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Messages - CindyL

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Hi! It's been a week since my first weigh-in, and I've lost 6.2 pounds! I was so excited to see that this morning. There were a few difficult moments, like passing up my husband's birthday cake, but overall it was pretty easy. I have decreased my insulin a bit this past week, because my numbers were a little too low. I use the humalog pre-mixed pen, twice a day. I have an adjustment sheet to follow, so will probably adjust a little lower this week as well. My dr. appointment is Tuesday afternoon. Hope everyone has a great week!

Well, I'm not expecting any changes yet to the meds, other than reducing the insulin a little (I'm on a sliding scale.) But, I am hoping that at my appt. after the next 4 months, with a great new A1c reading, that maybe I will be able to stop the insulin. I'll keep you posted!

That's great that you are off the meds! That is one of my goals for this year. I had my bloodwork this morning, and my dr. appt. is next Tuesday. I'm not expecting it to be very good, but it will be my new starting point. My fasting BS this morning was 80, the lowest it's ever been since I've been checking it. Usually that one is my highest of the day. Day 3 is almost over, and it hasn't been hard at all.

Hope everyone is having a great week!  ;D

Thank you all so much for the kind welcome and encouraging responses! I really appreciate it! I am off to a good start this morning, with scrambled eggs, ham and hot tea for breakfast. Really looking forward to this new start. I go to my endo doc on Tuesday for bloodwork before my appointment on the 10th, so it will be good to have bloodwork done now as a baseline for comparison. I will seem him again in 4 months, so it will be exciting to see the difference. My bloodwork last time was pretty good, but I have slacked off the last few months.  :-[
Thanks again! Glad to be here with all of you!

Happy New Year! I finished reading the book this afternoon, and am starting this way of eating tomorrow. I am just wondering what experience anyone has had with losing weight this way while on insulin for type 2 diabetes? Have you found that the weight loss is slow? Just want to know what I can expect, so I don't get my hopes up too much and get discouraged. Thanks! Glad to have found the book and website!

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