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Messages - MamaBull

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: READY TO CHANGE!
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:54:25 PM »
I know its my first day, but i almost reached for the white bread and made a monster sandwich full of carbs.... but i reached for my sugar free jello instead, it seemed to hit the spot.

One day at a time is my new motto.

So far the support is so awesome, thanks for all the welcome's.

General Discussion / READY TO CHANGE!
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:11:46 AM »

2013 Is going to be my year to [url=]lose weight[/url] once and for all!  For years since i was kid i have struggled with my weight, i had reached my lowest weight back in 2001, but after i had my third child i gained it all back and then some.  I continued to ride the neverending cycle of "I wish i could fit my clothes better"  "I wish i had that much energy"  

It wasn't till just recently, i had decided, This is my year, all that i envision for my life is going to happen, and my number one priority was to lose the weight!!  

Last week, i was in Indigo book store and decided i wanted a book that would make me realize that i could do it.  Then just as the announcement was made that the store was closing, Your book jumped out at me.  I immediately picked it up and decided, this is the book, i can feel it!

The next day, i sat down and began reading, and i tell ya, i have never been able to read a [url=]weight loss[/url] book from start to finish.   And i finished reading yours the same day.  

I hope to post once a week the progress that i am having.

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