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Messages - stevendawn1990

Pages: [1]
Breakfast Recipes / How many carbs?
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:45:12 PM »
If a person is already at their desired weight or reach their goal weight. how many carbs should the aim for to stay healthy and on track?

Breakfast Recipes / How many carbs?
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:40:35 PM »
If a person is already at their desired weight or reach their goal weight. how many carbs should the aim for to stay healthy and on track?

General Discussion / Just getting started and am so hungry today!?
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:29:23 PM »
I read the book front to back on Saturday and started implementing right away. Have done well but today I am hungry, hungry, hungry. I ate a great lunch and yet 2 hours later I feel like I haven't eaten in forever.  So I had some almonds, then some cheese, and still feel hungry. I drink lots of water already and of course, as we all know, water doesn't hit the spot when you want to eat. I don't know what to go to since I so used to eating fruit in between meals or making a smoothie...any suggestions?

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