or pork rinds. For dinner, beef pattie with grilled onions and handful salad or handful garlic green beans. For dessert, zylitol sweetened blender ice cream with heavy whipping cream ( grams) and five big frozen strawberries or 1/2 cup fresh blueberries. Almost a gallon of water a day.
So what can I do to speed up weight loss When I did Atkins ten years ago I lost 30 pounds in four months. Now, at 31 I wonder if my metabolism or thyroid is out of whack? I use 2-3 TB coconut oil because it's proven to help you burn more fat! What's your experience been when hitting this first plateau? Will exercise speed it up? I'm frustrated :/

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