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Messages - Violet

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Stopping by to say Hi!
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:08:11 AM »
Wow! Thank you all for the kind and encouraging words!! I am off to read through the recipes thread.
Any favorites that I should look into?

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Stopping by to say Hi!
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:19:39 PM »
Hi All!

I am new to FTS and just wanted to stop by and say Hi!  I am really excited to get started!  Just finished reading the book and am hoping I am strong enough to make the change.   

I recently had my second child and developed a thyroid problem.  Not fun, but glad to say it is all stabilized and no longer on thyroid meds.  I am also on a low dose of antidepressant to calm my anxiety, lol!!   Because of the meds and the fact that I just gave up because no matter what I did I continued to gain weight I packed on 70 pounds.   My normal weight fluctuates between 184 to 188 and now I am at 256 and just hate it.  I am 37 years old and have been at this weight for 2 years now.  I am afraid if I don't do anything this is going to be the new me and I don't want that. 

Looking forward to making the change and getting back to the old me.

Got a couple of questions, is there a cap at how many carbohydrates we should eat a day, is it 20g?
Also, the opposite, is there a limit to how much protein we have a day?  I am assuming everything in moderation.

Any tips that you feel really helped you I would love to hear!

Thanks so much!!!

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