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Messages - Bridget

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Doug's Salisbury steak with mushrooms and onions were delicious!!  As were the "Mashed Potatoes".

Tonight i'm having Taco Salad from the book. :)

I think I'm just finding it hard to give up my old habits.  I'm making it harder by clinging to the old.  The old way was easy: Eat what I want plus fast food and junk. But it wasn't working for me.  It's just taking me some time to adjust, but I'll get there. 

Right now I'm making Salisbury Steak with Onions and Mushrooms from your book.  Also the Cauliflour mashed "potatoes". Am also making deli rollups for snacks from your book.  My son invited me for breakfast tomorrow and I am excited that I can have a ham and cheese omelet, which I love.

I have noticed the most amazing thing!!  I can BREATHE better now!  Not that I wasn't breathing before, but since I gave up all the bread, pasta, corn and potatoes I have had no sinus problems and I can breathe better.  Also, I think I might have had a corn or wheat allergy because now my skin doesn't itch.  (sorry, I don't know if y'all wanted to know all that.) I don't recall reading about those issues in your book but I'm reading it again in case I missed something.  I admit I read thru it quickly the first time.

This time I'm not going to quit.   Even though I still have a headache, I am REALLY excited about breathing better!!

Bridget :)

Hi all,

I thought I'd check in and let yawl know how I'm doing. :)  First of all, it's not easy cutting out the bread, so I'm going to Amazon to get Doug's Bakery book (thanks, Doug <3) .  I really don't like the GG Crispbread.  It tastes like cardboard to me.

Anyway, here's my challenges so far:

1. I have discovered I had about 10 main dishes that I loved to eat. They were all high carb.  I'm still trying to find my new 10 main dishes that's low carb.  (Ie. one of my "old" faves was Chicken and Dressing casserole. Another fave was country style steak with gravy.  Can you tell I'm from the south?)  I really don't like just plain meats.  I like gravy and sauces.  I found Doug's Alfredo Sauce recipe but it looks so fattening!  In addition to finding my new 10, I've got to get rid of the "no fat low fat" mindset.

2.  I was in the grocery store for 2 solid hours looking at labels.  To quote Sweet Brown, "I ain't got no time for dat."
I'm still in a quandary about which Spaghetti sauce to get.  If only there was a label app.  Sigh.  Can anyone tell me the best Spaghetti Sauce?  The ones I looked at all had sugar.

3. Having trouble keeping below 20 carbs.  But not to worry, I'll get there after I solve problem #4:

4.  I had a craving for apple pie.  A bad craving.  Trying to get through the cravings. (Ok, I confess.  I had an apple in the refrigerator so I baked it and put cinnamon on it. Ok, so it wasn't sweet enough and I added brown sugar. :( But at least I didn't have crust.)  I had a weak moment.  But I got back on the wagon.

I have found 2 Kitchen Gadgets that are wonderful!:

1.  The LeKue Steamer!  Awesome for one serving of steamed veggies or scrambled eggs!  I love that thing.

2.  A Spiral Vegetable Slicer.  I made "zoodles" with zucchini and steamed them with a little garlic and italian seasoning.  I topped it off with Parmesan Cheese.  YUM.  All I needed was Spaghetti Sauce.  :)  It also makes fun paper-thin sliced cucumbers for salads.  One of my Old 10 faves was spaghetti and meat with spaghetti sauce.  I have now found replacement #1  of my top 10 ...if I can find a spaghetti sauce.  Here's the link (although you all probably know about it already).

That about sums it up for now.  I haven't weighed yet.  Will get batteries for my scale today.

I love yawl. :)

Hearts and Hugs,
Bridget <3

To you all:  Thank you so very much for your support and kind responses! I feel like I have joined a big wonderful loving family. :)

I have ordered the FTS cookbook from Amazon.  I can't wait to try out some of those recipes! They look delicious. :)

Could anyone tell me the best app for iPhone to log my food so I can easily keep up with my carbs?



Hello Doug and everybody,

I bought the FTS book last year.  I couldn't do it because I was so addicted to bread, so Weight Watchers seemed to be the answer for me because they tell you that bread is ok to eat.  Weight Watchers wasn't working.  I cut the calories, ate low fat everything but I was able to eat my beloved bread.  Problem is:  I'm still fat!!

So yesterday I saw a video about how WHEAT is destroying people's health and causing obesity.  There is a book called "Wheat Belly".  I downloaded it and was astounded.  OMG.  My belly is a WHEAT BELLY.  I MUST stop eating wheat.  Then I remembered the wonderful Fat to Skinny book.  I had been on the FTS plan for 2 days last year and quit because I was so addicted to breads and pastas and got a headache when I stopped eating that junk.  NO MORE!  Goodbye Weight Watchers, Hello FTS. 

I know I'll feel horrible at first when I cut out all the breads and pastas, which is why I'm starting this plan next weekend when I'm off work on Monday MLK day.  If there are some tips on handling this bread detox, please share.

I regret that I was a quitter.  But I'm back now and this time I won't give up.



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