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Messages - julesbil

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Hi all....
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:12:34 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome!  I've been lurking here for a little is a wonderful family here :)  I will definately get more involved.  One day I may even get Ron to visit....if work ever slows down for him that is!


General Discussion / Hi all....
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:31:53 AM »
I'm Juli and my husband Ron and I started FTS 2 weeks ago.  This is the second (and final!) stage of our healthier lifestyle.  On May 1st we cut out all fast food and switched food choices (white bread to whole wheat bread/bagels, cookies to crackers, chips to pretzels, etc)  We were losing steadily and about 40 days in, he had lost 20 lbs and I was at about 14 lbs.  Then I came across the FTS book and was newly inspired.  After convincing him that we were doing it all wrong (which he balked at since we were in fact losing at a pretty fast pace), he came onboard 100%.  He has lost an additional 10 lbs since we started 2 weeks ago and I have lost another 5 lbs.  He is ecstatic and a firm believer that sugar and carbs are the enemy.

It's a friendly little race we are having to get to our goal weight, but in the end I know we are both winning :)

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