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Messages - Quiltart1

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Fat to Skinny Challenge!
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:44:06 AM »
Since October 2013 I have been a part of the Fat to Skinny Challenge on KPNW in Eugene, Oregon. I made my way through Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and lost 28 lbs. using the website for recipes, the book for inspiration (I read it three times) and the CD for encouragement. I did very well. I do not see food the same way thanks to this experiment and I have committed to a lifetime of good health and well being. I am thankful for Doug and his mission, to Robb Holloway and Bill Lunden for creating the challenge.

It was a treat to talk with Doug this morning on the radio. Next time Doug is in Eugene, I will make an effort to get down to the radio station to meet him. Thank you again for inspiring me to take the steps to change my life. (I bought Fat to Skinny a year and a half ago after hearing Doug on KPNW. I read it and decided it was too hard to do the plan. I put it away. When Doug was back on KPNW in October, I saw the challenge on Facebook from Robb Holloway and decided to take a chance. I love the new and improved book and CD.)

Thank you! PJ

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