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Messages - heidirae

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Re: Day Two of FTS and have gained!?
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:36:02 PM »
Is there somewhere with a daily menu outline?  The weight is SLOWLY coming off.......

Events, Announce Events Here / Re: NY Resolution Secret Weapon!!
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:29:59 AM »
Thanks to everyone, I did weigh myself again this morning (I really don't see me breaking this 30+ year habit) and am again up in weight.  Now I have gained 1.1# in two days.  Should I count calories as well?  Or, maybe incorporate Weight Watcher points?  I feel like I am missing a huge chunk of the puzzle here!  I drink tons of water, at least 3 liters a day, sometimes 4.  I find myself looking for something to chew on, and rely on sugar free gum which according to the packaging ends up with zero carbs.  If that ends up being an issue I'm not sure what I will do to replace what I replaced  my cigarettes with!   Any and all suggestions would be most welcomed!

General Questions / Day Two of FTS and have gained!?
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:15:52 AM »
So, I have the book. am listening to the disk and have been counting my carbs.  Day 1, gained .6#, day 2 gained .5#.  The only thing I have touched with sugar alcohols is gum, and not much of that.  I have been eating eggs, egg beaters, some chicken, some shrimp, salads, SF jello.  I even gave up my coffee after seeing that there were some carbs in that.  If I keep this up I'm going to explode.  Any thoughts?  I just did Weight Watchers this past Summer and only lost 9# in 4 months, which I gained back over the holidays.  Now on FTS and gaining more?  I am 51, female and post menopausal, I know all that is working against me as well.  I have been getting around 30 minutes a day on the treadmill or the eliptical.

Events, Announce Events Here / Re: NY Resolution Secret Weapon!!
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:28:59 PM »
Hello Doug, I hope that you are correct and that this indeed is the year!  I quit smoking in June of 2011 and have slowly managed to gain 22 pounds!  The first year I promised myself not to make myself crazy with the weight that crept on but, last summer I hit the wall and said "NO MORE" so I went to Weight Watchers.  After 4 months and only losing 9 pounds, I gave up and put back on the 9 pounds lost over the Holidays.  At the book store the other day, I saw your book and knew I had to try SOMETHING!  Today is day 2 and I know you said not to weigh myself more than once a week but, I have weighed myself daily forever!  Today I found myself up .6 #....ARGHHHH!  Still staying strong today and I think maybe nuts and cheese were my downfall yesterday although I did track the carbs.  Thanks for listening to my ranting, Heidi

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