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Messages - FiveOhWife

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General Discussion / Trying Again...need a boost!
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:30:52 AM »
Hi All,
First time posting but not new to FTS.
Got the book from my doctor in Denver 2 years ago.  I read it in one sitting and it changed my life.  I changed my habits the next day and had great results losing 35 pounds in a few short months.  I told everyone who crossed my path about FTS (still do).  The holidays hit before I reached my goal weight and I made some poor choices...feeling that I was in control.  I wasn't.
My weight ballooned back up and I'm teetering around 180.  I'm 5'3".  I've re-read FTS but can't get my brain to follow what my heart wants.  Or Vice Versa.  I know what to do and it's like I've got no drive to do it. 
This past May my husband was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and our lives have spiraled in a food frenzy depression.  He's nearing the end of his treatments so we are making plans to take our lives by the horns and get our health back.  An avid cyclist he's put on weight during treatment so once his fatigue ends he's back on the bike and leaving me in the dust. 
We have 2 girls 19 and 16.  My 16 year old already shows the symptoms like me of insulin resistance etc.  She is so active and still struggles daily with her weight. 
I've basically come to the conclusion that we are addicts.  Sugar is our drug.  Like any drug addiction you can't cure yourself.  I need sugar rehab and I need support.
It's funny, I look in the mirror and the image I see isn't so heavy etc.  And then yesterday my husband took a couple photos of me outside and I was horrified.  I'm not anywhere where I thought I was. 
I've tired Weight Watchers, Isagenix, etc...and Fat To Skinny is the ONLY thing that has worked for me.     
So I'm back with a vengeance.  I have to do this..for myself and my family.  And they're coming along for the ride. 

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