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Messages - pvonishere

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General Discussion / I need some help from Carb Conscience Folks
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:20:27 AM »
So I read the book F2S and my whole life it seems I have not eaten correctly, properly, in the right quantities, or to stimulate my metabolism. Below this small paragraph I will provide detailed information about what I need. Essentially, I am looking to build shopping lists, create menus, and eat normally and healthily and all that.

Age: mid 30s
Challenge: I got into the habit of eating once per day. Even though I am eating more now my calorie intake is far too LOW.
My current resting metabolism requires 2300 cal daily(per dietitians and doctor) that could be higher than that if I was active more. My current calorie intake was roughly 500 and I've improved that to between 1000 and 1500 some days I even eat as much as 2000 cal.

What is surprising is that I am overweight. The problem is, my metabolism is so slow and everything I eat is converted to stored energy because my calorie intake is not high enough. So imagine wanting to lose weight and knowing that you have to eat more. So after reading F2S recently, the challenge is selecting what foods I can eat that would be that meats and proteins and the vegetables AND actually getting enough calories out of the day.

It doesn't help that my blood pressure is somewhat high and my cholesterol levels are not in a good place. I raised my activity level up (walking or jogging a few miles) and a health professional told me that if my calorie intake was not proper the exercise would not really be helpful and maybe not a good idea. (walking or jogging a few miles)

So I am not much of a cook. And when I go to the store there is a very small list of things that I buy. These things are not bad for me but the selection seems to be very small. And these are all snacks. So someone out there who knows how to build a program like this that isn't excessive saturated fats or cholesterol, following this program Doug laid out so well. It is very hard for someone who is not used to eating often. When would you eat if you never got hungry?
So that is it if you have menus and you want to send them in a plan of how often a day to eat you want to eat that would be great.

Ultimately knowing what to shop for and how often to eat within a week and who knows... it could one day get to a 30 day plan!

Thank you in advance for anything you can provide. To begin on this plan with my poor habits I have bought 2 packs all beef franks I eat with some mustard.  I do eat a slice of cheese now and then.  Mixed nuts I used to try and hit the calorie mark.  Eggs and sausage, random lunch meats, edamane i can steam and boneless chicken breasts.  That's all I got.  Ive had a couple salads too.

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